The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 22 Mu Hong's Request

Chapter 22 Mu Hong's Request

But this time, Ji Yang actually waited all afternoon, it was already dark at this time, and Ji Yang still hadn't received Du Kang's message.

"Damn it, this kid won't be so ungrateful, won't he just forget me if he gets the benefits?"

What does it mean to wait so hard, to wait so sad, Ji Yang now understands.

And just when Ji Yang was about to take the initiative to contact Du Kang, his cell phone rang.

Unfamiliar number, who would call me so late.

"Is it Ji Yang? I'm Mu Hong."

Iceberg beauty Mu Hong?How could she call herself at this time?

"Ah, it's me, why don't you call me so late?"

Curious in his heart, Ji Yang blurted out and asked.

"I just called you to tell you that Xiaoxin is recovering very well after the operation. She is awake now, but she is too weak to thank you, so let me call you."

Just calling so late, Ji Yang felt that the phone call should not be that simple. If it was just to tell him about Huang Xiaoxin's situation, she didn't need to call at all. Wouldn't it be better for the Huang family to call to thank him.

"Just wake up. I wish her a speedy recovery. I'll see him tomorrow. I'll hang up if I have nothing else to do."

Ji Yang smiled slyly across the phone.

"Wait a minute, I have something else I want to ask you."

Sure enough, when Ji Yang wanted to hang up the phone, Mu Hong's voice was obviously a little nervous.

"Ah, I have something to ask, then you can ask."

Playing with yourself, you Mu Hong is still a little tender.

"It's more complicated. It's not clear on the phone. Where do you live? I'll pick you up. We'll talk face to face."

Can't talk on the phone yet, it seems that the matter is quite complicated, since Ji Yang also told the other party where he lives.

More than half an hour later, a black Hummer was parked downstairs in Ji Yang's rental house. Ji Yang was no stranger to this car, it was Mu Hong's car.

"What's the matter, I can't say it on the phone yet."

Ji Yang asked Mu Hong through the car window.

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car."

Is this the attitude of begging others to do things? Why does it seem to be begging her?

As a good man, Ji Yang never cared about women, he shrugged his shoulders and got into the car.

When the car started, Mu Hong didn't say a word. She drove the car very fast and ran through several traffic lights in a row.

Isn't this bitch crazy? This is an urban area, why is she driving so fast?

"Hey, if you have something to say, don't be so impulsive. Although you are very beautiful, I don't want to be a desperate mandarin duck with you."

Ji Yang couldn't bear it anymore, he didn't want to die, with the speed of Mu Hong's car, something would happen in the urban area.

"Don't worry, my driving skills are very good, you can't die."

Without even looking at Ji Yang, Mu Hong stepped on the accelerator instead, and the car went even faster.


Don't blame Ji Yang for embarrassment, he has limited experience in this kind of car, and it was the first time that he drove the car so fast. When Mu Hong drove the car to a deserted suburb, Ji Yang vomited after getting out of the car.

"I said you are crazy, drive so fast, vomit..."

Looking at Ji Yang, who was pale and crouched on the ground vomiting, a smile appeared on Mu Hong's face, but the smile appeared and disappeared even faster, and Ji Yang didn't notice it at all.

It wasn't until Ji Yang felt much better that he noticed the surrounding situation. This suburb is very remote, surrounded by overgrown weeds. Now, except for him and Mu Hong, no one is panting.

The barren suburbs shrouded in darkness are definitely a good place to kill people and bury their bodies.

"What do you mean you brought me here?"

She didn't seem to have offended the other party, so she brought herself here to kill herself.

"I didn't expect you to be so physically fit and have such high medical skills, but you were afraid of me as a little woman."

Mu Hong narrowed her eyes and looked at Ji Yang and said softly.

"Who said I'm afraid of you? If you have something to say, go back if you have nothing to do. It may rain this day. I have to go home to collect my clothes."

You are a little girl, do little girls drive like that just now, and the way she climbed the mountain yesterday, even Huang Xiaoliang and Tian Tao couldn't bear it, but Mu Hong was basically fine.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything by bringing you here, it's just that I like quiet, and I like this kind of environment where no one disturbs me the most."

Hearing Mu Hong's words, Ji Yang cursed in his heart that you like it because you like it, it's none of my business, you brought me to this deserted place to do a fart.

"You like it here, but I don't. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Ji Yang always felt that this place was weird. Once he got here, he felt uncomfortable, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at him.

"Okay, then I won't talk nonsense with you. Through Xiaoxin's incident, I know that your medical skills are very good. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I definitely wouldn't believe that a student from a medical university has such high medical skills. "

"I have an older brother who is a soldier. He was attacked by the enemy two years ago when he was performing a mission, and he lost consciousness in his lower body. Now he can only use a wheelchair instead of his legs. I hope you can help me with this, yes Help my brother heal."

"As long as you can cure my brother, I can promise you anything."

When talking about her brother, Mu Hong's eyes were obviously different, with deep sadness in her eyes.

It seems that Mu Hong has a very good relationship with his brother, otherwise such eyes would never have appeared in the eyes of this ice beauty.

"I think your family must have found many experts for your brother. Even they can't cure your brother. Do you think I, a medical student who has not yet graduated, can do it?"

It turned out that she was looking for herself to treat her brother's illness, so what about coming to a deserted suburb at night?

"Our family has indeed found many experts for my brother, but those experts are powerless. Don't worry, even if you can't cure my brother, I will thank you very much."

Mu Hong herself didn't know why she believed that Ji Yang in front of her could heal her brother's injury.

"Hey, you said just now that if I cured your brother, you would promise me anything, right?"

Ji Yang's eyes changed, and a frivolous smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Ji Yang's smile, Mu Hong frowned, but she still nodded.

"Yes, it's mine. As long as you can heal my brother's injury, I can promise you anything, as long as I can do it."

"Then if I ask you to be my wife, will you agree?"

While speaking, Ji Yang intentionally took two steps forward. Mu Hong was tall and not much shorter than Ji Yang. As soon as he walked forward, their faces were almost glued together.

Except for her own family, no other man has ever been so close to her. Ji Yang's strange eyes made her feel that she had found the wrong person.

But when she thought of the brother she had always admired but could only sit in a wheelchair at this time, she finally nodded: "As long as you can cure him, I can be your wife."

"Hey, I finally saw how deflated you are. I was joking with you. This should be regarded as your punishment for driving too fast. I will do my best for your brother's injury."

After Ji Yang heard Mu Hong's words, the frivolity on his face and the evil in his eyes disappeared instantly, and he also took the initiative to take two steps back, and said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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