The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 21 The Puzzled Yang Wei

Chapter 21 The Puzzled Yang Wei

The Jade Emperor: "You can't just look at the appearance. Beer looks like horse urine, but it tastes refreshing. If you eat a few peanuts, the taste is no one else. Only competition can make development. Du Kang's performance this time I am very satisfied."

When Ji Yang saw Jade Emperor's circle of friends, he also knew that the beer brewed by Du Kang seemed to have a good response.

"The elixir of Taishang Laojun has the effect of cutting hair and washing marrow. I don't know if the beer brewed by Du Kang in Tianting will also have this effect. After the party is over, I will have to ask him for some. If it really has special effects, I will But get rich."

Ji Yang couldn't help but began to look forward to it.

Just when Ji Yang was thinking about how to find Du Kang for some beer later, Wang Tong, director of surgery at Linhai Hospital, also dragged his exhausted body back home feeling depressed.

Although Linhai Hospital expressly forbids doctors to collect benefits from patients, there are policies above and countermeasures below. I have it all, and I don’t have to pay for it myself.

Wang Tong's home is in a villa area, where all the famous people in Linhai live. This villa area was given to him when he was helping the father of a boss with surgery.

"It's really unlucky, why did Huang Tianxiong's daughter get hurt, and it was so heavy."

After Ji Yang's operation was successful, Wang Tong was called to the office by Liu Tianjing. Although Liu Tianjing usually had a very kind appearance, once he got angry, even Dean Ji had to give him three points.

After being scolded by Liu Tianjing for more than an hour, Wang Tong was arranged to wait for Huang Xiaoxin to stabilize in the hospital before returning home.

"Director Wang, you are back. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Wang Tong drove the car to the door of his villa, he saw a young man standing at the door of his house with a smile on his face. Because the sky was dark, even though there were lights on the car, he couldn't see the other person clearly for a while. Tong's gloomy complexion also improved a lot.

"It turned out to be Yang Wei. Why did you come to me so late, kid? Do you want to ask about the internship?"

"Your father and I are old friends. Why do you worry about such a small matter? I have already arranged for you and your girlfriend to go to Linhai Hospital for an internship. You and your girlfriend can come to me directly on Monday."

This young man was Yang Wei, Wang Tong said with a faint smile after he parked the car.

The fathers of Wang Tong and Yang Wei were old classmates, and both were assigned to Linhai Hospital at first, but Yang Wei's father made a mistake and was expelled later, but the relationship between the two has always been good.

"Director Wang, you're joking. How can I be worried about your work? My dad has been busy recently and has no time to see you, so let me see if you need anything today."

"By the way, this is my dad's wish, please keep it."

Yang Wei had entered the house with Wang Tong at this time, and he took out a thick envelope from his pocket. When Wang Tong saw the envelope that Yang Wei took out, he knew what was inside.

"You said this old Yang, why is he still like this when he is an old friend? Isn't it just a matter of decoration in the inpatient department? He is really, always so polite."

Wang Tong was euphemistic, but he put his hand on the envelope and didn't need to open it at all. Based on the thickness, he knew that there must be at least [-] in the envelope. As for whether it is Huaxia currency or foreign currency, he has to wait to open it. knew.

As for the decoration of the inpatient department, Wang Tong made it easy for him to talk about it. He didn’t know how big the inpatient department of Linhai Hospital was. There were more than [-] floors, and each floor had dozens of rooms on average. , The room requirements of some departments are quite special, such as the intensive care unit, and the operating room requirements are very high. Such a large project costs tens of millions, and it is still said to be a trivial matter.

What's more, this is just one of the many projects that Wang Tong helped Yang Wei's father to complete. Of course, Wang Tong also gained a lot of benefits from these projects.

"The Yang family will never forget Director Wang's great kindness. I am looking for you today for something else. I hope Director Wang can help."

Yang Wei secretly scolded this guy as an old fox. He obviously noticed that after Wang Tong touched the money in the envelope, his eyes were somewhat dissatisfied. I have to give him some benefits tomorrow.

"Oh, tell me what's going on, I'll definitely help if I can."

Wang Tong narrowed his eyes and said softly.

"It's like this. I have a classmate who is going to interview an intern at Linhai Hospital, but this person has some issues with me. I hope you can help me brush him off."

Yang Wei said in a cold voice, his so-called classmate was naturally Ji Yang, and Yang Wei didn't know that Ji Yang had already passed the interview with Liu Tianjing.

"Oh, just this matter, what do you say his name is, I will tell the people in the hospital tomorrow to make sure he can't pass the interview."

It's not the first time Wang Tong has done this kind of thing. It's too easy for an intern who came for an interview to tell him to leave.

"His name is Ji Yang."

Yang Wei said heavily.

"What, you said his name is Ji Yang?"

Wang Tong stood up directly from the sofa, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

The person who helped Huang Xiaoxin operate today is Ji Yang, and he is also a student of Linhai Medical University. If what Yang Wei said was really Ji Yang, Wang Tong would not dare to mess with him, he would be asking for trouble.

Ji Yang was Huang Xiaoxin's savior, but Huang Tianxiong let it go, if he troubled Ji Yang, Huang Tianxiong would have to abolish him.

"That's right, it's Ji Yang."

Yang Wei was surprised that Wang Tong was so excited, and he didn't understand why Wang Tong was so scared after hearing Ji Yang's name.

"Get out, get out of here immediately, get out!"

Let yourself mess with Ji Yang, isn't this going to kill yourself, Wang Tong shouted at Yang Weiwei.

Yang Wei was confused, what's going on, why did Wang Tong let him go, didn't he just let him get rid of Ji Yang?
"Director Wang, what is this?"

Yang Wei still didn't give up, and asked rather strangely.

"You asked me to mess with Ji Yang, you are trying to kill me, Ma Shan, get out of here."

Yang Wei was depressed, but seeing that Wang Tong was really angry, he didn't dare to stay here anymore, so he could only leave the villa in the end.

"Bastard, I usually give you so many benefits, but now I want you to be a poor boy. Ji Yang actually said that I hurt you, isn't he crazy?"

Leaving Wang Tong's villa, Yang Wei shouted at Wang Tong's villa like cursing.


Lying comfortably on his own bed, Ji Yang was also staring at his mobile phone. When he saw someone in Moments saying that the party was over, but he still didn't want to finish it, Ji Yang also wiped his hands. It's time to find Du Kang. It's time to pay.

"Du Kang, how is the heavenly party going? Is beer popular?"

Du Kang's reply came quickly, but judging by his meaning, he is very busy now.

"Xiaobai, thank you so much this time. This beer is really exciting. Now all the immortals are looking for me to pack beer for them. I will come to you when I am done."

The beer has already been packaged, and the popularity is so good that it explodes.

Since Du Kang was busy, Ji Yang didn't want to bother him, anyway, he would naturally find himself when he was done.

(End of this chapter)

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