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Chapter 1878 The baptism of the Phoenix flame is over

Chapter 1878 The Phoenix Flame Baptism Is Over (Part [-])

"The last bit of lava, I'll fan it!"

The eruption of Fengshan Volcano this time was indeed very violent.

But no matter how violent it is, it will eventually stop.

At this time, no lava has flowed out of the crater, and the flame has not appeared again. It seems that this volcanic eruption is over.

Looking at the last pile of lava in front of him, Ji Yang fanned it with a plantain fan.

With a fan of the plantain fan, some dark wind howled out, rolled up the lava, and flew towards the distance.


"Ji Yang, I can feel the aura of the flames weakening, and the volcanic eruption has finally stopped."

After Ji Yang fanned away the last lava, the little dragon girl came to Ji Yang's side.

When Ji Yang was dealing with the volcanic lava, the little dragon girl was always guarding the people of Feng's family.

However, the protection this time seems to be meaningless, because not a single spark, nor a drop of lava appeared around Feng's house.

With such a result, Xiao Longnv clearly had something to do with Ji Yang.

When she felt the eruption should be over, she rushed over.

"Well, it's basically over."

"You came at the right time, it's up to you next..."

Although it seems that the volcanic eruption has stopped now.

But at this time, the temperature of the crater is still very high, and there are still some flames appearing vaguely.

For the sake of safety, Ji Yang felt that he had to make some preparations.

At this time, when Xiao Longnu came, he thought of an idea.

He let the little dragon girl fly to the crater, spray cold air into the crater, and use the cold air to suppress the flames.

Hearing Ji Yang's approach, the little dragon girl flew to the crater without hesitation, and began to blow cold air into the crater.

The cold air condensed in the crater, and the flames in the crater were quickly extinguished, and the temperature also became lower.


Just because of the cold, Xiao Longnv still felt that something was wrong.

Anyway, the temperature of the crater has weakened now, and it is not a big problem to condense ice.

The concentration of the release of cold air increased, and some ice crystals first appeared on the edge of the crater. As the ice crystals grew more and more, a thick lump of ice sealed the entire crater.

Looking at the little dragon girl who sealed the crater with ice, Ji Yang gave her a thumbs up.

"You cow!"

Hearing Ji Yang's appreciation, Xiao Longnv smiled triumphantly at Ji Yang.

With this piece of ice, the Fengshan crater, which is basically quiet, should not have any problems anymore.

"How is the situation of the Feng family?"

The volcanic eruption is basically over here.

When the little dragon girl flew to Ji Yang from the crater, Ji Yang asked about the situation of the Feng family.

As soon as Ji Yang asked about the members of the Feng family, Xiao Longnv's complexion darkened and she sighed.

"The volcanic eruption is over, and the baptism of the Phoenix flames is basically over. The Feng family suffered a lot this time, and one-third of the people did not make it through."

"However, those who can withstand the baptism of the phoenix will have different degrees of improvement in their cultivation."

The members of the Feng family who have been baptized by the flames of the phoenix are all masters of the Feng family, elites of the Feng family.

A third died, that is, three 400 people died.

Such a loss is not small.

However, the people of the Feng family must have been prepared for such a result, because many people would die in the baptism of the Phoenix flame every hundred years.

Most of the time, less than a hundred people from the Feng family could survive.

But as long as he survives the baptism of the phoenix flame this time, he will get a lot of benefits.

Whether it is an instant improvement in cultivation or future cultivation, there are many benefits.

"This is their fate. It's not bad if two-thirds of them survive."

Two-thirds of the people survived, which was really better than Ji Yang expected. Ji Yang thought that if only half of them survived, it would be very good.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Longnv didn't say anything about Feng's family.

"Now that the volcanic eruption has stopped, shouldn't the five-star king's magic weapon be taken back and returned to them?"

Leaving aside the matter of the Feng family, Xiao Longnv started talking about Wuxingjun's magic weapon.

Hearing Xiao Longnu's words for the first time, Ji Yang originally wanted to nod.

But when he looked towards the crater, he chose to shake his head.

"To be on the safe side, the five-element seal formation cannot be removed yet, so let's not take back the magic weapon for now."

Although everything seems to have passed, no one knows whether the volcano in Fengshan will erupt again.

So Ji Yang, who also had the idea of ​​taking back the magic weapon, finally chose to confiscate it.

"That's right, then let's go back to the Feng family now. When I came, the baptism of the Phoenix flames was coming to an end, and it should be over now. As the leader of the Guardian Alliance, shouldn't you give condolences to the people of the Feng family?"

"That's for sure, then let's go back to Feng's house now."

Needless to say, Xiaolongnv, Ji Yang will definitely return to Feng's house.

As Ji Yang's voice fell, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv flew back to Feng's house together.

By the time Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv returned to Feng's house, the baptism of the Phoenix flames had indeed ended.

But looking at the appearance of the members of the Feng family, there is excitement and excitement in their expressions, as well as rejoicing and joy of surviving after the catastrophe, but there is also sadness.

After all, during the baptism of the phoenix flame this time, hundreds of people from the Feng family died.

These dead people were still alive a day ago.

"See the ally."

When Ji Yang returned, all the members of the Feng family saluted Ji Yang.

"Everyone is tired, go and rest."

"This baptism of the phoenix flame is a catastrophe for you, and it is also an opportunity for you. If you practice hard in the future, you will be able to get a lot of benefits."

Ji Yang could feel that the members of the Feng family in front of him were different.

In their bodies, there is an unusual flame power.

This power will have a multiplier effect on their future cultivation.

"Ji Yang, is the volcanic eruption over?"

"Well, it's over for the time being, but I don't know if there will be a second eruption, but the five-element seal is still there, even if there is a second eruption, there will be no problem."

The rest of the Feng family dispersed, and Feng Rong came to Ji Yang's side.

Although Feng Rong's previous cultivation base was not weak, it was still a little worse compared to now.

The current Feng Rong is already a stable fourth-rank immortal professional cultivation, which was not stable before.

"It's good that it's over, thanks to you this time."

"We are guarding the family, and this is what we should do."

"Aunt Feng, you just received the baptism of the phoenix flame, go and rest now."

Ji Yang smiled at Feng Rong, Feng Rong nodded and left.

After Feng Rong left, Ji Yang also returned to the wooden house.

This day and night, he was also tossing a lot, and his body was a little tired.

Ji Yang and everyone in Feng's family went to rest, but Xiaolongnv didn't. She temporarily took charge of the guard work, occupying the middle of Feng's residence to prevent another eruption of Fengshan volcano.

The feared second eruption of the volcano did not appear, but as night fell, dozens of nimble figures appeared on the big trees around Fengshan Mountain.

Following a strange cry, dozens of figures scattered in several directions of Fengshan...

(End of this chapter)

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