The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1694 Lin Hongda Has News

Chapter 1694 Lin Hongda has news (three more)

The conversation with Peng Caixuan was not a windfall.

After all, before this, Ji Yang already knew that there was an artifact in the country of America, in the hands of a ten-thousand-year monster.

But today it is confirmed that the artifact is the Eastern Emperor Bell, and knowing which monster the artifact may fall into, this is also a surprise.

Originally, Ji Yang wanted to go to the United States, but because of China's affairs, he just wanted to cause some troubles for the United States.

But now, Ji Yang's idea of ​​going to the United States is even stronger when he thinks of the Eastern Emperor Bell in the United States.

"Book a ticket early tomorrow morning, and I'm going to the United States as quickly as possible."

The idea is strong, Ji Yang said firmly.

Knowing that Ji Yang was going to the United States, Peng Caixuan was somewhat depressed.

Going to the United States this time must be very exciting.

But because I have a lot of things to do now, I can't keep up with the past, how can I not make people depressed.

"Boss, it's getting late, so I'll go first."

"I'll help you book your ticket."

"Okay, then you book the earliest flight to the United States tomorrow morning, let's book three tickets first."

When going to America, Ji Yang will definitely not go alone.

Apart from Dongfang Mei and Ao Ye beside him, he was going to let Jiao Demon King follow him.

The reason why the Demon King Jiao was brought there was because the Demon King Jiao had contact with that ten-thousand-year monster.

But Demon King Jiao is not on DL's side, so even if Demon King Jiao goes to the United States, Demon King Jiao has to book a flight ticket from Kyoto himself.

As for whether the Flood Demon King will bring other people with him at that time, that's another matter.

Peng Caixuan left the barracks, and because Ji Yang was thinking about going to the country of America, Dongfang Mei continued to recover there, so Ji Yang didn't fall asleep at all that night.

The next morning, Ji Yang and Dongfang Mei walked out of the barracks together as soon as the sky dawned and Dongfang Mei recovered.

Because Huang Yi took all the soldiers in the camp to the border except for the soldiers who were injured from fighting with the monkey group, there were very few people in the camp.

"Boss, are you up so early?"

"The sun is on your ass, and it's still early, didn't you wake up too."

"What about the plane ticket, have you booked it?"

Not long after Ji Yang and Dongfang Mei walked out of the barracks, they saw Peng Caixuan also coming out of the barracks.

The matter of booking air tickets to the United States was handed over to Peng Caixuan, and Ji Yang took this matter more seriously, so Ji Yang asked about the air tickets as soon as they met.

It's just that after hearing Ji Yang's words, Peng Caixuan was a little embarrassed.

"Boss, there are not many planes flying from Huaxia to the United States. I have already contacted someone to book air tickets, but I don't know what happened in the past two days. There are more people going to the United States, and the air tickets have been booked out."

"What? Fully booked?"

Peng Caixuan's answer left Ji Yang quite speechless.

Entering the United States, it is not easy to make too much fanfare, so I can only choose to use civilian flights.

But now that the ticket for the flight is gone, how can I go there?
Facing Ji Yang's inquiry, Peng Caixuan could only shrug his shoulders helplessly, because he really had no choice.

If you use a private jet, this can be obtained.

But in that case, it would be too easy to attract the attention of the United States, so it must not work.

Just when Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan felt a little upset because they didn't book a ticket, the phone rang suddenly.

"Boss, may I answer the phone first?"

The ringtone of the mobile phone came from Peng Caixuan. He took out the mobile phone and saw that the call was from Peng Tianlong.

At this time, Peng Tianlong called, and Peng Caixuan's heart sank. He instinctively thought that something bad had happened.

Otherwise, Peng Tianlong probably wouldn't have called himself so early.

After all, Peng Tianlong also knew that Peng Caixuan was not traveling in DL.

"Grandpa, call me so early, is Huaxia in trouble again?"

After answering the phone, Peng Caixuan directly named the subject.

"Is Ji Yang by your side?"

"Boss? He's by my side, are you looking for him?"

Peng Caixuan asked, Peng Tianlong did not answer his question, but asked Ji Yang.

This made Peng Caixuan frowned, feeling a little strange.

"Give Ji Yang the phone, I'll tell him something."

"Boss, grandpa is looking for you."

Peng Caixuan is not stupid, and now he also understands that although Peng Tianlong's call is for himself, he is actually a messenger.

The person Peng Tianlong is really looking for is Ji Yang.

"Team Leader Peng, I'm Ji Yang, what can I do for you?"

After taking Peng Caixuan's cell phone, Ji Yang was in a bad mood, so he was not in the mood to talk a lot of polite and nonsense with Peng Tianlong, and asked the topic directly.

"I'm looking for you because of Lin Hongda, he has news."

Lin Hongda, the leader of Huatian Sect, Lin Liping's father.

About Lin Hongda, Ji Yang once told Fang Xiong, hoping to tell him if there is any news.

Now Fang Xiong didn't look for him, but Peng Tianlong directly looked for him, there should be some reason.

"Is he dead or alive now?"

"I'm still alive for the time being, but I won't live for a few days..."

Lin Hongda was brought back by Cui Youtian to Tiandao Sect in country H. Ji Yang didn't know what the situation was, whether he was alive or dead.

But according to what Peng Tianlong said, although Lin Hongda is not dead now, the situation is definitely not very good.

Peng Tianlong told Ji Yang that because of Lin Hongda's arrest, Peng Tianlong also sent people to country H.

After all, Huatianjiao is a relatively special and influential force within China.

Tian Taoism has arrested Lin Hongda, this matter must be clarified, and Lin Hongda cannot be allowed to have trouble.

The members of the Xuan Group sent to Country H, after entering Country H, the mission progressed fairly smoothly, and they also successfully entered the headquarters of Tiandao Sect.

In the headquarters of the Tiandao Sect, the people from the Xuan Group had some means and arrested a steward of the Tiandao Sect.

From the steward's mouth, he knew Lin Hongda's location.

Although the Tiandao Sect supervised Lin Hongda very strictly, the members of the Xuan Group still saw each other.

"Lin Hongda's tendons in his hands and hamstrings have been broken, and his body was also seriously injured."

"After my people met him, they had a brief exchange with him. According to Lin Hongda, the reason Tiandao Sect arrested him was because he refused Huatian Sect to return to Tiandao Sect and refused to become a branch of Tiandao Sect."

"Lin Hongda was born in China and grew up in China, so even though he has the blood of H country people in his body, he still thinks that he is a real Chinese person. The Huatian Sect is also a Chinese power and has nothing to do with Tiandao Sect."

"Even if Tiandaoist tortured him, he still didn't agree to the other party."

"He has a backbone, he is a man, has he been brought back to Huaxia now?"

Since the Xuanzu people saw Lin Hongda, they should bring him back to Huaxia.

Ji Yang thought so in his heart, but Peng Tianlong poured cold water on him.

"Lin Hongda was still in Country H. When my people were about to take him away from the headquarters of Tiandao Sect, they were discovered."

"There are many masters in the Tiandao Sect. The members of the Xuan Group failed to bring Lin Hongda out, so I hope that you can go to country H and bring Lin Hongda back to China..."

(End of this chapter)

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