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Chapter 1927 It’s All Probe Attacks

Chapter 1927 It’s All Probe Attacks (Three Updates)
It turned out that Dalini made the Bone Spirit Fire Horse back, not to dodge and escape, but to prepare for his own attack.

The distance between Dalini and Ji Yang was originally less than ten meters.

Such a short distance is not suitable for charging at all, and it is impossible to exert the power of charging, so he has to distance himself.

Only by giving enough charging distance can the charging power be truly exerted.

At the beginning of the charge, the bone spirit fire horse rushed forward extremely fast, the flames all over the body of the bone spirit fire horse rose, leaving a burning flame on the ground, and it reached Ji Yang almost instantly.

When the Bone Spirit Fire Horse approached Ji Yang, Dalini raised the knight's spear, aimed the spear point at Ji Yang's chest, and stabbed towards Ji Yang.

Flames were also burning on the long spear stabbed by Dalini, and at the same time, there was a circle of black gas swirling around the wound.

The thrust of this spear is very powerful, and the speed is also very fast.

The spear pierced through the air, and the air resounded with piercing and sharp sounds.

Maybe it was because the Bone Spirit Fire Horse charged too fast, or it might be because Dalini attacked too fast, or it might be because of the surprise just now, Dalini suddenly controlled the Bone Spirit Fire Horse to charge, and Ji Yang stood still didn't move.

By the time he reacted, Dalini's knight lance had already reached Ji Yang's chest.

Ji Yang could only hastily crossed the Heimang sword and Xuanyuan sword on his chest to block Dalini's knight spear.

"So much power, such a strong attack."

Both the Xuanyuan Sword and the Heimang Sword are very tough.

So Ji Yang could block Dalini's shot from stabbing his body.

But the gun was blocked, but the inertia of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's forward charge was still there, and the Bone Spirit Fire Horse didn't intend to stop at all, it continued to run.

The forward charge of the bone spirit fire horse, coupled with the power of Dalini's stabbing spear, made this blow very powerful.

This caused Ji Yang to be pushed back by Dalini's spear, and quickly backed away.


Although the knight's spear was blocked, the impact of the spear made Ji Yang feel a little uncomfortable.

Now being led back again, Ji Yang wanted to stop, but couldn't stop immediately, his chest felt tight, and he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Ji Yang stared, and the immortal energy in his body poured into his feet.


"Dali, stop for me!"

Both feet were infused with immortal energy, and Ji Yang noticed a three-meter-square rock behind him.

He slammed his feet against the rock, on the one hand to prevent his body from colliding with it, and on the other hand, with the help of this force, he restrained the Bone Spirit Fire Horse from continuing to charge forward.

When Ji Yang did this, it really stopped the Bone Spirit Huoju's forward momentum.


But the Bone Spirit Fire Horse didn't intend to let it go, it roared, and it wanted to continue to charge forward.

"Quack quack..."

"Crack, click..."

Bone Spirit Huoju wanted to charge forward, but Ji Yang was trying to resist with all his strength.

Ji Yang's teeth rattled, and cracks like spider webs appeared on the rock on which the soles of his feet were pedaling. In the end, Ji Yang's entire soles of his feet sank into the rocks.

"A horse's forward charge, can't I stop it, stop it for me, ah..."


Ji Yang is also unconvinced, this is only the first official fight, he can't just lose like this.

It would be too embarrassing if Ji Yang couldn't stop Dalini's first charge.

Immortal energy shook, and the wind sounded from all over his clothes. Ji Yang's feet actually smashed a three-meter-square rock. One can imagine how powerful he is at this time.

"Hiss uh uh..."

Ji Yang's power was not in vain, and the power of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse was completely suppressed.

Bone Spirit Fire Horse let out a painful neighing sound, stood on its hind legs, raised its forelimbs, and looked like it was on its back.


Dalini can become one of the heads of the Death Knights, both in terms of strength and riding skills.

He snorted coldly, and his legs clamped the belly of the bone spirit fire horse, so that he would not fall off the horse.

At the same time, the knight's spear that stabbed at Ji Yang quickly retracted, and the other hand pressed hard on the back of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, and the forward kick raised by the Bone Spirit Fire Horse fell instantly.

When the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's front hooves fell, it stepped on Ji Yang's body.


Dalini is worthy of being the head of the Death Knights, with rich experience in the battlefield.

Not only did he want to calm down the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, but he also wanted to attack Ji Yang at this time.

The Bone Spirit Fire Horse is also very powerful, which can be seen from the cracks and small pits that appeared on the ground when it ran just now.

If he stepped on Ji Yang this time, Ji Yang would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

But Ji Yang is not a rookie either, and he has very rich practical experience.

As soon as he saw the front hooves of the bone spirit fire horse fall, before he heard the trampling that Dalini said, there was already a wind under his feet, and the strong wind was cast, and his body retreated to a position more than ten meters away in an instant.


Ji Yang avoided being trampled by the bone spirit fire horse, and the front hoof of the bone spirit fire horse fell to the ground.

Like two small cannonballs falling on the ground, there was a dull sound on the ground, two deep pits appeared, and mud and sand splashed everywhere.

"Fortunately, I hid quickly, otherwise I would be miserable."

"The leader of the death knights really didn't blow it out. Compared with the abyss high-level existence of the first-rank immortal job, it is not comparable to the fake first-rank six-headed magic dog."

Standing still, Ji Yang stared solemnly at the Bone Spirit Fire Horse that stepped out of two deep pits on the ground, looking at the purple light shining in Dalini's eyes, Ji Yang murmured softly.

The original six-headed magic dog also forcibly improved its strength in the end, reaching the height of a rank one immortal.

But that was just a dying counterattack, not a real first-rank immortal job, so there is still a gap in strength.

But the Dalini in front of him is different, Ji Yang has the feeling of seeing the God of Tiandaoism again.

The real first-rank immortal job is indeed not comparable to the fake first-rank.


During the sprint just now, Ji Yang vomited blood, it is conceivable that he suffered some trauma.

In his heyday, Ji Yang was still somewhat invincible, and his body was injured, of course he couldn't do it.

So without hesitation, he took out a bottle of Shennong Baicao Liquid and drank it. Only after Shennong Baicao Liquid entered his mouth did Ji Yang feel much more comfortable.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting, it's really worthwhile to come to the world this time."

"You are worthy to be my opponent. From now on, let me show you the true power of the death knight."

After drinking Shennong Baicao Liquid, when Ji Yang recovered from his injuries, Dalini laughed wildly.

It's just that his laughter sounded harsh and made people feel uncomfortable and send a chill down the spine.

It can also be heard from his words that whether it was the charge or the trampling just now, it was just a tentative attack, just to test Ji Yang's strength.

Now that Ji Yang's strength has been recognized and valued by Dalini, the next Dalini will truly show his strength...

(End of this chapter)

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