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Chapter 1744 A Dramatic Card

Chapter 1744 A Dramatic Card (Part [-])
Blackjack is all about luck, wisdom and guts.

Whether it is Pamixi with a big card now, or Ji Yang with only 4 points, no one knows what the next card will bring them.

Ji Yang's next card may make him explode directly, and Pamixi may also get a satisfactory point because of the next card.

Although the croupier has dealt three cards to Ji Yang and Pamixi respectively, it feels like now is the real start of the game.

To be precise, every card issued is a new beginning.

Compared to the nervousness of the people around, Ji Yang and Pamixi sitting at the extremes of the gaming table were calmer than the onlookers.

Although Pamisi looked a little more dignified than Ji Yang, he was much stronger than the people watching around him.

"Ji Yang, look at his hands, he seems to be thinking about something."

Dongfang Mei was already sitting next to Ji Yang at this time, and she found that after Ji Yang got the third card, Pamissi's hands tapped the gambling table rhythmically.

Pamixi's fingers were fast and slow, and his brows sometimes stretched and sometimes wrinkled.

Occasionally, the mouth will move, and the fingers will follow the expression and the movement of the mouth, and the rhythm of tapping will change.

"If I'm not wrong, he should be counting cards."

"I once read a book, which happened to introduce how to win money at blackjack. Of course, it was a one-sided introduction, and it didn't really tell you how to win money. Otherwise, you can win money by just reading a book. Don't we all become gods of gamblers, every bet is guaranteed to win."

"But in that book, it was mentioned that although there are more than a dozen ways to win money at blackjack, the most practical method is card counting."

"Card counting?"

Ji Yang communicated with Dongfang Mei softly, and he didn't care whether Pamixi heard his words, anyway, he still had something to say.

In terms of gambling, although Dongfang Mei has been involved, she is not too skilled.

Card counting, she has heard of it. In fact, card counting is very important in many poker-related games.

The most familiar one is Doudizhu. After all, whether it is blackjack or Texas Hold'em, most people have relatively little contact with it in normal times.

But Doudizhu is a relatively common game. If someone can count cards, the probability of winning will be greatly increased.

The so-called card counting is to use the cards in one's hand and the cards that the opponent has shown to speculate on the possible cards in the opponent's hand, and at the same time speculate on the next card that will appear, so as to increase the chance of winning and let oneself adapt to the situation.

However, the premise of card counting is that players need to be able to remember cards, so not everyone who wants to count cards can count.

"Master Pamissi, speak up."

"Da da da……"

When Ji Yang was communicating with Dongfang Mei, the middle-aged croupier looked at Pamissi.

From the experience of a middle-aged croupier, he also saw that Pamisi was probably counting cards at this time.

But there are rules on the gaming table, and it is impossible for him to wait for Pamisi to finish his calculations and open his mouth, so he can only speak first.

Just hearing what the middle-aged croupier said, Pamissi didn't speak directly.

But the force with which he knocked on the gaming table was a bit stronger, which made the knocking sound much louder.

Many people's hearts beat with the sound of his knocking.

"Master Pamissi, you..."

Pamissi still didn't speak, and after nearly a minute, the middle-aged croupier instinctively wanted to remind Pamissi to speak.

But before he finished speaking, Pamissi stared at him, and the croupier closed his mouth.

The gamble in front of him is related to [-] million yuan, and it is also related to the safety of Pamixi.

Pamisi considered it carefully, and it was not too much. The middle-aged croupier should not urge him. He urges him just out of an instinctive habit.

"Continue to ask for cards. My burst rate is very high, but according to my calculations, the probability of my next card being less than 6 is still quite high, so I want a card."

As expected, Pamisi was counting cards, and his words have proved this point.

At the same time, Pamisi also showed his wisdom and courage, and he chose to ask for the card.

Not to mention that he himself feels that the chance of his next card being less than 6 is not small, even if there is only a [-]% chance, judging by his appearance, he will choose to ask for a card at this time.

This is gambling, betting on your own luck.

Hearing that Pamixi asked for a card, the middle-aged croupier nodded, and reached out to touch the top card in the stack in front of him.

When drawing this card, the middle-aged croupier was also thinking, if he was in the position of Pamisi, would he ask for a card?
"3 of diamonds!"

"It's the 3 of diamonds. It's 19 points. He has 19 points. His calculation is very accurate."

"It didn't explode directly, his luck is too good..."

The card dealt to Pamisi was a 3 of diamonds.

Seeing this card, Pamissi had a triumphant smile on his face, and he was right.

When people around saw this card, they also praised his luck and his card counting skills.

The probability of being able to get a card with 6 points or less is much lower than the probability of getting a card with 6 points or more, so he can get the 3 of diamonds, and his luck is really out of the table.

"9 diamonds, 7 diamonds, 3 diamonds, a flush, but unfortunately it's not fried golden flowers, a flush is useless."

"Then what is your hole card? Is it a 2 of diamonds?"

If the hole card is 2, then Pamisi has 21 points.

Ji Yang looked at Pamissi's cards, and spoke softly as if asking questions. While speaking, he was also observing Pamissi's expression.

But at this time, Pamixi is trying hard to hide himself, not letting Ji Yang see anything from his face, so he always maintains a mysterious smile.

"The diamond is my lucky card. Whether my hole card is the 2 of diamonds, you will know when the cards are turned."

"Now it's your turn to speak."

Pamixi looked at Ji Yang and reminded Ji Yang that it's time to ask for a card.

Ji Yang shrugged, nodded to the middle-aged croupier, and at the same time asked for a card.

Pamixi even dared to ask for 16 points, but Ji Yang only had 4 points. Don't even think about it, it must be a card.

"Block 2!"

"It turned out to be a 2 of diamonds, and another 2."

"Then the card below him must not be a 2 of diamonds!"

Ji Yang was still teasing Pamixi just now, asking him if his hole card was a 2 of diamonds.

But who would have thought that the card Ji Yang wanted was the 2 of diamonds.

This card is really a bit dramatic.

The square card is Pamish's lucky card, but his luck seemed to be broken when Ji Yang got the 2 of diamonds.

If Pamisi's hole card is still a diamond, then he either has a bust or an ace, which adds up to 20 points.

"Zizizi, I'm so sorry to break your luck."

"Diamond 2, six o'clock, should I continue to ask for cards? Or should I stop?"

Ji Yang had already got three 2s in his hand at this time, and there were only four 2s in the whole deck of cards, so the probability that the hole card in Pamixi's hand might be the last 2 of spades was very small.

And after seeing Ji Yang's cube 2, Pamixi's expression was obviously a little unnatural...

(End of this chapter)

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