Chapter 24
Linhai Hospital is indeed the largest and best hospital in Linhai City. Many people have come to the hospital to see a doctor early on.

When Ji Yang came to Linhai Hospital, he frowned slightly when he saw the registration queue that looked like a long queue, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Ji Yang, you are here."

Ji Yang came to the vice president's office to report to Liu Tianjing, and he seemed very enthusiastic when he saw Ji Yang coming to Liu Tianjing.

"Morning Dean Liu, I'll report."

Ji Yang knew that Liu Tianjing would be so enthusiastic about him, firstly because he witnessed the result of Huang Xiaoxin's operation that day, and secondly because the Huang's family was standing behind him, Huang Tianxiong was not joking when he asked me for something that day.

"I have witnessed your medical skills. It stands to reason that your medical skills are enough to be an attending doctor, but Linhai Hospital has its own rules. I will be your intern tutor in the future. Do you have any objection?"

Even Wang Tong had no confidence in the operation, but Ji Yang succeeded in the operation. Later in the conversation with Wang Tong, Liu Tianjing learned how serious Huang Xiaoxin's condition was, but the operation was successful despite such a serious injury. Liu Tianjing's attention.

"I am honored to be a student of Dean Liu."

What a joke, although I have learned a lot from Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, he still understands the rules of the hospital. If I can have a vice president as a mentor, I will become a prince. I still have opinions on this Isn't that stupid.

"Hahaha, I am honored to have a student like you."

Liu Tianjing was really afraid that Ji Yang would have an opinion, so Liu Tianjing was also very happy to see that Ji Yang had no opinion.

Liu Tianjing is worthy of being the vice president of Linhai Hospital, and he is the first vice president under the director Ji Deming of Linhai Hospital, and he is likely to become the president in the future.

His understanding and practice of medical skills are very rich and comprehensive. During the whole morning, Ji Yang also learned a lot from him that he didn't learn in school.

"Ji Yang, you are here."

During the lunch break, Ji Yang came to Huang Xiaoxin's ward to visit Huang Xiaoxin.

Huang Xiaoxin's complexion improved a lot. Huang Xiaoliang was accompanying her in the hospital. When he saw Ji Yang coming, Huang Xiaoliang also warmly greeted her.

"Ji Yang, thank you for operating on me."

When Huang Xiaoxin saw Ji Yang, thinking that Ji Yang must have seen all of herself during the operation, her face also turned slightly red.

"Thank you, we are all friends. Today is the first day of my internship. I wanted to visit you in the morning, but I didn't have time. Now that you look rosy and look good, I feel relieved."

Ji Yang didn't know why Huang Xiaoxin blushed, he thought it was because the other party's health improved and her complexion improved.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Huang Xiaoxin also breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily the other party didn't see through her little thoughts.

"Ji Yang, I really thank you for saving Xiaoxin this time. I don't have to say it in the future. You are my brother. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Huang Xiaoliang said very sincerely.

"Hehe, since you're all brothers, you don't have to be so polite. I haven't eaten yet. Have you eaten?"

Ji Yang asked softly with a smile.

"I'm going to buy some food for Xiaoxin, just in case you're here, let's go together."

"Xiaoxin, stay by yourself for a while, chat with Zixuan and the others on WeChat when you're bored, and I'll be back later."

Hearing Huang Xiaoliang's words, Huang Xiaoxin also nodded. Now that Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoliang are leaving, Huang Xiaoxin is more natural. She feels embarrassed when she sees Ji Yang.

Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoliang had just arrived at the canteen of the hospital. Because it was noon, there were many people eating in the canteen. Seeing the long queue at the canteen window, Huang Xiaoliang smiled bitterly.

"Ji Yang, there are too many people here, and I don't know how long the line will last, why don't we go out to eat."

Huang Xiaoliang's suggestion was good, and Ji Yang agreed.

There are many small restaurants outside Linhai Hospital, and the business is very good. There are many people wearing hospital gowns inside. It seems that there are many people who don't like to queue in the hospital cafeteria.

Ji Yang glanced at the people in the restaurant, and then his eyes froze.

"Ji Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Huang Xiaoliang saw something wrong with Ji Yang's eyes and asked.

"I saw a few acquaintances."

Ji Yang said with a cold smile.

They were acquaintances rather than enemies. Ji Yang noticed that there were a few people with unkind faces eating in the restaurant at this time. Among these people, Ji Yang knew two, and that was Wang Hu and brother Li Zixuan who he said that night. fat man.

"Damn it, old fat, I said you are the reincarnation of Zhu Bajie. Two plates of dumplings are not enough, you still have to eat."

"Brother Hu, didn't I break my hand and need nutrition, hehe."

"Fuck your sister, when you went to see Guilanxiang sister last night, why didn't you say that you need nutrition."

"Hey, girls are the best nutrition for men, aren't they?"

Brother Hu and Lao Fat said some colorful words, which made the faces of several young girls around them blush.

"Brother Tiger, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Hu usually likes to tease others, but suddenly seeing Wang Hu looking behind him with cold eyes but not speaking, Lao Fat is also very strange.

"It's that kid. There is a way to heaven, he won't leave, and there is no way to hell. He broke in by himself, called Brother Long, and asked Brother Long to bring someone to Linhai Hospital to say that the kid was found."

Wang Hu put down the chopsticks in his hand and said with a sneer.

Lao Fat looked behind curiously, he also saw Ji Yang, his body trembled when he saw Ji Yang, his broken arm also unconsciously twitched, and he gasped in pain.

"It turned out to be this kid. I'll call right away. I feel like I can't let him go today."

Lao Fei hurriedly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

At this time, Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoliang had almost eaten, and Huang Xiaoliang also helped Huang Xiaoxin ask for a dumpling to take back for her.

But at this moment, a group of people rushed into the restaurant.

"Huzi, where was the person who beat the brothers that night?"

The leader of these people was a middle-aged man with a very burly figure, and his strong muscles would burst his vest. As soon as he arrived in the restaurant, he asked Wang Hu loudly.

"Brother Long, it was that kid who injured our brother."

Wang Hu stood up, pointed at Ji Yang and said loudly.

"Dare to hit my brother, see if I don't abolish you today, except for him, get out of here if you don't want to die!"

Zhang Long squinted at Ji Yang, and then shouted loudly to the people around him.

Seeing this posture, smart people know what's going on, and the people in the restaurant also ran out of the restaurant as quickly as birds scattered, even the restaurant owner and waiters ran out.

After everyone else ran away, Zhang Long also brought everyone to Ji Yang's dining table.

"Boy, if you don't want to suffer along with me, get out immediately, or I'll let you..."

Zhang Zhanglong knew the truth of the wrong and the debtor, and it was a very moral rule. He saw that there was a person with his back facing him opposite Ji Yang, so he wanted him to get out of the restaurant.

But only halfway through his words, Huang Xiaoliang turned his head, seeing Huang Xiaoliang's face, Zhang Long shivered all over, and couldn't continue speaking.

"Crack! Zhang Long hasn't seen you for a few days. You are so talented. You dare to yell at me and tell me to get out. If I don't get out, what do you want me to do?"

Huang Xiaoliang slapped the table and stood up and gave a cold shout to Zhang Long.

(End of this chapter)

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