Chapter 1671 To live (three more)

"You are Ji Yang?"

"That's right, I am Ji Yang, and you are the legendary Prince Dracula, right?"

Dracula had heard the name Ji Yang countless times.

The number of members of the Dark Night Alliance who died at the hands of Ji Yang is beyond count.

Even the wolf king of the previous generation, Bai Ya's elder brother Bai En, was captured by Ji Yang and handed over to the Holy See.

I just heard a lot about Ji Yang, but this is really the first time I see it.

As for Dracula's name, not to mention that he has heard it since he was a child, but there are still many legends about him.

It can be said that Dracula is the representative of evil in the West, and his reputation in the East is still no less than in the West.

He exists in various film and television works, novels and comics.

However, unlike those virtual things, the Dracula in front of him is real.

"You are Ji Yang, I will tear you up and avenge my brother."

Bai Ya, who was competing with Xiaolongnv, heard that it was Ji Yang who stopped Dracula, and a killing intent flashed in this guy's eyes.

He increased his strength a little bit, pressed down the little dragon girl's sword a little bit, and threw his body towards Ji Yang.

Bai Ya rushed forward, Ji Yang withdrew the black sword in his hand, put his feet on the ground, and slid back five or six meters.

This distance is just enough to avoid Baia's attack and his tall body.

And Xiao Longnv also retreated with Ji Yang when he retreated.

"Why did you come up, the people below are done with it?"

"Really, can't you slow down a bit, I haven't had enough fun yet."

Withdrew to Ji Yang's side, Xiao Longnv held her mouth and complained unhappily.

Hearing Xiaolongnv's complaint, Ji Yang felt very funny, while Dracula and Baia's faces were very ugly.

Dracula is the strongest in the night alliance, and Baia is the wolf king, they are all among the four giants of the night alliance.

The two of them, any one of them, would give people a headache.

But Xiao Longnv was lucky enough to say that fighting with them was just for fun.

If you were playing just now, what would you want if you weren't playing?Impossible to kill in seconds.


He didn't hit Ji Yang all of a sudden, and Bai Ya felt a little upset in his heart.

Now with the stimulation of Xiaolongnv's words, Bai Ya opened his mouth wide and rushed towards Ji Yang just as he stood still.

A fist that looked explosive at first glance, hit Ji Yang's head.

"Boom... roar..."

When Baia hit him with a fist, Ji Yang responded with a punch.

When the two fists collided, Ji Yang's body did not move, but Bai Ya took a few steps back.

After his body stood still, his entire arm was still shaking slightly, and he looked at Ji Yang with a rather shocked look.

In the Dark Night Alliance, in terms of physical strength alone, werewolves are definitely the strongest physically.

As a wolf king, Baia is several times stronger than a werewolf at the level of a wolf king.

The punch just now, not to mention 100% of Baia's power, but it also reached [-]%.

But such a punch was easily blocked by Ji Yang, and Bai Ya was shocked back a few steps, but Ji Yang did nothing. This result made Bai Ya a little unacceptable.

Dracula on the side, seeing this scene, his eyes became more dignified.

"The head of the Feng family has brought people here, and the fourth floor will be handed over to the people of the Feng family. Anyway, Ao Ye is here, so there is no need to worry about their safety."

"Leave these two guys to me. For those prince-level guys, go and help Mei'er and the others take care of them."

It is naturally impossible for Ji Yang to leave the members of the Dark Night Alliance on the fourth floor alone.

There are a lot of members of the Dark Night Alliance below, and he didn't condense the sound barrier on the fourth floor, so some members of the Night Alliance who heard the voice on the third floor also rushed to the fourth floor.

With so many people, how could Ji Yang kill them all at once.

So he would run to the fifth floor without cleaning up on the fourth floor. One was worried that the situation on the fifth floor would change, and the other was that Feng Rong brought some elders of the Feng family to the fourth floor.

After Little Dragon Girl notified Ji Yang to confirm Dracula's identity, Dongfang Mei contacted Feng Rong, and Feng's family had already made preparations outside the night club.

As soon as Ryan made a move on the fifth floor, Ji Yang and others fought against the members of the Dark Night Alliance on the fourth floor.

At the same time, Feng Rong also rushed into the night club with people.

The number of people in the Feng family is not as large as that of the Dark Night Alliance in the Clubhouse of the Night.

But most of the people she brought were the elites of the Feng family, members of the Night Alliance below the earl level, and they didn't have much effect on them.

Feng Rong and several elders of the Feng family simply handed over the members of the Dark Night Alliance below the third floor to the elites of the Feng family who brought them, and then rushed up to the fourth floor by themselves.

The members of the Dark Night Alliance at the duke level are at least as strong as ancient warriors at the heavenly level, and some of them will exceed the heavenly level, barely reaching the level of a sixth-rank immortal.

So Feng Rong and the elders of the Feng family, plus Ao Ye, don't need to worry too much about dealing with the dukes of the Dark Night Alliance.

After knowing the reason, although Xiao Longnv was still a little unhappy, she could only accept her fate.

Who made what is being said here be Ji Yang, not her little dragon girl?

"Hmph, you guys, go to hell."

The little dragon girl was upset, there were still more than [-] princes of the Dark Night Alliance around, but it was blood mold.

These guys have become Xiao Longnu's punching bag.

Although it is said that the members of the Dark Night Alliance at the prince level all have the strength of a sixth-rank immortal.

Twenty or thirty gathered together, the strength is quite terrifying.

But right now, apart from Ruisi and the injured Ryan who are worse than them, Dongfang Mei's strength is not weaker than any of them, and Hu Fei and Xiaolongnv not only overwhelm them.

As soon as Xiao Longnv joined the battle circle, a real howl of ghosts and wolves sounded.

Xiao Longnv didn't kill directly, but every time she stabbed with the sword, there would be blood splashing, she wanted to grind the opponent to death bit by bit, it was cruel enough.

"Dracula, what are you still looking at? If you don't get rid of them quickly, don't say that we can't achieve the purpose of this trip, all these people in the night club will die."

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves sounded, and Baia's breathing became short of breath, smelling the smell of blood wafting in the air.

Blood is infinitely alluring to them.

Under the stimulation of blood, the people of the Night Alliance can also erupt with greater strength.

Therefore, Baia's shortness of breath now is entirely due to excitement.

"I don't need you to tell me, let's do it together, remember, you have to live!"

Baia reminded Dracula, Dracula glared at him, with a scarlet aura rising from his body, he swung his sword and stabbed at Ji Yang.

When Dracula swung his sword, a dozen blood bats appeared around Dracula's body.

Following Dracula's attack, these bats opened their mouths wide and bit towards Ji Yang.

Baia followed Dracula and attacked Ji Yang from the other side.

Attacking from both sides, with the assistance of blood bats, isn't this a good combination?

It's a pity, no matter how good this cooperation is, with their current strength, it would be impossible to capture Ji Yang alive...

(End of this chapter)

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