The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 23 Tianting Beer Is Good Medicine

Chapter 23 Tianting Beer Is Good Medicine

Seeing Ji Yang's sudden change of face, Mu Hong was stunned. She agreed to his request to be his wife just now, but he said he was joking with himself. Does he know how many people want him to be his wife?

At the same time looking at Ji Yang in front of her, Mu Hong also asked softly: "Then do you think you can do it?"

As soon as Mu Hong said the words, she was grateful that she seemed to have said something wrong. Since she found Ji Yang, shouldn't she trust him? Why did she still question him.

But before Mu Hong could change his words and say sorry, Ji Yang said with firm eyes: "A man can say anything, but he must never say no. Don't worry, I will definitely heal your brother's injury."

"Really, thank you then."

A sweet smile, Mu Hong's smile is very light, but very beautiful, this is the first time Ji Yang has really seen her smile since he knew Mu Hong.

"You smile beautifully, you should smile more in the future, and if you want to thank me, take me out of here quickly, I feel weird here."

Ji Yang really felt that this place was weird. After coming here, he felt uncomfortable, and the feeling of being stared at never disappeared.

"Okay, then let's go."

The matter of asking Ji Yang for help has been finalized, and a big stone in Mu Hong's heart has also fallen.

When the two drove away, a gust of wind blew up in the originally deserted suburbs, and a somewhat unreal figure appeared at the place where Ji Yang was standing before.

After the phantom appeared, it stopped for a few seconds and then disappeared again.

Because Mu Hong had something to do in Linhai, she also made an agreement with Ji Yang to take him to watch the sea when she left Linhai, and Ji Yang also agreed.

Originally, Mu Hong wanted to invite Ji Yang to eat supper before sending Ji Yang home, but Ji Yang found that Du Kang, who he had been waiting for for a long time, actually talked to him, so he could only miss this opportunity to have dinner with the ice beauty.

"I'm still afraid that Du Kang is ungrateful and ungrateful. It seems that I was wrong."

As soon as he returned to his rental house, Ji Yang quickly opened WeChat.

"Du Kang, Xiaobai, I'm back again. I went out to do some errands just now, and those gods have been sent away. Are you done?"

In the heavenly court, Du Kang has been waiting for Ji Yang to reply. After he sent Ji Yang a wechat message, he saw that Ji Yang kept ignoring him, thinking that the other party was angry because he hadn't looked for him for so long.

This time he was able to get the appreciation of the immortals at the party with beer, it was entirely due to Ji Yang, and he will never forget this.

Seeing Ji Yang talking at this time, he hurriedly replied.

"I really want to thank you this time. If it weren't for the beer information you provided me, I'm afraid I would really lose to Yidi. Thank you so much."

"The Jade Emperor and all the immortals are very satisfied with the beer, especially Lu Dongbin, he also rewarded me with an elixir, and the Jade Emperor also rewarded me with many things, all thanks to you."

"I am a little fairy who has no treasures, and a thousand merits is my petty wish. I hope you don't refuse."

Du Kang sent a few paragraphs in a row, but Ji Yang saw nothing interesting, until he saw a thousand merits, his eyes lit up.

A picture of a red envelope appeared on the screen, Ji Yang opened it, and received a WeChat reminder to get a thousand merits.

"This Du Kang is too stingy. Lu Dongbin gave him an elixir, and the Jade Emperor rewarded him with a bunch of other things. This guy only gave me a thousand merits, stingy, too stingy."

Ji Yang is very hungry for merits now, he wished Du Kang could directly give him [-] merits, so that he would not have to be afraid of the Tianlei assessment in two months.

"Small, just speak up if you have something to do in the future, I am a righteous person, and I will definitely give up my life when I can help my friends."

Ji Yang is really thick-skinned, while he dislikes the lack of a thousand merits given by Du Kang, at the same time he justly said that he is righteous, and if you are righteous, you can return the thousand merits to Du Kang.

"It's easy to say, if you need me, Du Kang, I will definitely help you."

Du Kang also said very generously.

Now that Du Kang has said so, Ji Yang, who is already thick-skinned, is about to speak up. He really has something to ask Du Kang for.

"That's like this, do you still have the beer you brewed, give me some?"

Even the Jade Emperor praised the beer again and again, and Ji Yang also wanted to taste it, to see how the beer made by Du Kang was different from the beer he drank in his daily life.

"This beer was originally your suggestion. I planned to brew some for you, but now you open the mouth, and I only have one jar left in my hand. I wanted to enjoy this jar of beer by myself, but you opened it. Mouth, I'll give you this beer."

There are hundreds of jugs of beer brewed by Du Kang, but Du Kang himself did not expect that the popularity of beer would be so great. Lu Dongbin of wine ordered as many as ten altars.

He brewed hundreds of jars of Du Kang but only tasted a small bowl after brewing. He secretly kept this jar and planned to enjoy it for himself. Now that Ji Yang asked, he could only reluctantly part with it.


A bright light flashed, and Ji Yang saw a big wine jar flying out of the phone and landed in front of him.

This wine jug is not small, and it should be able to hold twenty or thirty catties of beer when opened.

"Anyway, Du Kang is an expert in wine making. Even if the last jar is given to him, he still wants as much as he wants."

He was reluctant to give up his love, but Ji Yang said such words, if Du Kang heard it, he would not know whether he would vomit blood.

After getting the beer, Ji Yang simply chatted with Du Kang and dismissed him.

He was now ready to taste the beer of Bacchus Du Camp.

What can I do with just beer but no appetizers? I hurried downstairs to buy a pack of peanuts and two chicken feet, and Ji Yang just opened the wine seal.

"Well, this beer is quite authentic, not bad."

The color and taste of the beer are similar to ordinary beer. At the first glance, I have to admire Du Kang's brewing technology. The little information I sent is not enough to brew beer, but Du Kang brewed it. Fortunately, it is the Chinese God of Dionysus.

A bowl of beer was poured out from the jug, and Ji Yang took a big gulp.

"Well, this wine is delicious, authentic, and has a faint fragrance, not bad, not bad."

After taking a sip of beer, Ji Yang felt very refreshed all over his body, and there was a hint of aroma in addition to the original taste of beer. After drinking this beer, one word, cool!

And what happened next made Ji Yang feel even more happy.

Last night, I was waiting for Du Kang to reply. Ji Yang didn't sleep well either. He was tossing with Mu Hong again at night. His body was a little tired, but after drinking the beer Du Kang gave him, he found that his body was tired. The feeling is gone.

Drinking ordinary beer will only make your stomach bloated, and you will feel dizzy if you want to go to the toilet, but the beer in front of you not only does not have these feelings, but it makes you feel refreshed. The pores are refreshed to the extreme.

"Good wine, it really is good wine. The beer in Tianting is really extraordinary. This beer is basically a good medicine for relieving fatigue, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, and refreshing to the extreme."

(End of this chapter)

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