The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1602 More than one sacrifice

Chapter 1602 More than one sacrifice (one more)
A stream of black or red gas drifted out from the vortex in the center of the six-pointed star, and the evil aura became heavier and heavier.

The vortex seemed bottomless, and the three of them actually didn't know where the vortex led.

Although their black summoning technique, when chanting the spell, they are talking about the abyss of hell.

Whether the thing that can be summoned really came from there, no one knows.

When the floating gas spread to Mara, Kulina and Ruito, although they didn't stop chanting, everyone's expression was very tense.

They know that the ceremony is already actively choosing sacrifices because there is no one who takes the initiative to sacrifice.

"Don't choose me, choose them, choose them..."

This sentence is what the three of Mara are thinking at this time.

Their eyes looked at each other unconsciously, they were expecting, expecting that the other party could be chosen, hoping that the other party would become a sacrifice.

In that case, his life will be saved.


When the three of Mara looked at each other, Mara suddenly felt his breathing tightened, and a circle of black and red gas wrapped around his body.

The feeling of death followed.

"why me?"

This feeling chilled Mara, he knew that he had been chosen by the ceremony.

He tried to resist the erosion of this gas, but he couldn't resist at all. The power of this gas far surpassed him.

But he was really not reconciled. He wanted to start the summoning ceremony because he was forced to do so, but it didn't mean he wanted to die.

His body began to approach the black vortex at the center of the hexagram uncontrollably.

The closer you get to the vortex, the more sober the feeling of death.

As long as he is absorbed into the vortex, it is impossible for him to come out, and his soul will also disappear.

The sacrifices of the summoning ceremony not only sacrificed the body and life, but also the soul.

The body is getting closer and closer to the black vortex, and it is getting harder and harder for Mara to breathe.

The skin was shriveled, and the already hideous face was even more terrifying at this time.

A pair of eyes had protruded outwards, the eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the blue lips kept trembling, but no sound came out.

In fact, even if Mara can speak at this time, what is the use?
Do you want help?Ask who to save him?Is it Kulina or Rito?
No one would save him at this time, because whoever wanted to save him would have to become a sacrifice and die.

Mara's eyes looked at Kulina and Ruito, seeing the expressions of joy on their faces, Mara's heart was broken.

Especially Rui Tuo, in his eyes, there was actually a hint of pleasure.

Leto really wanted Mara to die, Mara could see it.

"No, I don't want to be a sacrifice, no!"

Now that I have not been sucked into the vortex, I still have a chance, this sacrifice should not be me.

Thinking of this in his heart, Mara frantically turned the breath in his body.

He tried his best to stop his body, resisting the suction force from the vortex, and at the same time, his body approached Rito's direction.

"Ruito, you drew the formation with blood. This sacrifice should be you, so you should be the sacrifice."

At this moment Ruito still had to maintain the summoning ceremony, he couldn't move at will.

Because if he moves, the ritual will disappear, and he will be backlashed.

So watching Marat move towards him, even though Rito was nervous, he couldn't run away.

"It was the ceremony that chose you on its own initiative, and it wasn't me who chose you. Why should I go?"

"Relying on the fact that I am the vice president, I have been suppressing me everywhere. I have endured you for a long time. You were chosen by the ceremony, so just go in obediently!"

Although he couldn't escape the ceremony, Ruito still made a small move.

He grabbed a scroll from his clothes and threw it towards Mara. The scroll exploded halfway, and a black lightning bolt struck Mara.

As long as the lightning hits Mara, Mara will be powerless to resist the absorption of the vortex, unable to break free from the entangled black and red air.

At that moment, Marat would be dead.

But it's not known whether it was Ruito's carelessness, or to maintain the ceremony, which caused his accuracy to drop.

In the roll he threw, the track was deviated, and the lightning shot was also deviated.


"How could this be, don't..."

"Mara, I curse you with my soul, I curse you to die without a whole body, I curse your soul to suffer in purgatory forever..."

The lightning missed, and by coincidence, it hit the black and red air entangled in Mara.

The black and red air was hit by the lightning, and the air trembled violently, and Mara felt his body loosen.

Seizing this opportunity, Mara quickly released a stream of black air to entangle Ruito. Before Ruito could react, he pulled hard and threw Ruito directly into the vortex at the center of the hexagram.

Ruito couldn't break free from the vortex, his body gradually disappeared into the vortex.

Before he disappeared, he cast a vicious curse.

"Curse of the soul, your soul no longer belongs to you, and you still want to curse me!"

"Kulina, recite the mantra quickly, our partners are coming soon!"

Rui Tor became a sacrifice, the ritual's self-selection disappeared, and Marat was freed.

Mara looked at Kulina, who was a little dazed, and Kulina swallowed, and quickly recited the spell.

"The dark wizard Kulina uses blood as a medium and soul as a guide to summon you from the abyss of hell..."

"The black wizard Mara uses blood as a medium and soul as a guide to summon you from the abyss of hell..."

Mara and Kulina chanted the spell, and the black vortex presented a visual sense of an infinite black hole.

A strong evil aura floated out of the vortex, but the summoned thing hadn't come out yet, but instead, the black and red aura wafted out, getting thicker and thicker, wafting around the bodies of Mara and Kulina.

"What's going on? Why is the ceremony still selecting?"

"Is one sacrifice not enough?"

The use of the summoning ceremony is related to the cultivation base of the summoner.

The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the summoned thing will be.

Under normal circumstances, a living sacrifice is enough. This sacrifice can be yourself or other innocent people, as long as it is alive.

But now, Rui Tor has become a sacrifice, but there is no summonable thing, which makes Mara feel puzzled, but also a little excited.

It is rare that multiple sacrifices are required, but the more sacrifices are required, the stronger the thing summoned will usually be.

From the looks of it now, starting the summoning ceremony this time should have summoned an incredible guy.

"Kulina, for the sake of the dark wizard's tomorrow, give your life."

It was the first time that he was actively chosen as a sacrifice, but Mara was still unwilling.

Now he certainly doesn't want to.

Muttering softly, when Kulina looked shocked, Mara actually released a bolt of lightning to hit him, and then threw Kulina into the vortex in the same way as he did to Ruito.

"I will curse you..."

Kulina hated Mara with his eyes. Cursing is a common witchcraft used by black wizards. He also wanted to curse Mara at this time.

But before the curse was finished, he was already swallowed by the vortex...

(End of this chapter)

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