The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1727 Something Never Thought Of

Chapter 1727 Something Never Thought (Third)
Cui Youyang was able to become the leader because of Ji Yang.

Regardless of what method Ji Yang used, what means he used, and who he killed, anyway, Cui Youyang's today was given to him by Ji Yang.

So Cui Youyang bowed his knees to Ji Yang, and Ji Yang felt normal, there was nothing unacceptable.

After Cui Youyang left the room, Ji Yang held Dongfang Mei in his arms.

"Meier, what do you think of this Cui Youyang?"

"How is it? It feels good. Judging from his performance in the past few days, he can be cultivated."

"Well, I think the same as you. Although I don't convince people with virtue, as long as I make him obey, that's enough."

Cui Youyang's performance in front of Ji Yang, Ji Yang knew that Cui Youyang might have some respect for him.

But what really made Cui Youyang obedient was his fear of Ji Yang.

But as Ji Yang said, no matter what the reason is, since Cui Youyang can do things for himself with peace of mind, that's fine.

With Ji Yang's temper, as long as Cui Youyang is obedient, Ji Yang will not treat him badly.

One night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Ji Yang heard the noise outside without leaving the room.

Today is the day of Cui Youyang's new leader's ceremony. Representatives from all Tiandaoist branches in country H will come to the Tiandaoist headquarters.

According to what Cui Youyang said before, there are as many as a thousand people who came to the headquarters of Tiandao Sect today.

According to the situation of the new leader ceremony of Tiandao Sect, in addition to the people of Tiandao Sect, many guests will be invited. Some of these guests are official leaders of country H, some are business giants, or the patriarchs of certain families.

There is another group of essential people, and that is the media.

But none of these will appear at Cui Youyang's new leader's ceremony today.

Originally, according to Cui Youyang's idea, he wanted to invite more qualified people to participate, after all, it is not easy to be a leader.

But after Ji Yang denied it, Cui Youyang also agreed.

Ji Yang didn't let Cui Youyang call these people, not because he didn't want to give Cui Youyang a chance to pretend to be forced, but because it was inappropriate this time.

Because of this new leader ceremony, Ji Yang has a very important part in the scene.

If he was exposed in front of the media, would he still have anything to play in the future?
"Ji Shao, it's almost time, everyone has arrived, and I'm waiting for you."

There was a lot of noise outside the house, but Ji Yang didn't go out to take a look. He was lying on the bed with Dongfang Mei in his arms, brushing her hair, playing there.

After all, today is the official day for Cui Youyang to be the leader, and Ji Yang is actually playing with his hair?

If Cui Youyang knew about this, he wondered if Cui Youyang would be critically hit by [-] points.

"I see. I'm not interested in your early stage process. When it's time for me to play, please let me know."

"Alright Young Master Ji, then I won't bother you."

The person who came to call Ji Yang was Elder Hao who had been with Cui Youyang for many years.

When one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Now that Cui Youyang has become the leader, Elder Xi and Elder Hao who follow Cui Youyang naturally have different identities from before.

The identities of the two of them have been upgraded from the former ordinary elders.

Elder Hao is now the Great Elder, and Elder Xi is the Elder of Law Enforcement. These are the two most powerful elders.

As for the matter called Ji Yang, there is no need for Elder Hao, who is the great elder, to go out, just find someone to come, after all, it is just a message.

Elder Hao came in person, this is to express his attitude, to express his importance and respect for Ji Yang.

Because everything about him comes from Cui Youyang, rather than Ji Yang.

In fact, whether it is Cui Youyang as the new leader, or Elder Hao and Elder Xi respectively becoming the Grand Elder and Law Enforcement Elder, there are still some frictions and contradictions in the process.

After all, many people in the Tiandao Sect headquarters that night saw what Ji Yang and the others did.

Cui Youyang treats Ji Yang and the others as distinguished guests (not yet mentioning the matter of faith) which makes people suspect that there is some kind of trick in it.

Because the old leader Cui Shiming and the strong contender for the position of leader Cui Youtian all died at the hands of Ji Yang.

Now that Cui Youyang is going to be the leader of the sect, and he respects Ji Yang and others so much, no one will believe it if he says it's okay.

But in the face of these doubts, even if many people know it well, Cui Youyang and Ji Yang will not admit it foolishly.

And some people who still can't see the form clearly raised doubts.

It's just that these people who raised doubts disappeared from the world the next day, leaving no trace, no bones left, and no one knows where they went.

The disappearance of these people made the remaining people tacitly recognize Cui Youyang's status as the new leader.

As for those who have evaporated, don't ask Ji Yang, because Ji Yang doesn't know either.

Because at that time, he handed over this matter to Peng Caixuan and Ao Ye, and Ji Yang didn't ask what they did.

Anyway, what he wants is the result, not the process.

If it wasn't for Ji Yang's arrangement, even if Cui Youyang was the candidate with the best chance of becoming the new leader, it might not go well. Indirectly, there would be nothing wrong with Elder Hao and Elder Xi.

Across the door, although Elder Hao didn't meet Ji Yang directly, his expression still kept a low profile.

Before he knew it, Elder Hao had developed a feeling of awe and admiration towards Ji Yang.

After Elder Hao left, Dongfang Mei was going to get up and tidy up.

Because wait, it's a moment to witness a miracle, she thinks it's better not to be too casual.

To be honest, although Dongfang Mei knew that Ji Yang was very strong, it was indescribably strong.

She knew that because of chance, Ji Yang became the only person who could contact the heaven and the underworld through WeChat in the mortal world, and she became a god in the end.

But she really never thought that one day Ji Yang would really be worshiped as a god.

Unfortunately, Dongfang Mei's plan fell through because of Ji Yang's scoundrel.

In the end, instead of getting up successfully, he started exercising with Ji Yang in shyness.

Outside the sky is full of gongs, drums and firecrackers, Cui Youyang is making the biggest turning point in his life.

The room where Ji Yang and Dongfang Mei were staying was also very lively.

It's just this voice, when Peng Caixuan and Ao Ye looked at each other, they could see the embarrassment on each other's face.

Don't blame Ji Yang for the loud sound in the room, it's not as loud as the thunderous sound of drums, right?

No wonder, the two rooms are too close to each other, and Peng Caixuan and Ao Ye's hearing is too good.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not interested in you."

"Wori, I have a fiancee, and my orientation is normal!"

Peng Caixuan and Ao Ye, who were a little stimulated, started bickering mode.

How long did the voices of Ji Yang and Dongfang Mei last, and no one tried to calculate the time.

Anyway, less than 2 minutes after the two of them stopped fighting, Elder Hao had already arrived outside Ji Yang's room again.

He told Ji Yang that the new leader's succession ceremony was over, and it was time for Ji Yang to appear...

(End of this chapter)

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