The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 186 The Immortals Who Are Breaking Up

Chapter 186 The Immortals Who Are Breaking Up

What Ji Yang said was an unintentional remark. He just asked casually, but he didn't want Mu Hong to give such an answer.

What do these words mean, what does this look mean? Could it be that Mu Hong has a crush on her?

But isn't Mu Hong an ice beauty? Why did she fall in love with her? When Ji Yang thought of this, his heart skipped a beat.

He has a girlfriend now, and Mu Hong and Li Zixuan are best friends, and he once envied the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of Sangong, the ancient emperor.

But now in modern society, the legal system is different, can I really have multiple women?

Even if I can really have multiple women, are these women willing to be with me at the same time?

When Ji Yang was thinking, Mu Hong didn't speak, she just looked at Ji Yang quietly, and Ji Yang felt a hairy feeling in his heart when she saw her.

The atmosphere in the cabin was a little awkward at this moment.

At this moment, an alarm bell rang, and then a voice was heard.

"We are the Huaxia Coast Guard, you have been surrounded, immediately put down your weapons and come out to surrender..."

It turned out that it was the Chinese coast guard who came. Hearing the voice of the coast guard, Ji Yang felt relieved.

"Your body is weak now, let me hug you."

Ji Yang just took out the bullet in Mu Hong's body. Her body is still very weak. Hearing Ji Yang's words, Mu Hong nodded.

When Ji Yang picked Mu Hong up, Mu Hong whispered in his ear: "I like it, I know you already have Zixuan, but I just like you, no matter what you choose, my heart will not will change."

After Mu Hong finished speaking, she kissed Ji Yang on the cheek.

After Mu Hong kissed him, she leaned her head on Ji Yang's shoulder and closed her eyes. Ji Yang looked down at Mu Hong, moved her mouth, and finally decided not to say anything. take a step.


"Brother Mu An, I'm sorry, but Mu Hong wouldn't have been shot if it wasn't because of me."

After returning to the shore on the coast guard boat, Mu Hong was rushed to the hospital.

Although Ji Yang took out the bullet for her, in order to reassure everyone, Mu Hong still had to check it carefully.

Now it is confirmed that Mu Hong is fine, and he can be discharged from the hospital after a period of recuperation.

Standing outside Mu Hong's ward, Ji Yang looked at Mu An apologetically, and said apologetically.

He is a man, so he should block the gun for Mu Hong, but now he let the other party block the gun for him, what is this?

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Mu An just patted Ji Yang's shoulder, and looked at Ji Yang with complicated eyes.

"Ji Yang, it's not your fault, it's Mu Hong's own choice."

"If you hadn't caught up with the fishing boat in time tonight, Mu Hong's consequences would have been disastrous."

"A woman is always blind in front of love. I only hope that you can treat her well in the future. Our family supports you to be together."

Mu An knew that Ji Yang had some strange abilities, so he didn't ask how Ji Yang caught up with the fishing boat.

When Mu An spoke, his expression was very serious, but seeing Mu An's serious expression, Ji Yang instantly petrified.

Damn, what the hell is going on here, the whole Mu family knows that Mu Hong likes her, and they even support her.

This happy storm came too violently, Ji Yang actually didn't know how to deal with it.

Besides, even if the Mu family agrees, will Li Zixuan's family agree?
Whether it's Li Zixuan or Mu Hong, both of them are goddesses in the hearts of countless men, but now when they fall into Ji Yang's arms at the same time, he is at a loss.

"Brother Mu An, is this really appropriate?"

Ji Yang held back for a long time before choking out such a sentence. As soon as this sentence came out, Mu An smiled heartily.


As soon as Mu An said this, Ji Yang thought to himself that Mu An was a good big brother.

But in the end it was up to Ji Yang to decide whether it was suitable or not.

Mu Hong didn't hesitate to sacrifice herself for Ji Yang, she had nothing to choose regardless of her appearance or her family, if such a girl said that Ji Yang was not at all tempted, she wouldn't believe anyone if she was beaten to death.

But if Ji Yang and Mu Hong were to give up Li Zixuan together, Ji Yang would not be able to do it.

In the same way, Ji Yang couldn't let him hurt a woman who was willing to sacrifice her life for him.

"Horse egg, what should I do?"

"I don't want anyone who I want, or I accept them all. God, can you tell me?"

As soon as God was mentioned, Ji Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Can God tell me that Ji Yang doesn't know, but there is one person who definitely knows.

There is one person who knows the issue of marriage in the three realms best, and that person is Yuelao.

Yuelao, also known as Yuexialaoer, Yuexialaoer, is in charge of the Hongxi god of marriage in the three realms, also known as the matchmaker.

Who will I be with in the future? Just ask Yue Lao and you will know.

"Brother Mu An, I have something to do and I'll leave first. When Mu Hong wakes up, tell her to take a good rest. I'll come see her after work tomorrow."

Ji Yang himself doesn't know how to face Mu Hong now, so he decided to ask Yuelao about it.

Mu An didn't say anything, after all, Ji Yang was also tired all night.

After Ji Yang left the hospital and returned home, he directly took out his mobile phone, and he wanted to find Yuelao as soon as possible to ask about his marriage.

Above the heavenly court, Yue Lao looked at the Marriage Book in his hand with a bitter face.

"Old Yue, what are you doing, old boy? You have won me a lot of merit recently, why do you still have this expression?"

Taibai Jinxing came to look for Yuelao at this time, and seeing Yuelao's bitter expression, he asked.

Hearing Taibai Jinxing's question, Yuelao shook his head helplessly, and expressed his troubles.

The laws of the Three Realms prevent immortals from going to the mortal world at will, and there are no newcomers to report in the heavenly court. There is a population problem in the heavenly court. The Jade Emperor decreed to abolish the previous prohibition of marriage between gods and immortals, and let the gods in the heavenly court freely marry to increase the population of the heavenly court. .

In fact, many gods have a good impression of themselves, but they dare not go one step further because of the will of the Jade Emperor.

Now that the decree has been abolished, and love and marriage are free, these gods who already have good feelings will naturally come together, and Yuelao has also become busy.

Many gods came to find Yuelao to match up. The marriage of the three realms was originally Yuelao's responsibility, and he didn't say anything.

But after Yuelao successfully matched these gods, as time passed, the gods who were together began to discover that having a partner is not a happy thing.

Many gods who were together came to Yuelao and asked Yuelao to cut the red rope between them.

At the beginning, Yuelao did as well, but as more and more gods came to look for Yuelao, Jade Emperor was not happy.

The Jade Emperor would rather abolish the decree and let the gods be together, in order to increase the population of the heavenly court. Now that the couples are separated, how can the population of the heavenly court increase.

In the end, the Jade Emperor gave Yuelao an order not to cut the red rope between the immortal lovers, but to find a way to help these immortals maintain their relationship.

Yuelao's worry is how to maintain these gods who want to break up.

 Xieben codes secretly at work, the speed may not be satisfactory, please bear with me, try to update Xieben as much as possible, everyone recommends monthly tickets to reward support
(End of this chapter)

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