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Chapter 1728 No need to worship God anymore

Chapter 1728 No need to worship God anymore (one more)
Elder Hao came to call Ji Yang again, and Ji Yang asked Elder Hao to leave first, saying that he would go there soon, and Elder Hao left.

When Ji Yang and Dongfang Mei were putting on clothes and tidying up, thousands of believers gathered in the square of the headquarters of Tiandao Sect.

"See the leader!"

The decoration on the square is gorgeous, and Cui Youyang sits on the high platform, looking down at the worshipers below.

Looking at the worship of the believers, Cui Youyang felt refreshed.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time, but it came much faster than he expected.

Although Cui Shiming is old, he is in good health.

If it wasn't for Ji Yang's attack this time, Cui Youyang wouldn't be surprised if Cui Shiming would be the leader for another ten or twenty years.

After signaling to the worshipers to get up, someone asked if it was time to worship God.

Believers of Tiandao believe in God.

The leader of Tiandao Sect is just the person who manages Tiandao Sect. After becoming the new leader, it is a necessary process to lead the believers to worship God.

"Wait a minute, before I go to worship God, I have something to announce."

Cui Youyang is not surprised at all when someone proposes to worship God.

But when someone mentioned it, Cui Youyang refused without any hesitation.

His refusal stunned everyone.

In a daze, not only people from various branches of country H, but also people from the headquarters of Tiandao Sect.

Cui Youyang never mentioned the matter of making Ji Yang the God of Heavenly Taoism, so only Cui Youyang, Elder Hao and Elder Xi knew about it.

Now that Cui Youyang refuses to worship God, he is ready to mention this matter.

Anyway, this matter must be said today. If we don't say it now, when will we wait.

"Master, according to the rules of Tiandaoism, after the ceremony of the new leader, the new leader must worship God immediately. If you have something to announce, should you wait until after worshiping God?"

"Yes, Master, worshiping God is a major event, and it cannot be delayed."

"That's right, we should worship God first..."

Cui Youyang has just taken the position of leader, it is impossible to say that everyone believes in him.

Some people who think they have a higher seniority in the teaching are now starting to criticize Cui Youyang.

Looking at the people who refuted him, Cui Youyang wrote down these people one by one.

Those who can use it for themselves are kept.

What can't be used is to divide and then quickly.

For the position of leader, his own grandfather and younger brother were killed.

What kind of people are these people in Cui Youyang's eyes.

Cui Youyang's character, unconsciously, has become very vicious.

"Rules are made by people. The previous rules were made by the older generation of Tiandao Sect. Since they are made by people, they can be changed. Am I right?"

Cui Youyang glanced at everyone indifferently, and said in a chilly voice.

Just sitting on the leader's seat, I thought about changing the centuries-old rules of Tiandaoism, what is this?Is the new official taking office three fires?

"Master, the rules of Tiandao Sect have always been like this. Just after you became the leader, you wanted to change the rules of the older generation. Isn't it appropriate?"

"That's right, it's really inappropriate for the leader to do this. Now we don't worship God, does the leader want us to worship you in the future?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how can the leader compare with God..."

It was still those people who refuted Cui Youyang just now, and they spoke again this time.

Cui Youyang really can't be soft on these people.

Otherwise, I will definitely make trouble for myself in the future.

However, their words sparked a conversation and gave Cui Youyang a chance to continue talking.

"Tiandaoism has been established for a hundred years. During these years, we have been believing in God, and God has indeed brought us a lot of blessings."

"However, it is really impossible for us to worship God today, and we will never have the opportunity in the future."

"Because God had already disappeared three days ago."

When Cui Youyang talked about these people, his eyes were fixed on the Tiandao believers below.

He could see the unbelievable expressions of Tiandao believers when he said this.

It's just that whether they believe it or not, it can't change the fact that God is indeed gone.

"Master, you are the master of a sect, and there are certain things that cannot be said indiscriminately."

"God is the foundation of my Tiandao religion. Where did the leader say this? Although you are already the leader, if you don't respect God, then we can't respect you."

"That's right, leader, you have to be responsible for what you say. God is a powerful god. Who can make him lose his soul? Could it be that you saw it with your own eyes?"

God's soul flew away, this matter sounds, it is too shocking.

Most people were surprised, and their expressions were quite disturbed, but they didn't speak.

One is that they dare not talk nonsense easily, and the other is that they know that if they don't speak up, someone will stand up and speak up.

Doesn't someone stand up now?

"Presumptuous, since you know that the leader of the sect is the leader of the sect, then you should only be respectful. Are you disrespecting the leader so much, are you going to accept punishment from the canon?"

Elder Xi, now the law enforcement elder.

He is also a person who understands the situation and is on Cui Youyang's side.

At this time, how can we not stand up and say a few words.

"Elder Law Enforcement, there are three fires for new officials, but your fire seems to be burning earlier. We are not disrespecting the leader, but the leader first disrespected God. Although the leader is big, the core of Tiandaoism is God."

"If you are a leader but don't respect God, how can we believers respect him?"

The person who spoke at this time was still the one who had been refuting Cui Youyang.

Hearing the other party's rebuttal, Cui Youyang showed a few sneers on his face.

"I really don't know whether to call you Elder Cui or Third Grandpa."

"I feel that many people are still unconvinced about me as the leader, but what I said just now is not disrespecting God, but the truth."

"Great Elder, bring the things up."

"Obey, Master!"

The person who kept contradicting him was Cui Shiming's younger brother Cui Shiyu.

In addition to Cui Youyang and Cui Youtian, Cui Shiyu is also the favorite for the new leader. Now that Cui Youyang is the leader, Cui Shiyu naturally has no chance, and it is inevitable that he will be unhappy.

"what is this?"

Looking at the tray held by Elder Hao, there were broken jade pendants and broken swords in the tray, and everyone who looked at these things was stunned.

"Didn't you ask me, did you see the soul of God fly away with your own eyes?"

"Then let me tell you, I did see it with my own eyes. Everyone at the Tiandao Sect headquarters saw it three nights ago."

"And the things on the tray are the magic weapons that God destroyed, the turtle dragon pendant and the serpent sword!"

Cui Youyang said in an indifferent voice, everyone's face turned pale...

(End of this chapter)

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