The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1603 Not an Angel

Chapter 1603 Not an Angel (Part [-])
"Why don't you come out? Isn't the sacrifice enough?"

Kulina disappeared into the vortex, and the vortex was spinning rapidly, and the evil aura emitted was getting stronger and stronger.

But Mara never saw anything appearing from the vortex, which made his heart tighten.

The summoning ceremony of the three of Mara must not be simple. Now that there are two sacrifices of Kulina and Ruito, it is not surprising that there is another sacrifice.

But Ma La was contradictory and anxious.

He wishes he could summon something powerful, but he doesn't want to be a sacrifice himself.

He didn't want to die, if he wanted to die, he would be the first sacrifice.


Just when Mara was feeling uneasy, there was a loud noise, and Mara felt the ground shaking under his feet, and his whole body became unstable.

No, not just the ground, but the whole building is shaking.

"What's going on? Was it an earthquake?"

Such violent shaking, what is it if it is not an earthquake?

When Mara felt strange, he looked down at the black vortex. It didn't matter. He saw a flame ejected from the vortex.


The flames erupted, like a volcano erupting, the flames hit the ceiling, and a hole was punched in the ceiling.

At the same time, Mara felt the ground shaking more violently.

A stream of evil black-red gas floated out of the vortex, and the gas spread from the inside of the six-pointed star to the outside, and most of the eighteenth floor was covered by the black-red gas.

At this time, he understood that the shaking of the building was not an earthquake, but because of his summoning ceremony.

After confirming that the shaking was caused by the summoning ceremony, Mara gradually let go of her anxiety.

"Great, it's finally coming out, I don't have to be a sacrifice anymore."

The summoned thing responds, indicating that the summoning ceremony has been successful.

He only needs to wait a moment longer, and the thing he summoned will appear from the vortex.

The most important thing is that the summoning ceremony is completely completed, which means that there is no need to put sacrifices into the ceremony.

Now that the summoning ceremony has become so loud, Ji Yang and others on the lower floors finally felt it.

"What's going on? Could it be an earthquake?"

At this time, the fourth floor where Ji Yang and others were located was completely covered by ghosts.

These ghosts surrounded Ji Yang and others and his ghosts, and attacked frantically. Ji Yang's side was completely submerged in the ghost crowd.

Yun Tianxin felt the shaking under her feet, and the first thing she thought of was an earthquake.


There are many ghosts around, screaming and screaming loudly.

But Ji Yang still heard Yun Tianxin's words.

"No, the tremor didn't originate from the ground, but came from the upper floors."

"I feel a very evil aura gathering on the upper floor. Such an evil aura is incomparable even with so many ghosts."

"This breath is very similar to the breath of the underworld."

Ji Yang's sense is still very keen.

He felt that it was the breath of the black vortex in the hexagram.

The evil aura emanating from the black vortex is so strong that it can only be compared to the underworld that Ji Yang has been to, but this aura is not the aura of the underworld.

"Those three guys didn't run away, but ran to the upper floor. This powerful evil aura must be their fault."

Ji Yang thought for a moment, his eyes fixed, and he said decisively.

When this idea appeared in his heart, Ji Yang was somewhat annoyed, he felt that he was careless.

If he had searched for the remaining breath of the other party when the three of Mara disappeared just now, he would definitely be able to find them, and the current situation would not have happened.

Such an evil breath, I don't know what they made.

"No, I have to stop them!"

"Little Dragon Girl, Yun Tianxin, you stay here, I'll go find those three guys who ran away!"


Ji Yang hoped that he still had time to stop the other party's actions, he shouted at the positions of Xiao Longnv and Yun Tianxin, and his body instantly grew bigger.

The height of the corridor is still very high, about five meters.

The general floor height is about three meters, and four meters is considered high.

Developers who are willing to build such a high floor are very rare, because the remaining height can build a few more floors and sell for a lot of money.

But such a high floor height, Ji Yang expressed his satisfaction.

Because he can change his height into a height of about five meters.

"The Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist!"

The body became bigger, and Ji Yang used the Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist.

Immediately with a hundred punches, the hundreds of ghosts blocking him disappeared, and an open space appeared in front of him.

"Get out of the way, anyone who stands in my way will be punished!"

Ji Yang pointed his black sword forward and shouted loudly.

But his words didn't seem to have any effect, and the empty space in front of him was instantly filled again by the ghosts that rushed in.

These ghosts are simply a group of crazy ghosts who have lost their minds.

"If you don't know how to live or die, then I'll let your souls fly away!"

Seeing that the ghost didn't listen to him, Ji Yang stared, and Tai'a sword appeared in his other hand.

Ji Yang wielded his two swords, and the two swords were like ghost harvesters. All the ghosts within three meters of him were scattered by him one by one.

While fighting, Ji Yang moved forward, and every time he took a step, there were ghosts killed by him.

Five floors, six floors, seven floors... fifteen floors...

Ji Yang walked all the way from the fourth floor, and Ji Yang himself didn't know how many ghosts he killed along the way.

But he knew one thing, that is, the higher he went, the stronger the evil aura would be.

When he stood on the fifteenth floor, there were very few ghosts on this floor.

But there are few ghosts here, and the pressure is greater than the floors below.

"After so many years, I finally came to the world again, hahaha..."

When he passed through the fifteenth floor and came to the sixteenth floor, there was a burst of talking accompanied by wild laughter.

Although the words spoken by the voice are not Chinese, Ji Yang definitely understands them.

Because of the rice language spoken by the other party, Ji Yang still understands it.

And what the other party said made Ji Yang's heart sink.

"How many years have you not come to the mortal world? Could it be an angel?"

The meaning of the other party's words is obvious, he is not a mortal existence.

Not a mortal existence, but also from Omi, Ji Yang instinctively thought of angels.

"Crack, boom, boom..."

When Ji Yang was thinking in his mind, he saw the ceiling cracked and fell, and Ji Yang quickly avoided the falling ceiling.


When he was dodging, there was another loud noise, and a figure about the same height as Ji Yang, also four or five meters high, accompanied the ceiling to the sixteenth floor.

The other party turned his back to Ji Yang, and Ji Yang couldn't see his appearance, but he could be sure that the other party was not an angel.

Because although he has wings on his back, they are a pair of bat-like wings, not angel wings...

(End of this chapter)

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