The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 184 Rescue Mu Hong

Chapter 184 Rescue Mu Hong (Part [-])
Mu Hong is Li Zixuan's best friend, Mu An's younger sister, and Ji Yang's friend.

Just watching the other party being taken away by Ruan Wenzhong, Ji Yang must not just watch, but how can he save him?

Ji Yang took out a white bead from his bosom, this bead was the water-proof pearl, but after taking out the water-proof pearl, Ji Yang shook his head again.

Although this water-repelling pearl can make people walk in the water as if walking on flat ground after use, they don't have to worry about breathing difficulties in the water due to lack of oxygen. It is the same in the water as on land.

But the speed of the fishing boat is very fast, just like a person chasing a car on the road. Ji Yang thinks about his speed. Although he is faster than ordinary people, he can't outrun the car.

I can't do it on my own, it seems that I still have to find helpers, but who can I turn to for problems at sea?
Xiaobailong, that's right, look for Xiaobailong, the dragon clan used to be the king of the water clan, although the three realms are now isolated, the other party might have a solution.

"Little Bailong, I need help urgently."

As soon as he thought of Xiao Bailong, Ji Yang also contacted the other party immediately. Now time is tight and there is no delay.

"If you have something to say, it is incumbent on you to help if you can."

Xiao Bailong spoke very directly, seeing that the other party said so, Ji Yang also told Xiao Bailong about the problems he encountered.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Bailong was silent for a while, and then replied to Ji Yang's WeChat.

"I'll help you with this matter. Isn't it Linhai? I'll take a few breaths and sneezes. There will be a small storm, which will make their fishing boats unable to sail normally."

"Take advantage of this time to catch up with the water-proof pearl."

Xiao Bailong's method is good, as long as he can stop the speed of the fishing boat, Ji Yang is confident to catch up.

After the method was finalized, Ji Yang used the water-avoiding pearls according to the method that Xiao Bailong gave him before.


Ji Yang plunged into the water, and he realized the wonder of water-avoiding pearls.

In the past, when swimming by himself, he would feel oppressed when he entered the water, and his breathing would be difficult, but now that he has water-proof pearls, these feelings disappear in an instant, and he really feels like he has turned into a fish. Basically the same feeling as being on land.

Not to mention, the sea is really beautiful. Although it was night, when Ji Yang entered the sea, he found that some fish in the sea were fluorescent, and they were still shining in the sea. Some sea creatures he had never seen before panoramic view.

I don't know if it's because of the water-avoiding pearls, the fish in the ocean are not afraid of Ji Yang, and even swim towards Ji Yang on their own initiative.

But although the ocean is beautiful, now is not the time to appreciate it, Ji Yang has to hurry up and chase the fishing boat.

On the sea, Cyclops was driving the fishing boat towards the Golden Triangle. Ruan Wenzhong's broken arm had been fixed, and he was looking at Mu Hong proudly.

"Although your Chinese military and police are not weak, it's so easy to catch me."

"Don't stare at me like that, you'd better save some strength, our general is very barbaric haha..."

Seeing Mu Hong staring at him, Ruan Wenzhong laughed indifferently.

Hearing Ruan Wenzhong's laughter, Mu Hong was so angry that he couldn't help shouting.

"Don't be complacent, you haven't reached the Golden Triangle yet, maybe there will be a storm soon, and you will be finished soon."

What Mu Hong said was actually just angry words, but as soon as she finished speaking, she felt a gust of wind hit her.

The gust of wind was so strong that the fishing boat was shaken by the blow.

When did I speak so accurately, is it really going to be a storm?
Of course, this storm was not caused by Mu Hong's words, but by Xiao Bailong.

Although Xiao Bailong couldn't leave the Heavenly Court, it was fine for him to sneeze twice and blow two breaths towards Linhai in the Heavenly Court.

As soon as Xiaobailong blew, the originally calm Linhai sea was blown up by a strong wind, and when he sneezed, a heavy rain came.

The task of the Heavenly Court Dragon Clan is to spread the rain with clouds, this trivial matter is too simple for Xiao Bailong.

"What's the matter, has this girl's mouth been opened before? One-eyed control the fishing boat and don't capsize."

Ruan Wenzhong frowned, the violent storm must have come too accurately, why did Mu Hong come here just after he finished speaking.

One-eyed doesn't need Ruan Wenzhong to say, he also knows that he has to control the fishing boat, this is at sea, if the boat capsizes, everyone will be finished.

However, although Cyclops controlled the fishing boat, due to the storm, the fishing boat couldn't drive normally at all, and turned around in place.

During the time when the fishing boat was circling, Ji Yang was already close to the fishing boat.

Because of the storm, the three of Ruan Wenzhong hid in the cabin. When Ji Yang touched the boat, the other party didn't notice it at all.

At this time, the effect of water-proof pearls has not been lost. Ji Yang is not afraid of heavy rain, but he can't stand the strong wind. Just as Ji Yang touched the boat, he was almost blown down by the strong wind.

"Isn't the little white dragon just sneezing? Why is there such a big movement? If it sneezes every two days, the world will be in chaos."

Ji Yang found a corner of the boat to temporarily avoid the strong wind, and quickly sent a WeChat message to Xiao Bailong, telling him that the storm could stop.

As soon as the storm stopped, Ruan Wenzhong and Cyclops in the cabin were all happy, and they were ready to continue sailing towards the Golden Triangle.

But at this moment, the door of the cabin was suddenly kicked open vigorously, and then a person was seen rushing in.

Before Ruan Wenzhong could react quickly, he felt a pain in his abdomen, and he squatted on the ground and moaned in pain.

"Master, it's amazing to have a boat, isn't it? You still yell at me. If you like to call me, let you call me as much as you like."

It was Ji Yang who kicked open the cabin door vigorously, and rushed in again. Ji Yang punched Ruan Wenzhong to the ground, and then kicked him, Ruan Wenzhong screamed in pain.

The one-eyed man on the side had already reacted at this time, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

But just as one of the Four King Kongs of General Ruan Wenzhong said rushed towards Ji Yang, he was kicked off by Ji Yang, and his body slammed into the baffle of the cabin, making him faint.

Mu Hong had thought that Ji Yang could come to save her, but she had given up the moment the boat drove away.

But at this time Ji Yang really came, and Mu Hong was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

Ji Yang kicked Ruan Wenzhong twice again, before turning his head to look at Mu Hong.

"Are you all right? I'm late."

When Mu Hong heard Ji Yang's concern, she blushed slightly and said she was fine.

When Ji Yang was talking, he started to help Mu Hong untie the rope on his body.

And just when Ji Yang was about to help Mu Hong untie the rope, a sudden change occurred. Ruan Wenzhong, who had been kicked by Ji Yang and screamed, took out a gun from nowhere and pointed it at Ji Yang, who was facing away from him.

Before going into the sea, Ji Yang took off all the bulletproof vests on his body, and his body has no bulletproof ability. If he is really shot by the opponent, no one knows what the consequences will be.

(End of this chapter)

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