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Chapter 1745 Can 5 Dragons

Chapter 1745 Can the Five Dragons (three more)
Ji Yang and Pamixi bet on blackjack, but they didn't pay out, and they didn't use perspective methods to see the cards.

Now he is a real gambler.

Although he didn't use any means, Ji Yang has good eyesight. It can be said that he has basically memorized the positions of all the cards in the card inspection just now.

And at the gambling table, observe the opponent, every movement of the opponent, even if it is very subtle, can also send a message.

Pamisi, who has been hiding herself, saw the change in Ji Yang's expression after he got the square 2. Although it was very short, it was also captured by Ji Yang.

Without the appearance of this 2 of diamonds, according to what Pamisi said earlier, it would be easy for people to think that his hole card is the 2 of diamonds.

But now that square 2 has appeared, this possibility has been broken.

And the change in his expression at this time made Ji Yang think that 90.00% of Pamyxi's hole card is not the 2 of spades.

"Da da da……"

Pamysi was tapping the table again, and he was counting the cards again.

He was counting the cards, wondering if he should take the cards.

"If I'm not mistaken, your hole card should be A, and it's probably the A of Diamonds."

"Block A plus cube 9, cube 7 and cube 3, your current points should be 20 points."

When Pamixi was thinking, Ji Yang seemed to be doing it on purpose, and said softly.

Ji Yang is putting pressure on the other party, he is telling the other party his guess.

After hearing Ji Yang's words, Pamixi's hand that hit the gambling table visibly paused, and his eyes changed slightly.

This slight change brought a smile to Ji Yang's face. Ji Yang can be sure that he guessed right.

Pamysi's hole card is an ace.

"Sure enough, it's 20 points. Do you want to gamble it? If the next card is an A, then you will have 21 points."

"However, there are only three Aces in it. The probability of you getting it is very small. In fact, 20 points is a lot, but you can still get it. Since it is a gamble, you must have the courage to gamble."

I guessed it right, Ji Yang leaned on the back of the chair, as if kindly offering advice to Pamixi.

But what he said made Pamixi feel a little annoyed.

At this time, not talking is the real help, and talking will only disturb Pamixi's mind.

"Shut up, I know what to do."

Pamixi's heart was disturbed, and Ji Yang's words made him confused.

Pamixi is not short of money, although [-] million yuan is a lot of money for him, but he can still choose to ignore it.

What he cares about is what will happen if he loses.

Once he lost, he would not only lose face, but also be thrown into the sea, which would be fatal.

After all, in this vast sea, there is not even a single ship or island that can be seen.

"OK, then think about it for yourself, I'm a little thirsty, so I'll drink this drink first."

"Baby, pour me another glass, and save it for him to drink when he jumps into the sea."

Ji Yang said to Dongfang Mei with a faint smile, Dongfang Mei smiled lightly and poured a glass of wine for Ji Yang.

At this time, Ji Yang was still acting as if he was determined by Pamixi.

While drinking the wine in his glass, Ji Yang stopped talking, but his eyes were fixed on Pamixi.

"Da da da……"

Pamyxi's hand speed on the table was quickened, and her expression became more and more dignified.

20 points is indeed a number with a high winning rate.

Keep asking for cards, the probability of getting an A is very small, but according to his calculations, there is still a possibility that the next card will be an A.

But if you want it, once you bust your cards, you will lose. After all, the chance of busting your cards is even greater.

Instinctively, Pamissi glanced at Ji Yang opposite, Ji Yang's calmness made Pamissi's face gloomy.

This calmness inadvertently put a lot of pressure on Pamixi.

"Master Pamissi, do you want to try to get another card?"

"No, I don't think we can take it anymore. Our card is already 19 points, and he only has 17 points. Even if the hole card is an Ace, he is only 2 points. He must ask for a card. It's only 19 points, if he gets the big one, then he will explode, so Master Pamissi, we don't need cards, the probability of winning is high."

"You only need a card. If the next card is an ace, then Master Pamissi has 21 points, so you are guaranteed to win. You must."

"I can't, it exploded..."

The two Chinese who accompanied Pamixi were also very nervous.

Although they are not directly involved in the game, they are chips.

Once Pamisi loses, they will be thrown into the sea together.

Especially after knowing Ji Yang's identity, they knew that Ji Yang would definitely do what he said.

So when Pamixi was thinking, they couldn't be a quiet onlooker.

The two Chinese people started to quarrel, and their quarrel made Pamixi, who was already restless, even more irritable.

"Shut up you two, I know what to do."

"If you continue to talk nonsense, I will throw you into the sea right now."

Quiet is very important to the current Pamixi.

The quarrels and proposals between the two will not help Pamixi, but will annoy him even more.

Not afraid of friends like gods, but teammates like pigs, these two Chinese people are completely a trap.

"You Huaxia have a saying that is good, it is called breaking and building before you can be invincible. You can't miss the overall situation for some petty gains."

"You want me to ask for a card, you want me to bust it, so I just don't want it. I don't believe that your luck will be so good. The chance of your next card busting is no less than mine."

"I choose to suspend trading!"

The cheating teammates stopped talking, and Pamixi finally made his own choice.

Under the influence of his own calculation and Ji Yang's previous words, Pamixi chose to suspend trading.

After finishing talking here, Pamixi directly showed his hole cards.

As expected by Ji Yang, Pamixi's hole card is the Ace of Diamonds, and Pamixi has a total of 20 points.

20 points, the winning rate is already very high.

Especially when the cards reach the four-card stage.

If more than four cards reach five cards, the burst rate is very high, and those that do not explode are the so-called five dragons in blackjack.

Five dragons have different rules in different places. In many places, as long as you reach the five dragons, even if you have fewer points, you will be counted as a winner, even if you have blackjack.

But today, there is no such rule, but Wulong still makes people look forward to it.

"Ask for cards!"

Pamixi stopped trading, and Ji Yang didn't say anything to provoke him, but looked at the dealer.

To be honest, Ji Yang was still a little nervous at this time.

Because he didn't use any means, and he didn't have perspective. He is relying on luck now.

But in his memory, the next card should be an ace.

That is to say, if Pamixi gets this card, Pamixi may have 21 points. Just now he deliberately asked Pamixi to ask for the card, in fact, it was to stimulate the other party and make the other party not want it.

Then, is this card an A? Can Ji Yang make up five dragons...

(End of this chapter)

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