The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1751 Ji Yang Has No Conscience

Chapter 1751 Ji Yang Has No Conscience (Three Shifts)

"You heartless boy, have you forgotten the agreement between us?"

Ji Yang was so bored that he was ready to go to bed, and when he saw Huangdi's WeChat message, he naturally wanted to click on it.

Just clicking on Huangdi's WeChat, Ji Yang was instantly stunned.

Heartless boy?Agreement?
What the hell is this?Is there an agreement between myself and the Yellow Emperor?Why didn't Ji Yang remember.

"Have I promised him anything? Why don't I remember?"

No matter how he thought about it, Ji Yang couldn't remember any agreement between himself and the Yellow Emperor.

Could it be that the Yellow Emperor sent the wrong WeChat?

But judging from his tone, he should be telling himself that he was right.

Could it be that he deliberately deceived himself, trying to take the opportunity to cheat himself?
Unable to understand, Ji Yang originally planned to give up on this and go to sleep first, but he felt that it was wrong, so he finally sent a WeChat message to Huang Di.

"Huangdi, what do you mean, why can't I understand?"

"When did I make an appointment with you, and you can tell me what the appointment is."

Ji Yang sent out the message, and soon Huangdi replied to Ji Yang on WeChat.

The content of the WeChat message is similar to the WeChat message sent to Ji Yang earlier. First, he scolded Ji Yang from head to toe.

"Whether you're finished or not, what's the matter, or I'll lose my face."

"I've talked a lot, it's all nonsense. I have a lot of things to do recently. If you don't talk about it, I will shut down the phone!"

Being scolded by the Yellow Emperor, Ji Yang was naturally very upset.

If it wasn't for the Yellow Emperor not in front of him, Ji Yang would have rushed over.

Huang Di looked at the WeChat in his hand, and knew that Ji Yang was really mad, and he was also resenting the resentment in his heart, and he had almost vented it, so he got to the point.

"You kid is ignorant, and you still speak so righteously, what is this?"

"It doesn't matter, just say it if you have something to say. I have a lot of things recently. I may have forgotten something. If I forget something, it means it's not important. If you don't say anything, I will block you !"

"It doesn't matter what you forget. This matter is very important. Let me ask you, have you got the Nuwa Stone?"

Ji Yang first said to shut down the phone, but now he directly blacked out.

Looking at Ji Yang's WeChat, the muscles on Huang Di's face trembled.

Regardless of whether it is in the mortal world or in the heaven and the underworld, the status of the Yellow Emperor is always very high.

There are not many people who dare to talk to him, and there are even fewer people who threaten him.

But Ji Yang was lucky, he threatened him twice in a row today, but the Yellow Emperor had nothing to do with Ji Yang.

"Yeah, I got the Nuwa stone, what's the matter?"

The Yellow Emperor asked Nuwa Stone, and what the Yellow Emperor wanted to say should have something to do with Nuwa Stone.

Just thinking of Nuwa Stone, Ji Yang still couldn't think of anything.

Seeing Ji Yang asking what was wrong with him, Huang Di almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on the phone.

"What's wrong? Are you pretending to be confused with me, kid, or are you really confused?"

"When you asked me for Xuanyuan Kui, you even played me a trick, did you forget?"

"Xuanyuankui? I remember this. It was when I was promoted to the third-rank immortal position. Did we have an agreement at that time?"

Stuck, Ji Yang felt that his head was really stuck.

When he was a third-rank immortal, he asked Huangdi to ask for Xuanyuan sunflower in exchange for the immortal Zihu grass seeds in Shennong's hands.

At that time, Ji Yang tricked him into fighting Shen Nong.

According to the past habits, Huang Di agreed to help him, so he must give corresponding benefits.

But what exactly is this benefit?Ji Yang was really at a loss.

"I said that you have no conscience, and you are right. You begged me to do something, but you remember it very clearly. You don't even remember what you promised me. You are really good."

"At that time we agreed that I would help you, and then you would lend me the Nuwa stone to suppress the hostility in Hanba. You should remember this time."

Huang Di was speechless and very angry.

But who told me to ask Ji Yang for help now, he has to endure it when he is angry.

Even if he couldn't bear it, he wanted to get angry, but he couldn't seem to burn Ji Yang.

Because one of them is in heaven and the other is in the mortal world.

After scolding Ji Yang again, Huang Di didn't bother with Ji Yang anymore, he was afraid that the more he talked, the more he would get angry, so he told the matter directly.

The Yellow Emperor's words have reached this point, even if Ji Yang's head is stuck, he still remembers it.

Embarrassing, very embarrassing.

Ji Yang did promise the Yellow Emperor about this matter, but it has been too long, he really forgot.

At that time, he didn't even reach the rank of third-rank immortal, but now Ji Yang has the rank of second-rank immortal. It really took a long time.

"Sorry, sorry, I really forgot, forgot."

"There are really too many things recently, and the time has been relatively long. Your lord, Huang Di, has a lot of things. Calm down, calm down."

"I've got the Nuwa Stone, when do you think I'll give it to you?"

Now that I don't take it seriously, Ji Yang has to lower his posture, right?

It's a small problem to offend a Yellow Emperor, but it's not good to tarnish one's reputation.

Although many gods think that Ji Yang is a scammer, although Ji Yang is a bit cheated, he still does what he says.

So the reputation is still very guaranteed.

Ji Yang took the initiative to admit his mistake, so he didn't embarrass him anymore.

The Yellow Emperor also knew that Ji Yang was not easy recently. A few days ago, even Guang Chengzi was called to the mortal world by Ji Yang, and the place to go was not Huaxia, but Country H.

It can also be seen that Ji Yang has indeed had a lot of troubles recently.

"Forget it, see if you can take the initiative to admit your mistakes, I won't argue with you this time."

"You'd better give me the Nvwa stone now. Although the Taishang Laojun used methods to temporarily suppress the hostility of Hanba, but recently the hostility of Hanba has increased significantly. Several of my fairy boys have been killed by her." wounded."

"It is estimated that the suppression of Taishang Laojun is no longer enough, so Hanba's hostility must be completely suppressed as soon as possible."

Ji Yang got the Nuwa stone, and the Yellow Emperor knew about it a long time ago.

Whenever Ji Yang gets the artifact, the laws of the Three Realms will be sensed, and the atmosphere of the world will also change.

However, Huangdi has not looked for Ji Yang, one is waiting for Ji Yang to find him, and the other is that he temporarily feels that there is nothing wrong with Hanba.

But in the past few days, Hanba's situation is obviously not right, and he has become more and more irritable.

The Yellow Emperor knew that the suppressed hostility of the Hanba had begun to erupt.

Seeing that Ji Yang hadn't taken the initiative to find him, Huang Di could only come to Ji Yang.

"Can't hold back anymore? Well, I'll pass on the Nuwa stone to you right now."

Hanba's hostility can't be suppressed anymore, this is no small matter.

Knowing this, Ji Yang naturally would not waste time, he took out the Nuwa stone, and prepared to pass it on to the Yellow Emperor.

But just as he was about to send it, a message displayed on WeChat almost made him vomit blood.

"Nuwa stone transmission needs to consume 500 million merits..."

(End of this chapter)

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