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Chapter 19 Misunderstood Beer

Chapter 19 Misunderstood Beer
Ji Yang looked at his circle of friends, and saw that the circle of friends was full of things about today's gathering, but it seemed that the gatherings in heaven were very frequent, and these gods were getting tired of gathering.

Taishang Laojun: "Since the law of the Three Realms checks and balances the Three Realms and immortals are not allowed to come down to earth at will, the Jade Emperor is idle and bored. He gathers once every three days and once every five days. Doesn't he know that I am very busy, old man? Let's end it, or my alchemy furnace will explode."

Lu Dongbin: "The universe is big in drunkenness, and the sun and moon in the pot are long. If I hadn't heard that the Jade Emperor asked Du Kang to brew new wine, I would have gone to find Bai Mudan to communicate my feelings."

Nezha: "Keng'er's father, it is obvious that father should come to the party today, but he declined on the grounds of his own diarrhea, and asked me to replace him, it's too disgusting."

Sun Wukong: "Moji, real Moji, today I asked the Taishang Laojun for elixir as a snack, but the old man dragged me to some party, seeing the Jade Emperor spitting all over the place, I wanted to give him a stick. "


Looking at the circle of friends of the immortals, Ji Yang also smiled lightly, you complained about eating and drinking at the party, you really don't know the blessings in the blessings.

In the past, there was no check and balance of the laws of the Three Realms, and the gods could go to the mortal world if they had nothing to do, but now they can’t do it anymore. After they can’t come to the mortal world, they are idle every day. When the Jade Emperor first started organizing gatherings, everyone was fighting Head up to participate.

But as the number of visits increased, the immortals were getting tired of eating, drinking, and playing with those few things, and no one wanted to come even if there was nothing new.

The Jade Emperor also understands everyone's thoughts, and knows that everyone is bored of getting together, but who makes me bored, I can only base my happiness on your pain.

However, in order to be considerate of everyone, this time the Jade Emperor did not say a lot of opening remarks as usual, but simply talked for half an hour.

Half an hour is still simple, if it is complicated, it will take how long, no wonder Sun Dasheng has the urge to beat the Jade Emperor with a stick.

"Du Kang, has the new wine I made you brew come out?"

Today, all the immortals are invited to taste Dukang's new wine.

Although I can base my happiness on the suffering of others time and time again, it’s not right to continue like this, and it won’t work if I don’t come up with some new tricks.

Among the immortals, there are not a few people who are good at wine, and this wine is also the most likely to attract everyone's interest. Recently, there are always some immortals who ask for leave for various reasons and refuse to come. Today, the signboard of Dukang New Wine is displayed, although some immortals are still sick. , but the number is much smaller.

Hearing this, Du Kang was about to ask someone to bring the beer he had brewed, when Yi Di who was at the side suddenly spoke.

"Jade Emperor, Du Kang has been in charge of wine for so many years, I'm afraid he won't be able to brew any new wine."

The expected thing really happened, this Yi Di really came out to make trouble.

"In order to prevent Dukang from having no new wine for everyone to taste, I also specially brewed some new wine. Please allow me to give this minister to the immortals to taste?"

Originally Yidi thought that the Jade Emperor would at least give her a chance if she opened her mouth, but she didn't want the Jade Emperor to directly deny it.

"Yidi, wait for your wine first, and wait until everyone has tasted Du Kang's wine."

The last time I drank Du Kang's wine, my head hurt for a long time. Although Yi Di looked very confident, the Jade Emperor still didn't dare to experiment with his own body.

Hearing the Jade Emperor's words, Yidi's expression changed, but he didn't dare to say anything more, since his status in the Heavenly Court was low, how could he dare to refute the Jade Emperor's words.

Du Kang on the side was very proud when he heard the Jade Emperor say that about Yidi.

Seeing Du Kang with a smug face, Yidi was depressed, but she was not worried, because she didn't believe that Du Kang's wine could have anything new.

"Yes, Weichen will have the wine brought up."

Du Kang retreated first, and when he reappeared, he was followed by a few fairies carrying wine jars.

"Hmph, there isn't even a hint of wine scent coming out, so it's definitely not a good product."

According to Yidi's experience, when good wine is sealed, the aroma of the wine is difficult to overflow, but it will not be completely lost, but the wine served by Du Kang has no aroma at all, which makes Yidi even more convinced that Du Kang brewed it. The wine wasn't great.

"I said Du Kang, you old guy just randomly found some wine to fool my grandson, why doesn't the wine smell at all?"

As soon as Du Kang's wine was served, Monkey King frowned and said a little unhappy.

This Monkey King has been suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain for 500 years, and later he was the Tang monk to learn from the West, but after so many years, his temper has not changed at all, he is still lawless, doing his own way, and the Jade Emperor also has a headache for him.

Before the Jade Emperor could say anything to the other immortals, Monkey King jumped to the side of the wine jar and sniffed it carefully. There was indeed no smell of wine, but a strange smell.

"My lord, how dare I give you some wine indiscriminately. This wine is newly brewed by me. It's called beer. It's different from the wine you usually drink, so it doesn't have the aroma of wine."

Du Kang quickly shook his head and explained, he was afraid that he would explain late, if Sun Wukong really gave him a golden cudgel, then he would be miserable.

"Oh, beer? I'll try it then."

Sun Wukong opened the wine seal, and the beer in the altar was imprinted in his eyes. Just looking at the beer, Monkey King stared and shouted angrily: "Du Kang, are you playing tricks on the old grandson? It seems that you are right and wrong. You want to taste the taste of Laosun's golden cudgel."

When Monkey King got angry, the Golden Cudgel suddenly appeared in his hand.

The other gods also gathered around, and when they saw the beer in the altar, their faces changed.

"Du Kang, you are so brave, you dare to give this kind of filth to everyone to drink."

It was a yellow-orange liquid with a layer of white foam floating on it. When Yi Di saw the wine, her first reaction was the same as that of Du Kang. She also pissed on the beer, and other gods thought the same.

"My lord, listen to my explanation. This is really beer. This beer uses barley malt, hops, and water as the main raw materials. It is a low-alcohol wine full of carbon dioxide brewed through yeast fermentation. Although the color looks a bit strange , but it’s really delicious.”

"Jade Emperor, please trust me, how dare I give the filthy things to the immortals to drink!"

Du Kang knelt on the ground directly, looking at the golden cudgel in Monkey King's hand, he was also very scared. Although he expected that the immortals would react like this after the beer appeared, he was a little flustered when he actually faced it.

The Jade Emperor didn't speak, but just looked at Du Kang with a frown. Seeing the Jade Emperor's expression, Yi Di sneered in his heart, and thought to himself, Du Kang, you must have been miserable this time.

"Well, this beer does look a bit like horse urine, but it's a little different, why don't I try it first."

Lu Dongbin often asked Du Kang for drinks on weekdays, and the two had a good relationship, so he couldn't bear to see Du Kang like this.

(End of this chapter)

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