The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 189 Huang Xiaoxin Has an Accident

Chapter 189 Something Happened to Huang Xiaoxin (Part [-])
The completion time of the sea farm was about the same as what Chu Daniu said at the time. Ji Yang was delighted to hear that, and after hanging up Quanchang's phone, Ji Yang drove directly to the location of the sea farm.

Quan Chang and Wang Ji had already been waiting for Ji Yang at the sea farm. When they saw Ji Yang, they briefly explained the situation, and then they took Ji Yang to visit the sea farm.

The sea farm at this time has completely changed its appearance from the last time Ji Yang came, and there are breeding ponds everywhere at a glance.

According to the brief introduction by Quan Chang and Wang Ji just now, Ji Yang also has some understanding of these breeding ponds.

The size of these farms is uniformly planned, and each farm is [-] square meters. There are tiles, bricks, stones of different sizes and shapes and artificial ginseng reefs in the breeding pools.

"This time we built a total of [-] breeding ponds. These breeding ponds are surrounded by concrete and stones. Although the wind in this sea area is not too strong, for later consideration, the breeding ponds are thickened and reinforced. Yes, during neap tide, it can guarantee water storage no lower than two meters, and there will be no leakage.”

"The depth of the water in the pool is more than two meters. There is a water intake and drainage gate in each breeding pool. The replacement of seawater depends on natural tide collection. According to our design, the daily water exchange volume will not be less than 30.00%..."

While watching the sea farm, Quan Chang also gave Ji Yang a detailed introduction to the situation of the sea farm.

Ji Yang actually didn't know much about sea farms, he just heard the general idea. As for the later breeding problems, he still had to rely on Quan Chang and Wang Ji.

"Have you considered what to raise in the breeding pond?"

This is a question that Ji Yang is more concerned about, that is, the sea farm has been built, should he consider what to breed?

"In fact, we have already considered this when we built the farm. Now the farm is actually completed in the early stage. These breeding ponds are all built according to the cultivation of sea cucumbers."

"But because we have no experience, we will first raise [-] of these [-] breeding ponds as an experiment."

"If the breeding is successful, we will raise sea cucumbers in all [-] breeding ponds, and then consider the later farm project."

Quan Chang and Wang Ji are quite conservative. Although they are bold enough to plan to invest in [-] breeding ponds at a time, they are only one-fifth of the current number of breeding ponds.

No matter what you do, there are risks. Sometimes people can't be too courageous, but if they are too timid, they definitely can't do it.

It's not unreasonable to say that you can't bear to let your children not catch wolves.

Ji Yang also nodded when he heard the word sea cucumber.

Now the living conditions of the Chinese people are better, and people pay more attention to their own health care. Ji Yang is a Chinese medicine student, and he also knows something about sea cucumbers.

The nutritional value of sea cucumbers is very high. Sea cucumbers are sweet and salty in taste, nourish the kidneys, benefit the essence, stimulate urination, aphrodisiac and treat impotence.

Sea cucumber has the effects of improving memory, delaying gonad aging, preventing arteriosclerosis and anti-tumor.

"Well, the idea of ​​raising sea cucumbers is good. Sea cucumbers are not only precious food, but also good medicinal materials."

"Then how many sea cucumbers do these one hundred farms need?"

Ji Yang looked at Wang Ji and Quan Chang, and asked loudly.

"We have consulted before. Generally, the seedling density of [-] to [-] heads per catty is controlled at [-] to [-] heads per square meter. I discussed with Quanchang and decided to put [-] heads per square meter. About [-] square meters for a breeding farm, which means about [-] head."

A farm has 20 heads, and [-] farms has [-] heads. If you take the middle figure of [-] heads per catty, it will be about [-] catties, which is not a small amount.

After Ji Yang chatted with Wang Ji and Quan Chang about some later-stage breeding issues, he asked them to let them do it, and if there were any problems in the later stage, he would promptly raise them with himself.

If I can solve it, I will solve it immediately, if I can't, I will solve it as soon as possible.

When Ji Yang left the sea farm, Wang Ji and Quan Chang also reminded Ji Yang that the money in their hands was almost used up.

After buying ginseng seedlings and bait, and then hiring a group of farmers, the money in their hands can last at most a week, that is to say, Ji Yang must get a sum of money within a week.

If there is no capital investment, this sea farm may go bankrupt at the very beginning.

This capital investment is not tens of thousands or tens of thousands of yuan, but a large sum of money. After hearing what Wang Ji and Quan Chang said, Ji Yang just nodded, told the other party that the funding problem will be resolved as soon as possible, and then drove away .

"This capital investment is at least 500 million, 500 million for a Wednesday, should I grab it?"

If Ji Yang wanted to rob, this would not be difficult for him.

With Ji Yang's ability, if he went to rob a bank or a cash truck, he would be confident that he could escape, but this kind of thing is pure nonsense, how could he do it.

Ji Yang definitely didn't want to see this sea farm shut down after it opened. A lot of people's painstaking efforts and sweat were put into it.

At this moment, it was no longer time to judge his face. If he didn't want to borrow money, he had to borrow money.

Li Xinghai had just spent 5000 million yuan to purchase land use rights some time ago. During this time, he was also building a health winery, which would cost a lot of money. It didn't feel right to ask him to borrow money from Ji Yang.

Apart from the Li family, the rich people who have a good relationship with Ji Yang are the Huang family. If the Li family can't borrow money, they can only go to the Huang family.

"Xiaoliang, I have something to ask you."

Ji Yang found Huang Xiaoliang's phone number and called him directly.

"You have business with me, and I have business with you. Come to my villa. My villa is in the same villa area as Zixuan's. I will wait for you at the door."

Ji Yang was taken aback, how could he always be so coincidental, every time he was looking for someone else, the other party always had something to look for him.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ji Yang drove to Huang's villa.

Since Huang's family and Li's family are in the same villa area, Ji Yang is already familiar with this place.

When he drove to the entrance of the villa area, Huang Xiaoliang was walking up and down at the entrance, looking anxious.


Ji Yang drove to Huang Xiaoliang's side, seeing Ji Yang coming, a smile appeared on Huang Xiaoliang's anxious face.

It's just that although Huang Xiaoliang's smile looked a little excited, he couldn't hide the anxiety in his eyes.

After Huang Xiaoliang got into Ji Yang's car, and the two were on their way to the villa, Huang Xiaoliang told him about looking for Ji Yang.

"My sister Xiaoxin has an accident."

This is the first sentence Huang Xiaoliang said.

 Xieben caught a cold, I woke up a little late today, I hope everyone will forgive me for the late update, recommend, give a reward, and give some monthly tickets if you can.
(End of this chapter)

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