The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1879 The baby belongs to this king

Chapter 1879 The Baby Is My King's

"Squad leader, what do you think that is?"

The eruption of Fengshan volcano seems to have stopped on the surface.

The volcano erupted day and night, but the situation was not bad, which made everyone in Fengxian Town very puzzled.

However, the military police who were waiting in battle in Fengxian Town did not withdraw, they were still surrounded by the foot of Fengshan Mountain, and the residents of Fengxian Town were still staying in a relatively safe place.

Because of the agreement between the Feng family and the superiors, half of the area on Fengshan Mountain is not allowed to be entered.

The mayor of Fengxian Town didn't dare to set foot in that area casually, but because of the volcanic eruption, he still asked his superiors for instructions, but his superiors told him that those areas that were not allowed to set foot in were still not allowed to enter.

I don't want to ruin my future, and neither do the people above me.

But since the superior gave such an answer, there must be a secret that he did not know, so even if the mayor of Fengxian Town was puzzled, he didn't ask any silly questions.

But not asking, does not mean not doing anything.

The military and police did not withdraw, it was decided after discussion between the mayor and the military and police.

While the military and police continued to wait, the dangerous situation did not appear.

But in the middle of the night, a young soldier who had just joined the army and was less than 20 years old and was in charge of guarding tonight heard a strange sound coming from his ear, and his eyes looked in the direction of the sound.

When he saw some figures jumping on the trees, or running on the ground and rushing into Fengshan, the expression on his face was startled.

In the middle of the night, seeing the very fast figure that looked like a human, but not human, he was really a little scared.



Compared to this new recruit, a veteran beside him was much calmer.

Hearing the inquiries from the recruits beside him, the veteran directly took out a military flashlight and pointed at those figures.

It has taupe hair, a thin and long tail erected, and feels the strong light. A head covered with brown hair looks at the source of the light.


What looked at the old soldier was a thin face. Because of the strong light, a pair of round eyes glared, and he bared his teeth and screamed.

Seeing this face, seeing this body hair, it turns out that these figures are a group of monkeys.

Although the monkey was very smart, the monkey's gaze gave the veteran an illusion. It didn't look like a monkey's, but more like a human's.

But it is certain that this is a monkey. As for why he has such a vision, the explanation that the veteran can give is that he is too smart, and his wisdom is relatively high.

The angry monkey grinned at the veteran, and jumped towards the veteran twice. Each jump was about six or seven meters. With such a jumping distance, with a few more jumps, it could reach the veteran.

Looking at the monkey's waving fists, it looked like he was going to hit a veteran out of anger.

Seeing the monkey rushing, the two soldiers clenched their fists tightly with one hand, and touched the dagger at their waists with the other hand.

They came for disaster relief, not for war, so the only weapons they carried were military daggers that might be used in disaster relief.

If they had guns, they would be pointing them at monkeys now.

But just as the monkey was about to jump for the third time, a loud cry sounded from a big tree.


The sound was very ear-piercing, and the ears of the two soldiers hurt when they heard it.

The monkey that was rushing towards the old soldier trembled even more, looked at the location where the sound came from with fear in his eyes, then turned around and continued to rush towards Fengshan.

The monkey rushed towards Fengshan, and the two soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. These monkeys are sometimes much more difficult to deal with than humans.

The flashlight of the veteran is still shining in the direction just now, and it can be seen that in just a moment, more than a dozen monkeys have already passed by the light position.

And these monkeys would call twice at the veteran's position when they passed the lights, obviously very dissatisfied with the veteran's behavior.

But these monkeys did not rush towards the two soldiers like the previous one, but directly rushed into Fengshan.

"Squad leader, why are there so many monkeys? Looking at these monkeys, they seem to be in a hurry to do something."

When the veteran took back the flashlight, the recruit looked at the veteran strangely.

Hearing the recruit's question, the veteran frowned.

"My family lives near Mount Emei. I have seen many monkeys like this."

"Although this Fengshan Mountain has been developed, the top part of the mountain remains in its original state. I just heard from the battalion commander that the position above the mountainside is not even allowed to be stepped on. Why don't we go into the mountain to check, but stay here. For this reason."

"Animals are much more sensitive to natural changes than we are. These monkeys may have escaped from the mountains due to volcanic eruptions."

"Now that they have returned to Fengshan, it seems that the volcano will not erupt again."

Listening to the veteran's explanation, the recruit also nodded.

Animals are indeed more sensitive to natural changes and danger than humans.

Just like in some places, before an earthquake was about to occur, the mice there ran out of their holes, suddenly many toads appeared on the ground, and there were many things like snakes crawling around.

"Squad leader, I really didn't know that your home is from Mount Emei. I heard that there are a lot of monkeys there."

"There are four major monkey mountains in China, and Mount Emei is one of them. How many monkeys can there be?"

When talking about his hometown, the veteran's eyes showed a bit of nostalgia.

Seeing the veteran like this, the recruit knew that the veteran was homesick.

It is not easy to be a soldier, and it is difficult to go home.

They are She Xiaojia, protecting everyone.

"Squad leader, what do you think was the yelling just now? Why was it so loud? My ears are still hurting. It sounded like other monkeys were very scared."

"Monkeys live in groups. The cry just now should be the monkey king of this group of monkeys."

"Monkey King? Is there really such a thing?"

"Yes, of course, come on, it's nothing to do now, let me tell you about those monkeys that people love and hate on Mount Emei..."

When he mentioned his hometown and happened to meet monkeys, the veteran thought of the typical monkeys in Mount Emei.

He was talking to the recruits, and the recruits listened intently.

It's just that when the two of them were talking, they didn't see a monkey in human clothes standing on the top of the tree on the tree where the monkey king was screaming.

This monkey is like a human being, with its hands in its trouser pockets, and its eyes looking at dozens of monkeys divided into four groups and arriving at four locations in Fengshan.

These dozens of monkeys gathered at the four corners of Fengshan Mountain, and their eyes looked in the direction of the monkey king at the same time.


After the Monkey King grinned a few times, his body turned into a ball of yellow-brown gas and flew into the air.

After the yellow-brown gas flew to the top of Fengshan Mountain, the Monkey King appeared again, and his body stopped in mid-air.

The Monkey King grinned and murmured softly, "The baby belongs to me!"

While speaking, the Monkey King slapped the void with his palm, the air shook, and a golden spear appeared out of thin air...

(End of this chapter)

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