The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1670 Don't be distracted by fighting with me

Chapter 1670 Don't be distracted by fighting with me (two more)

Among the people from the Dark Night Alliance who came to the sea this time, the strongest ones are on the fourth and fifth floors of the Night Clubhouse.

There was such a big commotion just now, but no one rushed up from the fourth floor, which is not normal in itself.

When fighting Xiao Longnu, you shouldn't be distracted.

But Dongfang Mei's voice is not low, and Dracula and Baia are not deaf, but their hearing is very sensitive.

After hearing Dongfang Mei's words, they knew what was going on.

But it's still a little strange. Logically speaking, if there is a fight on the fourth floor, it can't be silent, right?
Whether it's fighting or screaming, there must be some sound, but until now, no sound can be heard from the fourth floor to the fifth floor.

"Dracula, did you hear the sound of fighting on the fourth floor?"

"No, I didn't hear anything."

Strange in his heart, Baia thought there was something wrong with his sensitive ears.

But after Dracula also said that he didn't hear it, Baia's eyes changed slightly.

"Fight with me, don't be distracted, you are lucky to avoid this sword, and you will not be so lucky with the next sword."

"However, I can answer your doubts and tell you not to look stupid. The reason why you can't hear the sound is because I just made a sound-proof barrier to prevent the sound from the fourth and fifth floors from coming out. "

"So you can't hear the sound of the fourth floor, and the fourth floor can't hear the movement of the fifth floor."

When Dracula and Baia were talking, Xiaolongnv swept out the long sword in her hand.

If Baia and Dracula hadn't reacted so quickly, the two of them would have been disemboweled right now.

Just when they were rejoicing, the indifferent voice of the little dragon girl rang in their ears.

It turns out that Xiaolongnv didn't do anything directly when Ryan was attacked by Baia. She was not really doing what she said, but was training Ryan.

In fact, Xiaolongnv is condensing the sound-proof enchantment.

What the enchantment is, Dracula and Baia also know.

There is an enchantment in Vatican City, which prevents people from the Night Alliance from easily entering.

Similarly, there is also a barrier in the stronghold of the Night Alliance, which can prevent the Holy See from attacking the Night Alliance.

But it is very laborious to make the barrier, and Xiaolongnv actually created the sound-proof barrier without their knowledge, which made the two of them feel sad.

"I said, don't be distracted when fighting with me!"



The little dragon girl's words made Dracula and Baia stunned, and the little dragon girl would not miss this opportunity.

The long sword in his hand stabbed towards Dracula, and Dracula blocked the little dragon girl's sword with the sword, but the two ice picks flew towards him when Dracula blocked the little dragon girl.

Dracula didn't expect the little dragon girl to do this, so he didn't even have a chance to dodge, so he was hit by the ice pick.

Two ice picks hit him and instantly melted into his body. Dracula screamed in pain, and his body felt a chill.

"Damn, despicable!"

"Despicable? I reminded you just now, but you didn't remember it yourself."

Originally, Xiaolongnv was going to give Dracula another two swords.

But Baia at the side had already reacted, waving his sharp claws to grab the little dragon girl, so that the little dragon girl had to give up the idea of ​​chasing.

Seeing luck dispel the cold, Dracula looked at him angrily, and listening to his words, Xiaolongnv shrugged and smiled indifferently.

Whether it's despicable or not, this little dragon girl doesn't care.

And don't tell her anything like a gentleman is magnanimous, because Xiao Longnu is not a gentleman at all, she is a dragon, and she is a mother.


What the little dragon girl said made Dracula angry.

When he was angry, Dracula let out a scream, and the scarlet air gushed out of his body, and several screaming red bats flew out of the scarlet air, and bit the little dragon girl with their mouths open.

These bats are not gas condensed, but real bats.

Seeing these bats, the little dragon girl smiled disdainfully, opened her mouth, let out a dragon chant, the red bats trembled, and exploded one by one.

What is Xiaolongnu, it is the length of a hundred scales, although the bats are not within the hundred scales, but Xiaolongnu's dragon chant is enough to scare them to death.

PS: Kirin is the chief of all beasts, Phoenix is ​​the chief of all birds, tortoise is the chief of hundreds of kites, and dragon is the chief of hundreds of scales. What kind of bat is this?Is it a bird or a beast?Xieben really don't know how to count

"My blood bat, I want to kill you, I must kill you!"

Blood bats, they were bred by Dracula with his own blood.

These blood bats are connected with his blood, so it is not an exaggeration to say that they are his children.

Xiao Longnv killed these blood bats, which is equivalent to killing his child, and the revenge of killing the child is irreconcilable!
Dracula's eyes had completely turned blood red at this time, and the scarlet aura on his body was even more vigorous. His wings spread out on his back, and his aura suddenly increased a lot.

Now he looks a bit like Hu Fei.

The previous him clearly concealed his strength.

"Baya, don't hide your strength anymore, get rid of her as soon as possible!"

It is not only Dracula who hides his strength, but also Baia.

Hearing Dracula's words, Baia let out a wolf howl, and there was a sound of bones bursting on his body, and his body grew bigger in an instant.

The already clear muscles were now more defined and swelled a bit, like stones on his body.

The wolf fur on his body also grew a little longer, and it really looked like needles at this moment.

Xiao Longnv believed that if she was stabbed by these wolf hairs, there would definitely be several blood holes on her body.

Baia at this time has reached four meters in height.

Fortunately, when the Night Club was built, it was considered that the werewolf's body would become bigger, so the floors were higher. Otherwise, Baia might not even be able to stand upright now.


After Baia's body changed, his speed was also much faster.

He rushed forward, his body was accompanied by a gust of wind, and instantly arrived at Xiao Longnu's side, and grabbed Xiao Longnu's body with one claw.

Xiao Longnv swung her sword to block, and Xiao Longnv felt her arm sink.

Not only did Bai Ya's speed increase, but his strength also increased, but Xiaolongnv's strength was not small, so this sword still blocked Bai Ya's sword.


But when the little dragon girl blocked Baia's attack, Dracula also rushed towards the little dragon girl.

Dracula's speed was even faster than Baia's. When he moved, his body instantly disappeared into the scarlet air.

When he reappeared, he was next to Xiao Longnu, and the red long sword in his hand slashed towards Xiao Longnu's head.


"Two-on-one has been going on for so long, it's really fun, how about trying one-on-one?"

When Dracula was about to cut down on the little dragon girl, he was stopped by a black long sword. The black long sword shook, and Dracula's body was shaken back a few steps.

"who are you?"

"Ji Yang!"

Looking at the person who shocked him, Dracula's eyes turned cold. After hearing the other party's name, Dracula's expression changed...

(End of this chapter)

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