The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 188 2 Female Choices

Chapter 188 Two Women's Choice (Fifth Watch)
Marriage in the Three Realms would normally be recorded in Yuelao's marriage book, but Ji Yang's was not.

Hearing Taibai Jinxing's inquiry, Yue Lao shook his head in a daze.

This is too white gold star to ask Yuelao, who is Yuelao still thinking of asking himself? After being a Yuelao for thousands of years, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

While Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao were in a daze, Ji Yang became impatient.

"Is it so hard to find a marriage? If Tianting can use a computer, all the data will be sorted out. If you want to find something, just type it in and search it out."

Ji Yang couldn't wait any longer, if Yuelao didn't look for him, then go to Yuelao himself.

"Old Yue, have you found out about my marriage?"

Yuelao was distressed because there was no record of Ji Yang's marriage, so Ji Yang came to him by himself.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yue Lao told Ji Yang the truth. He felt that this was the most aggrieved time since he had been Yue Lao for thousands of years.

As the elder of the moon, as the Hongxi god in charge of the marriages of the three realms, I don't know what the other party's marriage is, can I not feel aggrieved.

After learning that his marriage was not recorded in the marriage book, Ji Yang was also taken aback.

Marriage Bo of the Three Realms does not have himself, and he is not one of the four great spirit monkeys. Could it be possible that he can jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements?
Ji Yang didn't understand, so he continued to question Yuelao, but Yuelao didn't understand what was going on, but he also gave a guessed answer.

Although this thin marriage has already determined the marriage within the Three Realms, it is not absolute. If there are some problems with the marriage, Yue Lao will help to change it, but like Ji Yang, there are only two possibilities for the marriage to be empty.

One is that even God cannot predict his future marriage, and the other is that he may end up alone all his life, that is, he will not have a woman.

Looking at the guessed answer given by Yuelao, Ji Yang was speechless. After a long time, he found Yuelao once in vain, and there was no answer at all.

Now that I don't have an answer, how can I face Mu Hong and Li Zixuan?

This night, Ji Yang didn't say it was the most depressing night in his life for so many years.

Early the next morning, Ji Yang picked up Li Zixuan and went to work in the hospital. In the car, Ji Yang felt that there was something wrong with Li Zixuan's expression, but after asking several times, the other party didn't say anything, and finally he simply stopped asking.

When Ji Yang came to the hospital, he wanted to go to Mu Hong's ward several times in the morning, but he didn't move because he was not ready to face Mu Hong.

But Mu Hong was injured entirely because of Ji Yang. If she didn't go, it would be too unreasonable. In the end, Ji Yang came to Mu Hong's ward when she got off work.

But when Ji Yang came to Mu Hong's ward, he found that Mu An was not here, but Li Zixuan was there.

"Uh, Zixuan, why are you here?"

After Ji Yang said this, he almost gave himself a big mouth.

I can come to Mu Hong's ward to see Mu Hong, why can't Li Zixuan, the two are best friends, okay?

Hearing Ji Yang's inquiry, Li Zixuan's face tensed, and she said with some displeasure: "Hmph, why can't I come to see Sister Mu Hong, but you, why did you come here after a day? Sister Mu Hong was shot because of you." hurt."

I really want to come, I don't know how to face Mu Hong, Ji Yang feels aggrieved in his heart, but he doesn't know how to say it.

Mu Hong didn't speak when she heard Li Zixuan's words, she just looked at Ji Yang with a faint smile.

"I'm not busy. I've been busy until I get off work so I don't have time to come and see Mu Hong."

Ji Yang found an excuse that even he thought was bad, and smiled awkwardly.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. Let me tell you, Sister Mu Hong was injured because of you. If you dare to let Sister Mu Hong down in the future, Sister Mu Hong and I will definitely fight women's doubles against you." .”

"Well, how could I let Mu Hong down, I..."

"No, what do you mean, what do you mean I failed Mu Hong and returned the women's doubles?"

Ji Yang felt that something was wrong after he had finished speaking. There was something wrong with Li Zixuan's words.

What does it mean to let yourself down to Mu Hong? Only two people can live up to it.

"It's so cheap and good-looking. I don't need you to take me back today. I asked the driver to pick me up. You can stay here with Sister Mu Hong."

Li Zixuan glared at Ji Yang, turned around and left the ward.

After Li Zixuan left, Ji Yang knew what was going on through Mu Hong's mouth.

In fact, Li Zixuan had already seen that Mu Hong was interested in Ji Yang, but both sides didn't point it out. After she blocked Ji Yang's shot this time, Li Zixuan took the initiative to find Mu Hong today and told him a lot.

Li Zixuan has feelings for Ji Yang, so she will naturally not give Ji Yang to Mu Hong directly. The Mu family has already told Mu Hong that no matter what choice Mu Hong has, the Mu family will support it.

Li Zixuan and Mu Hong were best friends, they knew each other very well, and in the end they both decided to stay with Ji Yang.

The more Ji Yang listened, the more he was stunned. He was still thinking about how to deal with Li Zixuan and Mu Hong's problems, but now they have already made a decision.

"Damn, this is to share your decision, don't you need to ask me?"

Ji Yang couldn't help thinking of this, but he didn't know if he would be drowned by countless men's saliva if he said this.

This is a typical shameless performance of being cheap and selling well.

However, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong's decision also solved Ji Yang's big problem. Ji Yang stayed with Mu Hong in the ward until late at night, and did not leave until Mu An arrived.

During the time with Mu Hong, the two of them actually didn't communicate much, and most of the time they stared at each other. Ji Yang, who is usually very talkative, can't speak at this time...

In the next few days, Ji Yang would come to accompany Mu Hong for a period of time every day, and let Mu Hong take a super healing medicine every day.

The efficacy of this super healing medicine is really nothing to say, in less than a week, Mu Hong can already be discharged from the hospital.

This time Mu Hong came to the sea to carry out a mission, not to play on vacation. Now that her injury has recovered, she has to go back to report.

"I'm leaving, I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much."

Mu Hong was obviously a little bit reluctant when she left, but she is a soldier, and a soldier takes obedience to orders as his bounden duty, so it is necessary to go back and report back.

Watching Mu Hong leave, Ji Yang smiled faintly and said, "I'll wait for you."

Sometimes, when a person communicates with another person, it is not enough to talk too much, it is often more appropriate to point to one sentence.

Before he knew it, Mu Hong had already left Linhai for a week, and the two of them would talk on the phone every day during this week.

Early this morning, Ji Yang's cell phone rang again. Ji Yang thought it was from Mu Hong, with a smile on his face, but when he picked up the phone, he found that it was actually from Quan Chang.

"Ji Shao, the construction of the sea farm is finished, come and have a look."

 Fifth watch, it’s hard to tell everyone, Xieben knows that many people don’t like stallions, but Mu Hong will have a hard time if he doesn’t accept them, but Xieben’s book will not be special, and the women in the later stage are not ordinary women quack

(End of this chapter)

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