The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1693 The Eastern Emperor Bell Has a Clue

Chapter 1693 The Eastern Emperor Bell Has a Clue (Part [-])

"Boss, are you going to America?"

Peng Caixuan understood the meaning of Ji Yang's words.

When he heard that Ji Yang was going to the United States, Peng Caixuan seemed hesitant to speak.

Seeing his appearance, Ji Yang smirked, stretched out his hand and hit Peng Caixuan on the head.

But this time, Ji Yang missed and Peng Caixuan escaped.

"Good boy, the reaction is quick."

"Boss, I have been with you for so long, and I am not in vain. I will not suffer the same loss a second time."

Ji Yang applauded, Peng Caixuan proudly raised his head.

Just as he raised his head, Ji Yang's body instantly approached Peng Caixuan, and before he could react, he slapped Peng Caixuan on his chest.

This palm didn't have much strength, but it still pushed Peng Caixuan back two steps.

"This is something I've taught you, boss, to remind you to be vigilant at all times."

Shocking Peng Caixuan back with a palm, Ji Yang said loudly.

Peng Caixuan's expression collapsed, and he smiled bitterly, the boss is the boss after all.

"Look at your kid, you still have something to say, do you want to go to America with me?"

Ji Yang knew Peng Caixuan quite well.

He saw that Peng Caixuan had something to say, but the other party didn't say it, so he asked it himself.

"I would like to go to the United States with the boss, but you also know that Huaxia still has a lot of things to do, and now I have to manage the mysterious group, so I can't go if I want to."

"I just remembered something. Just a few months ago, the Huaxia archaeological team excavated a batch of cultural relics. The preliminary identification of these cultural relics should be from the Xia Dynasty."

"However, in that batch of cultural relics, there is an ancient clock, but the age has not been identified..."

When Peng Caixuan was talking about Chinese cultural relics, Ji Yang's body suddenly trembled.

In his mind, a scene suddenly appeared, which was something that happened when he was in the underworld.

At that time, he met the person who created the law of the Three Realms, no, it should be said that it was a mass of anger.

When the other party told him about the remaining artifacts, he mentioned one of the artifacts, which was taken away by the big monster of the United States.

Now that he said he was going to the United States, Peng Caixuan suddenly mentioned the cultural relics, which reminded him of the stolen artifact.

Ancient clock?

Among the top ten artifacts, there is also an ancient clock, and that is the Donghuang Bell.

"Is this batch of cultural relics lost, right? And it was lost in the country of America?"

Thinking of the lost artifact, Ji Yang asked excitedly.

Peng Caixuan was taken aback by Ji Yang's excitement, and then nodded.

"That's right, these cultural relics are indeed lost. This matter is kept secret, boss, how do you know?"

"I found out by accident that the ancient clock you mentioned, the unidentified ancient clock, is probably the Donghuang Bell, one of the top ten ancient artifacts I was looking for."

"Eastern Emperor Bell, my God!"

Peng Caixuan already knew about Ji Yang's collection of the top ten artifacts.

No matter what he thought, he would never have thought that one of the cultural relics obtained by the Huaxia Archeology Department was the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Because of Peng Caixuan's excitement, his breathing became short of breath.

Is this China's archaeological team very lucky, and the thing is too coincidental.

"It should be the Eastern Emperor Bell, because there is indeed a Chinese artifact left behind in the country of America."

"Tell me quickly, why are the cultural relics discovered by the Huaxia archaeological team lost in the United States?"

Originally, Ji Yang should have taken the initiative to ask about the artifact being taken away by the great monster of the United States.

It's just that there have been many things recently, and he forgot for a while.

Now Peng Caixuan mentioned that Ji Yang must figure things out.

"Boss, don't worry, just listen to me tell you slowly."

The top ten artifacts are very important to Ji Yang, needless to say, since Ji Yang was not calm, Peng Caixuan did not waste any more time, and told Ji Yang the whole story in detail.

Because the cultural relics discovered by the archaeological team are relatively old, they also aroused the interest of some foreign people at that time.

The United States also has its own uniqueness in terms of identification.

At that time, the cultural relics department of the United States took the initiative to invite Huaxia's archaeological team and offered to help Huaxia identify cultural relics, but wanted Huaxia to display these cultural relics in museums in the United States.

Although the relevant departments of Huaxia hesitated for a long time, in order to find out the age and material of the cultural relics, they finally agreed.

Because these cultural relics are very precious, Huaxia also adopted a relatively secretive method, quietly transporting them from land and sea to the United States to prevent them from being spied on by some criminals.

And in order to protect these cultural relics, the Xuan Group also sent several ancient warriors to protect them on board.

But no one thought that even though Huaxia was so careful, something happened.

"According to the news from the ship at that time, the ship carrying cultural relics left the waters of China, and just after entering the waters of the United States, there was a sudden storm in the waters of the United States."

"According to the weather report at the time, it should have been sunny that day, but the storm came so suddenly that the people on board were caught off guard."

"But that's not the point. The most important thing is that along with the storm, there was also a strange figure. According to the information from a member of the Xuan team who was on board at the time, that figure looked very much like a plesiosaur. "

"This plesiosaur is huge, bigger than the ship carrying cultural relics at that time. It is a huge ship. After the plesiosaur appeared, it wanted to drag the ship into the sea."

"The members of the Xuan group launched an attack on the plesiosaur. No one knows what happened after the attack, because after the news of the attack on the plesiosaur came from the members of the Xuan group, there was no news. The ship also disappeared..."

Peng Caixuan told Ji Yang the whole story in detail, and Ji Yang listened very seriously.

When he heard that it was a plesiosaur larger than the giant ship that had attacked the ship, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

He remembered something that the Demon King Jiao once told him, that the Demon King Jiao once encountered a ten thousand year old monster, and this monster belonged to the country of America.

Although Ji Yang has never seen what the Wannian monster looks like.

But the son of the Wannian monster looks like a plesiosaur.

The Donghuang Bell was taken by a big monster in the United States. Isn't a monster of the Wannian level a big monster?
Based on this calculation, the Eastern Emperor Bell probably fell into the hands of the ten-thousand-year monster that the Jiao Demon King had encountered.

"Boss, boss, are you okay?"

When Ji Yang was thinking about the problem, he kept silent.

Seeing Ji Yang's silence for a long time, Peng Caixuan softly called Ji Yang.

"Ah, I'm fine, I just thought of something."

"If I'm right, the batch of Chinese cultural relics should have fallen into the hands of a thousand-year-old monster."

"Ten Thousand Years Monster..."

The strongest monsters that Peng Caixuan has ever seen are Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King.

But whether it is the Peng Demon King or the Jiao Demon King, it is only four to five thousand years.

Even a 5000-year-old monster has terrifying strength.

Wannian monster, thinking about it, Peng Caixuan felt chills in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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