The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 25 The Fat Tian Tao

Chapter 25 The Fat Tian Tao

What's going on here, how could this kid who beat Wang Hu and others sit with Huang Xiaoliang by coincidence, and I wanted Huang Xiaoliang to go away just now, but it was because I didn't read the almanac when I went out, so I was so unlucky.

Dazed, Zhang Long was completely dazed.

He, Zhang Long, is number one on Linhai Road, but he is nothing compared to the Huang family.

"Young Master Huang, it's all a misunderstanding. I didn't know you were here. If I knew it was you, how dare I talk to you like that."

On weekdays, Zhang Long, who is fearless in the hearts of all the younger brothers, is actually giving in to others. Those who don't know Huang Xiaoliang's identity are very curious about his identity, and those who know his identity all lower their heads very low, almost Didn't find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Zhang Long, I know that your reputation on Linhai Road is getting bigger and bigger, but don't forget who gave you your today. If someone can give you today's achievement, he will have the ability to make you have nothing."

"Don't think that I don't know what you want to do. You want to trouble Ji Yang, don't you? Don't say I didn't remind you, Ji Yang is now my sister's savior. If you have the courage, try to touch him."

At this moment, Huang Xiaoliang was completely different from Ji Yang's impression. At this moment, he looked at Zhang Long with indifference, and did not save Zhang Long any face when he spoke.

However, Zhang Long didn't feel dissatisfied at all when he heard Huang Xiaoliang speak like this. He stood there obediently and listened like a pupil being scolded by a teacher.

When he heard that Ji Yang was Huang Xiaoliang's younger sister's savior, cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Fortunately, I didn't really touch Ji Yang today, otherwise the Huang family would definitely not let me go. Who doesn't know that the Huang family has always been very precious to their daughter. Since Ji Yang is her savior, it is quite Is it the savior of the entire Huang family?"

"When I met Huang Xiaoliang today, at most I was scolded by him, but if I really touched Ji Yang, I might lose my life."

Zhang Long couldn't help being grateful, and felt an urge to hug Huang Xiaoliang's thigh to thank him.

"Young Master Huang, this is really a misunderstanding. I didn't know that Ji Shao was Miss Huang's benefactor before. It was all a misunderstanding. I am here to apologize to Ji Shao."

Zhang Long looked at Ji Yang with a wry smile and said.

"There's no need to apologize, but I have one thing to ask you."

Hearing Zhang Long's apology, Ji Yang smiled lightly, but looked at Wang Hu behind Zhang Long with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Wang Hu thumped in his heart when he was stared at by Ji Yang, he scolded himself for being stupid, why didn't he recognize Huang Xiaoliang just now, he was afraid that he would shoot himself in the foot today.

"Ji Shao, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

Zhang Long puffed up his chest when he heard Ji Yang's words, as if he knew everything.

"Okay, then I want to ask you, who asked you to kidnap Li Zixuan?"

The faint smile on Ji Yang's face turned into a sneer, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense. When he mentioned the word "kidnapping Li Zixuan", he also bit the word very hard.

"Ji Yang, what did you say? You said they were the ones who kidnapped Zixuan that night!"

Huang Xiaoliang, who had just sat down, instantly stood up from his seat, looking even more angry than before, looking at Zhang Long with a livid face.

"Zhang Long, you can do it. You are so courageous that you dare to tie up members of the Li family."

Huang Xiaoliang knows that people who are on the road will help some people do shady things, and kidnapping is the most common thing.

But kidnapping can't be done indiscriminately. Zhang Long actually went to kidnap Li Zixuan. Zhang Long is really tired of life.

"Young Master Ji, Young Master Huang, you must have made a mistake about this matter. I, Zhang Long, have been in Linhai for so long. I still know who can and cannot offend anyone. How dare I tie up the eldest lady of the Li family."

Zhang Long's face paled in an instant, he kidnapped the eldest lady of the Li family, what a joke, could it be that he, Zhang Long, is crazy.

Zhang Long even wondered if it was because he made trouble for Ji Yang today, so he deliberately made things difficult for himself, but judging from Huang Xiaoliang's reaction, the kidnapping of Li Zixuan was definitely not groundless.

"He was the one who kidnapped Li Zixuan that night. This fat man was also the one whose arm I broke that night. You still say that I made a mistake while he is here."

Ji Yang pointed at Wang Hu and Lao Fei and shouted loudly.

"Wang Hu, old fat, is what Ji Shao said true?"

At this time, Zhang Long also realized what he had overlooked. That night, Wang Hu and Lao Fei only said that they had taken the order and brought a few brothers to work.

After Wang Hu and Lao Fatty came back with injuries, they only said that someone did something wrong, and the person who did the wrong thing was Ji Yang, but he didn't say what he did. Now it seems that what Wang Hu did that night was kidnapping Li Zixuan.

"Brother Long, Brother Long, we were also forced."

When Ji Yang pointed out the two, Wang Hu and Lao Fei knew that they couldn't escape. As soon as Zhang Long opened his mouth, the two fell to their knees in fright.

"Bastard, I usually treat you well, but you actually hurt me."

The current appearance of the two is enough to prove that Ji Yang's words are true, and the anger in Zhang Long's heart is instantly ignited.

"You want to die, I haven't lived enough yet!"

When Zhang Long rushed in front of the two of them, he punched and kicked. Wang Hu and Lao Fei also screamed and screamed after being beaten, but they didn't dare to dodge and could only keep begging for mercy.

"Brother Long, we were wrong, and we didn't want to. We were also killed."

"If you harm your sister, you are harming my father."

Their begging for mercy had no effect at all, and Zhang Long had no intention of stopping at all. If he continued to fight like this, Wang Hu and Lao Fei would definitely be beaten to death.


Zhang Long punched Wang Hu in the face again, but before he could hit Wang Hu, he was stopped halfway.

"Ji Shao, let me go and let me kill these two bastards. I really don't know about their kidnapping of Miss Li. I almost let them kill me."

Zhang Long's arm is very thick, Ji Yang's arm is two circles smaller than his, but when Zhang Long's arm was caught by Ji Yang, Zhang Long was shocked to find that his arm could not break free from Ji Yang's hand.

"I don't care if you beat them to death or not. I just want to know who asked them to kidnap Li Zixuan that night."

Ji Yang is not interested in managing Wang Hu's life and death, he just wants to know who is behind the kidnapping of Li Zixuan.

"Are you two deaf? Tell me, who asked you to help Miss Li?"

Zhang Long kicked Wang Hu's body, Wang Hu also yelled in pain, and then said: "It was Tian Tao, the young master of the Tian family, who asked us to kidnap Miss Li."

"What are you saying that Tian Tao asked you to kidnap Zixuan? Is he fucking crazy?"

Huang Xiaoliang, who didn't speak for a long time, rushed to Wang Hu's body after hearing Wang Hu's words, grabbed the opponent's collar, and asked in disbelief.

It's no secret that Tian Tao likes Li Zixuan, but Li Zixuan has never given Tian Tao a good face, but Huang Xiaoliang never thought that Tian Tao would be able to kidnap Li Zixuan.

"Yes, it's Tian Tao."

Wang Hu's face was covered in blood from Zhang Long's beating, and he nodded fiercely when he heard Huang Xiaoliang's question.

"This bastard is too courageous, doesn't he know how serious the consequences will be after kidnapping Li Zixuan!"

Tian Tao's kidnapping of Li Zixuan was nothing more than wanting the overlord to force his bow, and cook the raw rice into cooked rice, but did he really think that he could get Li Zixuan by doing so?

(End of this chapter)

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