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Chapter 20 The Best Brewing Partner

Chapter 20 The Best Brewing Partner

The more important thing is that Lu Dongbin knew Du Kang well, and Du Kang would never be so stupid as to bring that kind of thing here for the immortals to drink, that would be asking for trouble at all.

Although Lu Dongbin believed in Du Kang, for the sake of caution, he only took a small cup and poured a cup.

Lu Dongbin first put the beer in front of his nose and sniffed it. The beer did have the smell of barley, but it didn't have the usual aroma of wine. Then he took a sip and still didn't feel anything special.

The immortals at the side thought this beer was that kind of thing, and seeing that Lu Dongbin actually drank it, some immortals already had a feeling of vomiting in their stomachs.

"This Lu Dongbin has a really good appetite, but I don't even have the courage to drink this, Lu Dongbin, you can do it."

"Lv Dongbin, I don't have anything to say about the wine, but if you can even drink this, I, Nezha, have nothing to say."

"My dear, when did Lu Dongbin become so awesome, he dared to drink stupid things, I don't know what He Xiangu would think when she found out."

All the immortals felt both admiration and discomfort for Lu Dongbin.

"Uh, uh, uh, this wine..."

When Lu Dongbin drank a glass of beer in one gulp, his complexion also changed, and his nose made a humming sound, and the immortals who saw this expression were surprised again, could it be that what he drank was really that thing.

"Hahaha Du Kang, let's see how you die this time." Seeing Lu Dongbin's expression, Yidi thought with a sneer of complacency.

"This refreshing, refreshing and satisfying. I want to change to a bigger bowl."

Lu Dongbin took a deep breath in his feelings, it doesn't matter if he took a long breath, Du Kang's heart was in his throat, and the other gods also thought that he drank something that he couldn't drink.

"Refreshing, satisfying, good wine."

After Du Kang listened to Ji Yang's suggestion, the beer was all chilled, and seeing Lu Dongbin drinking it was refreshing, and he was also very happy in his heart.

"Quick, bring the appetizers."

Du Kang asked several fairies to bring up the peanuts, melon seeds, chicken feet and other appetizers that had already been prepared. Lu Dongbin tasted the appetizers while drinking beer, with an expression of enjoying himself.

"Is it really so delicious?"

Taishang Laojun asked softly.

But I don't know if it was because Lu Dongbin drank too much so he didn't hear Taishang Laojun's words, and he didn't answer.

"I said, old man, are you stupid for practicing alchemy? You don't need to ask him from his expression."

Although Sun Wukong said so, he still had some doubts in his heart. The monkey wine in Huaguo Mountain is famous in the three worlds, and it is not necessary to drink it if it is delicious.

Lu Dongbin also always went to Huaguo Mountain to drink wine, but he had never seen him like this. Could it be that the beer is really so delicious.

"Hmph, wait until my grandson tastes it. If Lu Dongbin pretends on purpose, my grandson will give him a stick first."

Sun Wukong shook his hand, and the golden cudgel in his hand disappeared immediately. A large bowl appeared in his hand, he poured a full bowl, and Sun Wukong drank it all in one gulp. Although the beer tasted a little weird at first, it tasted very good after drinking it. Comfortable.

Hiccup a wine, then eat two yellow raw rice, really delicious.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, get out of the way, this altar belongs to my grandson, whoever dares to snatch it from me, I'll give him a stick."

Seeing this posture, what are the other gods waiting for, all of them are grabbing wine with bowls of sea.

"Slow down, slow down, don't you know how to respect the old and love the young, give Laojun a bowl first."

"I said monkey, you are too domineering. Shouldn't you share good things with your friends? You and Nezha are good friends in Tianting. Share a bowl with me."

"Give way, let everything go, or I will let the roaring dog go."

"Oh, don't grab it, don't grab it, save some for my old pig."

I don't know if I taste it, I can't stop it once I taste it, the whole heaven fell out because of the beer, and even the Jade Emperor joined the ranks of grabbing the beer.

"Stop it all, I am the Jade Emperor, I am the Jade Emperor, let me drink enough before you drink."

But everyone rushed like crazy, the surrounding voices were in chaos, and the Jade Emperor's voice was directly ignored.

The low-status fairy boys and fairies were also dumbfounded. What is going on? Is the beer really that delicious? Even the Jade Emperor couldn't control the chaotic scene.

How many years has this situation not appeared in Heaven?
Du Kang was complacent, and Yidi was dumbfounded. This situation was beyond his expectation. She never thought that Du Kang's brewed beer would cause such a big commotion.

The commotion caused by beer was beyond Du Kang's imagination. He was very happy when he saw all the immortals scrambling to drink beer. Naturally, he thanked Ji Yang over and over again.

"Du Kang, can I have a glass of your beer too."

At this time Yidi came over, her expression was a little weird.

The great reaction of the immortals is definitely not pretending. Their such a big reaction can only show one thing, that is, the taste of this beer is indeed unusual.

Hearing Yidi's words, Du Kang smiled faintly, and took out a small jug of beer from his bosom, which he left on purpose.

"Thank you."

Speaking of which, whether it is Yidi or Dukang, they both like to make wine and are good at it.

The two were said to be competitors in the heavenly court, but they did not have a deep hatred, rather they were partners.

Seeing that Du Kang's wine was so popular, Yidi was naturally curious, she really wanted to taste how delicious this beer was.

"This wine is delicious, delicious."

Although the taste of the beer was a bit strange, Yidi felt different after drinking the beer. She felt a sense of refreshment.

"Du Kang, how did you make this wine, can you tell me?"

Yi Di asked with some expectation.

Du Kang smiled mysteriously, but also nodded: "Of course I can tell you, but you can't target me again in the future."

"You and I are both experts in brewing wine, but there are still many wines that we need to continue to study. Just like this beer, there are actually many things that can be brewed, and there are many ways to brew special wines."

Hearing what Du Kang said, Yi Di also had a look of guilt.

I was indeed a bit too competitive before, and I always wanted to compare myself with Du Kang.

"Okay, then we will be the best partners in the future."

Yidi nodded heavily and promised.

Although Du Kang brought a lot of beer over, he still couldn't hold back the immortals rushing to drink it, and soon several large jars of beer were drunk, and the immortals still seemed to be unsatisfied.

"Du Kang, your brewing of beer is really good this time, I want to reward you well."

The Jade Emperor drank the last glass of beer in front of him and said loudly to Du Kang.

Hearing the reward from the Jade Emperor, Du Kang was naturally overjoyed.

After the Jade Emperor rewarded Du Kang, he also looked at Yidi and asked Yidi if he wanted to take out his wine.

"Jade Emperor, Yidi, I have given up. My wine is much worse than beer. I have just discussed with Du Kang. I will be the best partner in the future to brew better wine for all the immortals in the heaven. "

"That's right, you and Du Kang joined forces, why should we worry about not having good wine to drink, what do the immortals say?"

"Yes, yes, hahaha..."

When the immortals heard what the Jade Emperor said, they also laughed out loud...

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(End of this chapter)

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