The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1928 This is how I hid

Chapter 1928 This is how I hid (one more)
"Are they all probing attacks?"

After learning that Dalini's attack just now was not at full strength, Ji Yang's expression became more serious.

It's not full strength, Ji Yang already felt that he was struggling and even suffered a little injury.

Although the injury is not serious, it can also be seen that if he continues to fight like this, he will suffer a lot.

"It would be great if Third Brother Peng and Xiaolongnv were here. If they were here, at least some disadvantages could be brought back."

The strength of Demon King Peng and Little Dragon Girl is not as good as that of Ji Yang.

But at least Demon King Peng and Little Dragon Girl are not weak, and they can both help Ji Yang.

Dalini in front of him is not only strong, but he can't be regarded as a person, because the strength of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse is also very strong.

Looking at the places that the Bone Spirit Fire Horse stepped on, they were all dilapidated, and the potholes made everyone who looked at them feel chills in their hearts.

But now the Demon King Peng and the little dragon girl are busy cleaning up the members of the Black Witch Club in other strongholds of the Black Witch Club, so how could they come here to help.

Now Ji Yang hopes that there will be no powerful abyssal creatures like Dalini appearing in other strongholds, which is true.

If the Demon King Peng, Xiaolongnu and others also encountered such a powerful abyssal creature as Dalini, one can imagine the result.

Even Ji Yang couldn't handle it, let alone others.

"Hiss... uh uh uh..."

Dalini looked at Ji Yang whose face was changing, and stroked the head of the bone spirit fire horse with his palm.

Bone Spirit Huoju shook his head, flames spewed out from his nose, and when he looked at Ji Yang, he looked a little angry.

Just now Ji Yang stopped it, making Bone Spirit Huoju very upset.

Sensing the anger from the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and looked down at the ring on his hand.

In the Qiankun Storage Ring, the Illusory Destiny Talismans of the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan were inside, and he was thinking about whether he should take it out and use it now.

"Release your anger, bone spirit fire horse, let your anger turn into strength, crush the enemies in front of you, charge!"

While Ji Yang was thinking, Dalini, who was stroking the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, murmured softly, and finally patted the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's back forcefully. Under the pain, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse raised its front hooves high.

As the front hooves fell, the flames on the Bone Spirit Fire Horse rushed towards Ji Yang.

"It's this trick again!"


The distance between the Bone Spirit Fire Horse and Ji Yang is only a dozen meters away.

The strength of the forward charge is far less than when it was 30 meters, but seeing the Bone Spirit Fire Horse rushing forward, Ji Yang still did not dare to relax.

Now it's too late for him to get the talisman of the phantom god, so let's temporarily block the attacks of the bone spirit fire horse and Dalini.

Ji Yang used the size wishful, his body grew to three or four meters high, his body became bigger, and his strength increased.

"Hey, you still have this kind of energy."

"But no matter how big your body becomes, today's you can still only add a victory to my record."

Ji Yang's body instantly grew bigger, and Dalini was slightly surprised.

But this was not enough for him to stop his attack, the Bone Spirit Huoju's forward speed did not decrease, and the spear in Dalini's hand stabbed at Ji Yang again.


With previous experience, Ji Yang is also familiar with Dalini's move.

Now Ji Yang's body has grown bigger and his strength has also grown.

The Heimang Sword and Xuanyuan Sword also became much bigger. The Heimang Sword blocked Dalini's long spear, stepped on the ground with both feet, and forcibly resisted the forward charge of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

"It's interesting, the power is much stronger than before."

Ji Yang blocked his own attack and stopped the Bone Spirit Fire Horse from rushing forward. It was much easier than before, and the purple light in Dalini's eyes became excited.

While whispering in his mouth, the knight's spear shook the black sword away, and the angle changed, stabbing Ji Yang's shoulder again.


But before his long spear pierced Ji Yang's shoulder, Ji Yang's Xuanyuan Sword had already swung over.

A sword slashed on the knight's spear, and the knight's spear was forced to fall to the ground by him.


The knight's spear fell to the ground, a hole was smashed into the ground, and the surrounding ground also cracked.

At the same time, Ji Yang's black sword, which had just been shaken away, stabbed towards the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

To stab a man first stab a horse, Ji Yang has also heard this saying.

Whether it was Bone Spirit Fire Horse or Dalini, no matter who was killed or seriously injured, it was very beneficial to Ji Yang.

But when Ji Yang's black awn sword was only a few centimeters away from the bone spirit fire horse's body, a shield-like flame blocked Ji Yang's black awn sword.

"I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that you are not only not weak, but also very cunning."

"But my flame shield is not so easy to break."

The flame shield is the flame shield that blocks Ji Yang's black sword.

When he heard Dalini's words, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and quickly stepped back.

Because when his black sword was blocked, the horned head of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse had already bumped towards him.

The pair of horns of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse are definitely not for display, and when they hit him, the flames also rose.

The Bone Spirit Fire Horse's strength is not small, it must be uncomfortable to be hit by it.

As soon as Ji Yang retreated, the knight's spear that he had just suppressed with the Xuanyuan sword regained its freedom.

Naturally, Dalini would not let go of this opportunity. When he pressed his palm on the back of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, his body flew up from the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

With the knight spear in his hand, he stabbed at Ji Yang who was on the ground from the air.



"Tat, ta, ta, boom, boom, boom..."

Dalini's long spear stabbed, Ji Yang could not be unguarded.

He raised the Heimang Sword and Xuanyuan Sword in his hands, crossed to block Dalini's shot, and at the same time there was a sound of horseshoes in his ears.

It turned out that at the same time that Dalini was flying, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse also rushed towards Ji Yang.

"This time, let me see how you hide!"

This was simply a coordinated attack between Dalini and Bone Spirit Huoma. If Ji Yang couldn't block Dalini's shot, he would be stabbed by the spear.

Even if Dalini's attack was blocked, the collision of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse would still inflict heavy damage on Ji Yang.

"That's how I hide, Tu Xing!"

If it were someone else, there would really be no way to hide this time.

But Ji Yang has a solution, because he knows how to walk in the earth.

Using the earth line, Ji Yang went directly to the ground.

"Drilled, Bone Spirit Fire Horse!"

Ji Yang actually drilled into the ground, which Dalini did not expect.

His body fell from the air, and he whispered to the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse stopped, and Dalini landed on the Bone Spirit Fire Horse steadily.

"You really surprise me."

"But do you think I'll have nothing to do with you once you're underground, imprisoned by a death knight?"

Death Knight Confinement is a move used by death knights to confine an area.

The death knight was imprisoned, and a circle of thick black air overflowed from Dalini's body, and then floated around.

The surrounding area of ​​30 meters is completely covered by black air, which not only floats in the air, but also seeps into the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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