The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1752 Teleporting Nuwa Stone

Chapter 1752 Teleporting the Nvwa Stone (Part [-])
"Five million merits? There are so many, why don't you grab them!"

Chatting on WeChat will consume merit, Ji Yang knows this.

It's just that he has more merits now, not to mention other things, the income of the WeChat store is quite a lot every day.

The income from the WeChat store is enough for Ji Yang to chat for a long time, so he has never paid too much attention to the consumption of merit for chatting.

But now, seeing that sending the Nuwa Stone to the Yellow Emperor required 500 million merits, Ji Yang was not calm.

500 million merits, even if Ji Yang has hundreds of millions of merits now, it still cannot be ignored.

Because of the amount of merit in Ji Yang's hands, it is still a thousand miles away from being promoted to the rank of first-rank immortal.

"I have to check my merits first, 500 million merits, this system is too dark."

Ji Yang vaguely remembered that the last time he looked at the merits, it should be when he checked the merits required for the position of first-rank immortal after killing Bangalore.

At that time, I had more than 2000 million merits. Now, some time has passed, and some things happened during the period. I don’t know how much merit I have.

"Nearly 5000 million merits?"

"Damn it, the speed is still very fast."

When Ji Yang saw that his merits were close to 5000 million, he froze for a moment.

Although it has been a while since the last time I checked the merits, it was not that long.

Is there half a month?It seems not.

In such a short period of time, 3000 million merits have been added. At this rate, it seems that it is not difficult to collect one billion merits by yourself.

But Ji Yang's excitement didn't last long.

When he saw the reason for the increase in his merits, his face fell down.

It turned out that he was able to gain so much merit all at once, which had a lot to do with his trip to country H this time.

This time when he went to country H, he saved Lin Hongda, and the system rewarded him with 200 million merits.

200 million merit rewards, this is not too small, at this stage.

The reason why he gave these because he saved Lin Hongda is because Lin Hongda represents Huatianjiao, and there are many people standing behind him.

In this way, 200 million merits are actually very little.

"God is killed, reward 1000 million merits!"

"Become a god of faith in Tiandaoism, and reward 1000 million merits."

Lin Hongda's reward is only a small head. What really made Ji Yang achieve so much merit is because of God and the belief in Tiandaoism.

God is a first-rank immortal, if Ji Yang killed him himself, the reward would definitely be more than 1000 million.

But unfortunately, God was killed by Guang Chengzi, and the merit rewards that Ji Yang could get would not exceed half at most.

But it's not bad to give him some merit, and it's not bad to say that it was picked up for nothing.

Just becoming a god of faith, but only giving 1000 million merits, Ji Yang feels a little lacking.

That's millions of believers, and I have given the Chinese gods such a face, why are there so few of them.

When he was unhappy, Ji Yang checked the record of merit growth again.

He found that now, in addition to the merit earned from WeChat store products every day, there is also a merit increase marked with incense.

The amount of incense merit increases varies, when it is less, it is [-] to [-], and when it is more, it is [-] to [-], or even [-].

"Incense? This should be earned by the believers of Tiandaoism."

Thinking of this, Ji Yang felt a little more comfortable.

Although becoming a god of faith, there are only 1000 million merit rewards.

But the belief of believers will increase merit every day, which is much more refreshing than rewarding all at once.

This is the same as making money. If you are given 100 million at once, you may spend it all soon, and you will have nothing if you spend it all.

But if I give you 1 yuan first, and then give you [-] yuan every month on a regular basis, then you will spend longer and get money all the time, isn’t that great.

"Although I have almost 5000 million merits, it's still too much to take out [-] at once."

"Even if the 500 million merits are believed by the believers of Tiandaoism, it will take several months or even a year to earn these 500 million merits. I will not show them."

Ji Yang is in great need of merit now, although it doesn't seem difficult to take out 5000 million out of 500 million.

But Ji Yang felt that since this was done to help Hanba, then this kind of merit should be paid by the Yellow Emperor.

Don't tell Ji Yang about the previous Xuanyuankui, it was used in exchange for the Nuwa Stone, which does not include the use of this merit.

This is like buying something from the Internet. What you pay for is a product, but my product does not include postage, so you have to pay for the postage yourself, right?

With this thought in mind, Ji Yang directly sent Huangdi a WeChat message.

"If you are a businessman, you must be a profiteer. I will send you the 500 million merits immediately."

500 million merits are nothing to the Yellow Emperor.

Although Ji Yang was insulted during the conversation, Ji Yang didn't care. Seeing that Huangdi had sent 500 million merits, Ji Yang sent Huangdi a teasing WeChat message.

"Yellow Emperor, you said you gave me 500 million merits, what if I don't give you the Nuwa stone?"

"If you don't give me the Nuwa Stone, I will go down to earth and hunt you down."

Well, seeing Huangdi's tone, I'd better stop fighting with him.

Ji Yang took the Nuwa stone and sent it to the Yellow Emperor through WeChat, and the 500 million merits disappeared before it was warmed up.

"It's a pity, I wish I knew more about it."

Looking at the 500 million merits that disappeared, Ji Yang felt a little regretful.

On the heavenly court, after getting the Nuwa stone, the Yellow Emperor felt the powerful vitality and a strong sacred breath from the Nuwa stone, which made the Yellow Emperor very excited.

Han Ba ​​is his daughter, and Han Ba ​​has a lot to do with the Yellow Emperor.

Because Hanba's resentment towards the Yellow Emperor caused her to become the corpse king, with resentment clustered in her body and extremely hostile.

Despite these time contacts, the resentment of the Yellow Emperor in Hanba's heart has become less and less.

But the suffocation in the body has accumulated for too long, and Han Yan can't suppress it at all.

The current hostility is not due to resentment towards the Yellow Emperor, but a sickness.

If it is a disease, it must be cured, and it can only be cured with Nuwa stone.

"The Nuwa Stone has finally been obtained, Hanba, you and I can finally be normal father and daughter."

Suppressing hostility for Hanba has been the greatest wish of the Yellow Emperor during this period of time.

Excited in his heart, the Yellow Emperor put away the Nuwa stone and flew towards the location of Hanba.

Although Hanba lives in the Yellow Emperor's mansion, because of his emotional instability in the past few days, Hanba often goes crazy.

For safety's sake, the Yellow Emperor locked her up temporarily.

Although the Yellow Emperor was unwilling to imprison Hanba, it was a helpless move.


Just as the Yellow Emperor was approaching the place where Hanba was being held, a strong scarlet aura suddenly rose.

A roar full of anger floated out from the scarlet air.

"Not good, Hanba is going crazy again."

Thinking of Han Yan going crazy again, Huangdi's speed was a little faster...

(End of this chapter)

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