Chapter 190 It's like two people (two more)
Huang Xiaoxin has a well-behaved personality, is kind to others, and rarely gets angry.

Even Ji Yang, who had little contact with Huang Xiaoxin, knew this, but Huang Xiaoliang told Ji Yang that Huang Xiaoxin had changed recently.

The well-behaved character is no longer there, she yells at people every day, and she even beats the servant if she makes a small mistake. Such Huang Xiaoxin is completely different from before.

Hearing what Huang Xiaoliang said, Ji Yang frowned deeply. Everyone has two sides, no matter how well-behaved Huang Xiaoxin is, she must have a rebellious side.

The clay figurine is still angry, let alone an ordinary person.

But it must be abnormal for Huang Xiaoxin to suddenly become like this. Could it be that she has been stimulated recently?

"Xiaoliang, let me ask you, has Xiaoxin been stimulated in any way recently?"

If Huang Xiaoxin was really stimulated and became like this, then Ji Yang would understand.

But Huang Xiaoliang shook his head, and said helplessly, "No."

"If Xiaoxin was really stimulated to do this, then I wouldn't be so worried. She just suddenly changed her temperament overnight."

After Huang Xiaoxin became like this, the members of the Huang family wanted to take Huang Xiaoxin to the hospital for an examination. Huang Xiaoxin was naturally unwilling, but the members of the Huang family insisted on taking her to the hospital. After examination, there was no problem with Huang Xiaoxin's body.

The Huang family thought that Huang Xiaoxin had some kind of mental illness suddenly, and there was something she couldn't think about, so they invited a psychiatrist

But instead of helping Huang Xiaoxin, the psychiatrist was beaten up by Huang Xiaoxin in the end.

Huang Xiaoxin was just a very weak girl before, but not to mention her temper has changed recently, even her strength is stronger than ordinary people, even Huang Xiaoliang was beaten by her several times and fled.

His temper changed and his strength suddenly increased, which made Ji Yang Ting's eyes freeze.

"Is it a ghost?"

Ji Yang murmured softly, Huang Xiaoxin's sudden change was very similar to that of the upper body of a ghost.

Although Ji Yang's voice was not loud, Huang Xiaoliang still heard it. Hearing the words "ghost upper body", Huang Xiaoliang's expression changed.

"You also think it's a ghost, don't you? Yesterday Xiaoxin left home and went out. I was afraid that something might happen, so I followed her all the time..."

As Huang Xiaoliang expected, Huang Xiaoxin really got into trouble. When shopping in the mall, because the salesperson's tone was not polite enough, Xiaoxin went up and slapped the salesperson twice.

At that time, there were many people shopping in the mall. When Huang Xiaoxin beat someone, many people surrounded her.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaoliang knew that it was not easy for him to deal with Huang Xiaoxin alone, so he brought two bodyguards with him when he went out, and the three of them worked together to control Huang Xiaoxin.

When Huang Xiaoliang and the others controlled Huang Xiaoxin and were about to take him home, a young man who looked like a student, who claimed to be Zhang Zhixin, came to him.

Zhang Zhixin told Huang Xiaoliang that Huang Xiaoxin had gone wrong in this situation.

Because Zhang Zhixin looked like a student, Huang Xiaoliang didn't pay much attention to what he said at the time, but after returning to Huang's house, he still told other people what he said.

Through Huang Xiaoxin's recent sudden changes, everyone finally felt that what Zhang Zhixin said might be true.

The members of the Huang family knew that Ji Yang knew Taoism, so they wanted to ask Ji Yang to come and have a look.

Just when the Huang family decided to find Ji Yang, Ji Yang called Huang Xiaoliang.

The laws of the Three Realms are blocked, and no one in the mortal world will ascend to the heaven again, but it is not that there are no true practitioners.

If Huang Xiaoxin really ran into something evil, it would prove that the student-looking Zhang Zhixin was right. Zhang Zhixin might be a cultivator.

But this is not the time to discuss Zhang Zhixin, Ji Yang still has to see Huang Xiaoxin's situation before talking.

At this time, under the guidance of Huang Xiaoliang, Ji Yang had already driven the car to a villa, which was where the Huang family was located.

As soon as Ji Yang arrived at the villa, he habitually observed the situation of the Huang family's villa, but to his disappointment, he didn't feel any yin energy here.

"Isn't it a ghost?"

If Huang Xiaoxin was really possessed by a ghost, she would stay in the Huang's house every day, and the Huang's villa would not be so normal, there would be no yin energy at all.

When he was puzzled, Ji Yang followed Huang Xiaoliang into the villa.

"Ji Yang, you are here."

Huang Xiaoliang had already notified Huang Tianxiong and Wu Ning of the news that Ji Yang was coming, and they were already waiting for him in the living room.

"Uncle Huang, Aunt Wu."

Ji Yang greeted them politely.

It can be seen that Huang Tianxiong and Wu Ning did not live very well during this time.

Ji Yang saw obvious tiredness on the faces of the two, Huang Xiaoxin's temperament suddenly changed, and the whole Huang family was in chaos.

After seeing Ji Yang, Huang Tianxiong and Wu Ning also told about Huang Xiaoxin's situation again, what they said was basically the same as what Huang Xiaoliang said just now.

"Ji Yang, you must save my Xiaoxin."

The child is the flesh that fell from the mother. Now that Huang Xiaoxin looks like this, Wu Ning is really haggard and heartbroken.

"Don't worry, I will definitely save Xiaoxin."

Ji Yang nodded heavily, and then walked to Huang Xiaoxin's room under the leadership of the Huang family.

"Trash, you are all trash, what did I hire you for, did you make me angry?"

"I asked you to bring me some soup, but you even dropped the bowl. I think you owe it to me."

"Crack! Crack!"

As soon as he walked to Huang Xiaoxin's door, he heard Huang Xiaoxin's voice roaring angrily, followed by two crisp applause.

"Miss, it was you who bumped into me, that's why I dropped the bowl, woo woo woo..."

Following the sound of applause, a somewhat aggrieved voice followed.

Hearing such a voice, Ji Yang frowned immediately, and the frown was deep.

According to Ji Yang's understanding of Huang Xiaoxin, not to mention that Huang Xiaoxin dropped the bowl after bumping into the servant, even if the servant accidentally dropped the bowl, she would not be so angry, let alone hit him.

This Huang Xiaoxin is indeed abnormal.

"Xiaoxin, why are you hitting someone again?"

Huang Tianxiong had already arrived at the door at this time, looking at the crying servant who was beaten by Huang Xiaoxin, he also had a look of helplessness and heartache.

Ever since Huang Xiaoxin became like this, the servants at home have suffered, and they have to bear Huang Xiaoxin's scolding and scolding every day.


Hearing Huang Tianxiong's words, Huang Xiaoxin snorted coldly and refused to look at him. Instead, she raised her hand to hit the servant again.

"Huang Xiaoxin, you are enough!"

It's just that Huang Xiaoxin's slap failed to slap the servant, but was grabbed by someone.

Ji Yang grabbed Huang Xiaoxin's wrist and said in a cold voice with a bit of chill in his eyes.

When Ji Yang grabbed Huang Xiaoxin's hand, his body trembled, and his eyes showed a bit of astonishment.

Ji Yang discovered that Huang Xiaoxin's body was indeed abnormal. Although there was no yin energy on her body, she could feel a strange aura when she got close.

 Zhang Zhixin leads the game by himself, and it will appear later. The evil itself is not in good health, but the update is still working hard. Thank you for the support of every reader. Please recommend a monthly ticket for a reward
(End of this chapter)

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