The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 185 Super Healing Medicine

Chapter 185 Super Healing Medicine (Part [-])

Although Ruan Wenzhong was not kicked by Ji Yang before and passed out, he was beaten severely. It was really unexpected that he suddenly pointed his gun at Ji Yang.

The incident happened suddenly, and Ruan Wenzhong was so close to Ji Yang that it was difficult for Ji Yang to dodge.

"You die for me!"

Half of Ruan Wenzhong's face was covered in blood, coupled with his ferocious face, he also looked a bit terrifying. When he yelled, gunshots rang out immediately.



A cry of pain resounded, and this cry of pain was not from Ji Yang, but from Mu Hong.

Ji Yang looked at Mu Hong who was pressing herself under him with a dazed expression. There was a slight smile on Mu Hong's face, and a stream of blood flowed down the corner of her mouth, making her smile a bit more poignant. Feel.

"Mu Hong, you..."

Ji Yang's back was facing Ruan Wenzhong, but Mu Hong was facing Ruan Wenzhong. When Ruan Wenzhong took out his gun, Mu Hong guessed what the other party was going to do.

Without even hesitating, Mu Hong knocked Ji Yang down with great force, and her whole body was on Ji Yang's body. Ruan Wenzhong's shot also hit Mu Hong's body.

Mu Hong's back was already stained red with blood, and a pungent bloody smell wafted out. Ji Yang's hand instinctively placed on the opponent's back, sticky blood stained Ji Yang's hand.

Ruan Wenzhong fired a black gun in his back, Ji Yang didn't expect it, and he didn't expect Mu Hong to do something to block the gun for himself.

When Mu Hong was tied up, her body armor was also taken off. She was using her own life to save Ji Yang's.

"It's good that you're fine."

When Mu Hong said these words, Ji Yang's heart was really shattered, and a wave of anger rushed into his mind.

"Ah... Ruan Wenzhong, I want to make your life worse than death today."

Ji Yang roared angrily, held Mu Hong in his arms with one hand, and rushed towards Ruan Wenzhong when he stood up.

When Ruan Wenzhong saw that Mu Hong was not hit by Ji Yang with one shot, he was also a little stunned. When he was about to make up two shots, Ji Yang had already stood up from the ground and rushed towards him.


Ji Yang grabbed Ruan Wenzhong's hand holding the gun, and pressed Ruan Wenzhong's hand hard, not only could not pull the trigger, Ruan Wenzhong even felt that his hand was about to be crushed by the opponent.



Ji Yang already had murderous intentions towards Ruan Wenzhong, so he would not hold back his hand, he really crushed Ruan Wenzhong's hand bones.

Ruan Wenzhong's screams were just the beginning of his sorrow. Ji Yang's fists and feet rained down on Ruan Wenzhong's body.

"Ji Yang, don't kill him, he's still useful."

When Ruan Wenzhong was beaten to the brink of death by Ji Yang, Mu Hong spoke weakly.

Ji Yang looked unwillingly at Ruan Wenzhong who was lying on the ground exhaling more than inhaling. This guy was indeed beaten badly by Ji Yang. He didn’t know how many bones were broken in his body, and his internal organs were severely injured. Kill him, if there is no timely treatment, it is estimated that he will not live long.

"Hmph, let you live a little longer."

Snorting coldly at Ruan Wenzhong, Ji Yang looked at Mu Hong again. Now Mu Hong's situation is very bad, he must help the other party take out the bullet first.

"Lie down, and I'll help you take out the bullet."

Ji Yang put Mu Hong on the ground and said softly, Mu Hong's face turned red, wouldn't she have to take off her clothes if she took the bullet?

But when she thought about it, Ji Yang was a doctor, and he was here to help her get the bullet, so she nodded shyly.

However, Mu Hong still had some doubts in his heart. In this kind of place, how could Ji Yang take the bullet for himself without surgical tools?
"wait for me a while."

Ji Yang doesn't have surgical tools in his hands now, but others do. He told Mu Hong and left the cabin.

"Hua Tuo, lend me a set of your surgical tools."

Ji Yang found Hua Tuo, and said directly without being polite to the other party.

"Um, okay, don't you have surgical tools, why did you ask me to borrow them?"

When Hua Tuo saw Ji Yang borrowing surgical tools, he couldn't help being curious.

Hearing Hua Tuo's inquiry, Ji Yang told Hua Tuo his current situation. Hua Tuo knew that the situation was urgent, so he stopped talking nonsense and directly passed the surgical tools to Ji Yang.

"By the way, here is this for you. Eating this can speed up the recovery of the wound."

While handing over the surgical tools to Ji Yang, Hua Tuo also passed a small porcelain bottle to Ji Yang.

After taking the small porcelain bottle, Ji Yang opened the cork and saw that there was a black pill inside. According to what Hua Tuo said just now, Ji Yang guessed that it should be a healing medicine.

"Thank you for the healing medicine."

Putting the healing medicine into his pocket, Ji Yang did not forget to thank Hua Tuo.

"You don't have to thank me. You have contributed a lot to the emergence of this super healing medicine. If it weren't for the western medical theory you provided, there would be no super healing medicine."

Then Hua Tuo told Ji Yang about the super healing medicine. It turned out that this super healing medicine was researched by Hua Tuo, Li Shizhen, Sun Simiao and more than a dozen ancient genius doctors, combining the theories of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.

Ji Yang didn't expect that the genius doctors in this underworld would do such a thing after reading the information about western medicine.

Moreover, in such a short period of time, this special-grade healing medicine can be developed through the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, which is really amazing.

If he had time at this time, Ji Yang would definitely praise the other party.

But it was obviously not the right time, he had to hurry up and help Mu Hong take out the bullet from his body.

When Ji Yang was returning to the cabin, Mu Hong's spirit was worse than before, her face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, but after seeing Ji Yang coming in, she was still smiling.

"Where did you find these things?"

Seeing the pile of things in Ji Yang's hands, including scissors, cloth, and a few small porcelain bottles, Mu Hong asked curiously.

"You don't have to worry about where it came from. I will use silver needles to help you fall asleep now, and you will be fine when you wake up."

While Ji Yang was speaking, he also cut off the clothes on Mu Hong's back. Mu Hong's originally white back was now covered in blood.

Ji Yang frowned. If it wasn't for him, Mu Hong wouldn't be like this. With a sigh, Ji Yang started to take bullets for the other party.

Taking a bullet was too easy for Ji Yang. He had encountered more difficult operations than this once or twice. After taking out the bullet, Ji Yang sewed up the wound.

The silver needle was removed from Mu Hong's body, and Mu Hong woke up not long after. Mu Hong woke up feeling pain in her back, and couldn't help but gasp.

"Eat this, and you will recover much faster."

Ji Yang poured out the special healing medicine from the porcelain bottle and handed it to Mu Hong, who actually ate it without asking.

"Aren't you afraid of poison?"

"Even if it's poison, I'll take what you give me."

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(End of this chapter)

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