The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 18 The Heavenly Court Party Begins

Chapter 18 The Heavenly Court Party Begins
Huang's family in Linhai has both black and white. Both Liu Tianjing and Wang Tong believed that if something went wrong with the surgery today, not to mention the two of them would be unlucky, even the entire Linhai Hospital would not have good results.

Wang Tong didn't agree to the operation, Huang Xiaoliang was responsible for it, and he said he was responsible, but he dare not say that now.

Wu Ning is now completely looking like he wants to eat people. He is afraid that not only will it be useless to say this, but it may even be worse.

"Mom, don't get excited, Xiaoxin will be fine."

In fact, after Ji Yang entered the operating room to operate on Huang Xiaoxin, Huang Xiaoliang also started to get scared, but the operation had already started, and it was too late for him to stop it.

Now I can only hope that Ji Yang can have a successful operation.


The lights in the operating room went out, and Ji Yang and Li Zixuan walked out of the operating room.

When Ji Yang came out, Huang Tianxiong was also ready to go up to question him, but when he saw Li Zixuan beside him, Huang Tianxiong also stopped.

"Uncle Huang, Aunt Wu, you are here."

Li Zixuan also nodded when she saw Huang Tianxiong and his wife.

"Zixuan, how is Xiaoxin?"

Wu Ning also suppressed the anger in her heart as much as possible. Although she was talking to Li Zixuan, she looked at Ji Yang with unfriendly eyes.

I'm afraid that if Li Zixuan said that the operation failed, Wu Ning would rush towards Ji Yang like crazy.

"Don't worry, Aunt Wu, Xiaoxin is fine, and the operation was a success."

If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, it would be hard for Li Zixuan to believe that Ji Yang's operation was really successful.

"What, the operation was successful, I'll go check it out."

Just now Wang Tong told Liu Tianjing about Huang Xiaoxin's situation in a low voice, and Liu Tianjing also knew why Wang Tong didn't dare to perform the operation, and he didn't believe that Ji Yang had such a powerful ability.

But now that Li Zixuan actually said that the operation was successful, Liu Tianjing and Wang Tong also entered the operating room in shock.

"How is Xiaoxin?"

Not long after, Liu Tianjing and the nurse pushed Huang Xiaoxin out of the operating room. When he saw Liu Tianjing coming out, Huang Tianxiong rushed to meet him.

"Miss Huang is all right now, the broken bones have been reset and fixed, and the broken bones inserted into the lungs have also been taken out. Ji Yang, you really impress me."

When Liu Tianjing checked Huang Xiaoxin's condition, he himself was shocked. The operation was so perfect. Hearing that Ji Yang didn't even use anesthesia, but used silver needle acupuncture to make Huang Xiaoxin fall asleep before the operation, he He even praised Ji Yang without hesitation.

"Are you really all right?"

Wu Ning still asked in disbelief.

"Mrs. Huang, if you don't believe me, you should always believe the stability indicators on the instrument."

Liu Tianjing smiled and pointed to the instrument at the side. Seeing that all the indicators displayed on the instrument were stable, Wu Ning was completely relieved.

"Your name is Ji Yang, right? Thank you for saving my Xiaoxin today. I really don't know how to thank you."

Huang Tianxiong is a straightforward person. When he first learned that Ji Yang was still an intern, he was very angry that the other party performed Huang Xiaoxin's surgery. Now that his daughter is fine, he is also the first to thank Ji Yang.

"The doctor is kind, Xiaoxin and I are also friends, so it is right to save her."

Ji Yang said with a faint smile.

"No, we must thank you for saving Xiaoxin. I didn't believe you before, and even wanted to trouble you when you came out. Didn't you receive a check for 500 million just now, Tianxiong? How would you like to thank Ji Yang?"

What kind of parents have what kind of children, Huang Tianxiong and Wu Ning are straightforward people, they can think about how to trouble Ji Yang when their daughter's life is threatened, now that Huang Xiaoxin's operation is successful, Wu Ning has nothing to do Don't be stingy to apologize for your previous doubts and make a reward.

Ji Yang can understand Wu Ning's doubts. After all, he is still an intern. Who would dare to believe that he can successfully perform this operation?
"You're right, Ji Yang, here's a check for 500 million you keep."

Huang Tianxiong suddenly realized, and took out a 500 million check from his wallet and handed it to Ji Yang.

"It's still the same saying that doctors are benevolent. I definitely can't accept this money. If you insist on thanking me, why don't you donate the money to those who need help more."

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

To be honest, Ji Yang really wanted the 500 million, but when he thought about the Tianlei assessment in less than two months, what he lacked most was merit.

After helping Li Zixuan last time, I rejected Li Xinghai's 100 million yuan, and finally got [-] merits.

This time it was saving a life, it was more noble than a hero saving a beauty, and it would surely gain more merit, so I wanted to collect the money but I couldn't.

It is said that money is not everything, and without money is absolutely impossible, but if his life is gone, even if he is given 500 billion, it will be useless.

"Based on my current ability, I will have a lot of money waiting for me in the future, and now the most important thing is to save my life."

In the end, Ji Yang had no choice but to ruthlessly refuse. Under the pain of heartache, he had to act like he was tall, but in fact his heart was bleeding.

"I didn't expect you to have such kindness at such a young age. Then I will add another 500 million, and I will donate the 1000 million to the disabled children's organization in your name."

"In the future, if you need help from me, Mr. Huang, just say, as long as I can help, I will help."

Huang Tianxiong is more and more appreciative of Ji Yang, he is so calm in the face of 500 million, this kind of heart is stronger than all the young people he has seen.

If Huang Tianxiong knew that Ji Yang confiscated the 500 million to save his life, and Ji Yang was completely in pain to pretend to be calm, what would Huang Tianxiong think.


"Another 500 million passed me by, and my heart hurts."

Ji Yang did not go to take care of Huang Xiaoxin with the others. Speaking of which, he and Huang Xiaoxin had just met and were not familiar, so he left the hospital first.

The last time was 100 million, and this time it was 500 million. Ji Yang was so depressed when he thought that he missed two chances to become a millionaire.

"Ding Dong"

When the mobile phone WeChat reminder came, Ji Yang hurriedly took out his mobile phone. He refused the 500 million to accumulate merit, and hoped not to let himself down.

"Damn it, it's too dark, I saved a life, and I gave up 500 million, and you only gave me [-] merits."

Ji Yang looked at the merit reminder "Hanging the pot to help the world, be kind and benevolent, and reward five thousand merits", the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching twice.

"Forget it, five thousand is better than nothing."

Feeling a little depressed in his heart, Ji Yang also went back to the rental house where he lived.

Before, he climbed the mountain again, and he went down the mountain in the rainstorm, and then he performed surgery on Huang Xiaoxin. Finally, his body couldn't stand it any longer, so Ji Yang went home and fell asleep with his head covered.

When Ji Yang woke up, he saw that the time was two o'clock in the afternoon, and habitually took his phone and clicked on WeChat.

Looking at the WeChat Moments, Ji Yang's eyes lit up, and he sat up from the bed: "The Tianting party has begun. I don't know how the Tianting will react to the beer. I have to take a good look."

(End of this chapter)

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