The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1933 I am highly impressed with the Bone Spirit Fire Horse

Chapter 1933 I am highly impressed by the Bone Spirit Fire Horse (three more)


A few gargoyles whose strength is equivalent to that of a rank five or six immortal are nothing more than nothing to the Bull Demon King.

Almost one stick at a time, several gargoyles were quickly dealt with by the Bull Demon King.

As the last gargoyle screamed and fell to the ground, there was no gargoyle in the air to stop the Bull Demon King.

However, the Bull Demon King found that although the gargoyles that fell to the ground were motionless, they still seemed to be breathing.

However, the bodies of the gargoyles turned into statues.

"What the hell, how do you feel that after they turned into statues, their aura is gradually recovering?"

"Whoever you are, watch me smash your statues!"

The gargoyle not only has breath, but also gradually strengthens.

From the looks of it, it seemed like he was healing himself, recovering himself.

This is also the special ability of the gargoyle. When the gargoyle is injured but not completely dead, it can disguise itself as a statue. In this state, although the gargoyle has no combat power, it can quickly recover its life.

Although the Bull Demon King didn't know about the Gargoyle's ability, he still made the right choice when he felt the Gargoyle's aura recover.

I saw the body of the Bull Demon King fell to the ground, and the iron rod in his hand smashed towards the statues of the gargoyles.

All the statues he hit turned into rubble, and the gargoyle was completely finished this time.

After smashing the statue of the gargoyle, the Bull Demon King looked at the place where Dalini fell just now. At this time, Dalini had already stood up, and the knight's spear was broken and thrown to the ground. The wide and thick sword on the back holds a terrifying shield in one hand.

"Although this little trick saved you from my attack just now, it can only save you for a while. Today, you will eventually die under my stick."

"Now that you don't even have a mount, can you still be called a knight?"

Staring at Dalini, the Bull Demon King said in a disdainful voice.

The latter words were even more sarcasm.

Hearing the bull devil's taunt, Dalini's eyes flashed a strange purple light.

"Ghost Army Horse!"

There was a strange light in his eyes, and Dalini's hoarse voice sounded again.

Then a black vortex appeared on the ground under his feet, and a phantom horse ghost appeared beside Dalini.

The ghost of the horse appeared, and Dalini turned over and jumped onto the horse's back, pointing at the Bull Demon King with the huge sword in his hand.

"Don't underestimate me Dalini!"

The ghost army horse is just an ordinary horse ghost, without any special ability.

The calcaneal spirit fire horse is even more incomparable.

But with the ghost army horse, there will be a mount. Such a Dalini is still a real knight.

"If you don't want to be underestimated by me, then you have to show the ability to make me think highly of you."

The Bull Demon King didn't want to underestimate Dalini, but until now, Dalini still couldn't give him enough surprises, and he couldn't really make the Bull Demon King look up to him.

In order for the Bull Demon King to not underestimate Dalini, Dalini must show sufficient strength.

"Bone Armor Guard!"

Dalini was powerless to refute the bull devil's disdain, but he did not immediately attack the bull devil, but used a defensive spell.

The Bull Demon King is very powerful, and Dalini has experienced it himself.

So even if he wanted to fight the Bull Demon King, he had to strengthen his defense.

The Bone Armor was used to guard, and on the surface of the Dalini armor, a layer of armor composed entirely of bones appeared.

The appearance of this layer of bone armor made Dalini's body look bigger, and his aura became more evil.

"The ghost horse charges!"


After the bone armor was cast, Dalini ordered the ghost army horse to charge.

But this time the charge was different from the previous ones. This time the charge was just to make Dalini get closer to the Bull Demon King as soon as possible, and he himself was the protagonist of this attack.

Unleashed frenziedly, Dalini's body was full of black energy, and his whole body exuded an evil killing atmosphere.

After getting close to the Bull Demon King, the huge sword in his hand slashed towards the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King narrowed his eyes, and the mixed iron rod moved towards the giant sword, and the sword collided. This time, Dalini's giant sword was not directly knocked away, but was evenly divided.

"The strength has increased a lot, but it is still not enough."



"Ah, anger cut..."

In this fight, the Bull Demon King felt the change in Dalini's power.

However, compared to the Bull Demon King, this force was not enough. The Bull Demon King exerted force with his arm, and the mixed iron rod picked up the giant sword, and then used the mixed iron rod to sweep towards Dalini's chest.

Dalini blocked the Bull Demon King's stick with his shield, and at the same time swung his huge sword, and threw it at the Bull Demon King again.

The Bull Demon King raised the mixed iron rod sideways to block Dalini's sword, then twisted his waist and shoulders and slammed into the ghost horse.


The shoulder hit the ghost army horse, and the ghost army horse backed up.

The ghost horse retreated, Dalini clamped the ghost horse with his legs, and the ghost horse just stopped, and rushed up to the Bull Demon King again.

Seeing the ghost army horse rushing again, Bull Demon King's mixed iron rod smashed towards Dalini again.

Dalini also held a shield to block and at the same time swung his sword to attack.

The fanatical Dalini was indeed a lot fiercer, and the attack with a shield and a sword was much more powerful than when he only used the knight's spear.

For a while, they really had a close fight with the Bull Demon King, and it seemed that their victory and defeat could not be decided in a short while...

When the Bull Demon King and Dalini's side were fighting, Ji Yang's side was also fighting with the Bone Spirit Huoju.

At this time, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse was no longer a mount, not even a horse.

At this time, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse was standing on its legs, its body stood up, its front hooves turned into palms, its fists were waving wildly, and flames shot out every time it was swung.

The Bone Spirit Fire Horse spit out flames continuously, attacking Ji Yang.

At this time, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse looks more like a fighting person, no, it is more like a fighting demon.

"In terms of breath strength alone, it is indeed similar to six demon wolves."

"But if you really hand it over, it's much worse than the six-headed demon wolf. It's just a force that relies on brute force and a bit of flame."

The standing body of Bone Spirit Huoju was more than three meters high.

But Ji Yang's enlarged body is no worse than the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

During the battle with the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, Ji Yang found that he had a little high opinion of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

The Bone Spirit Fire Horse couldn't compare to the six demon wolves at all. The Bone Spirit Fire Horse was easy to deal with whether it was a power attack or a flame attack.

No wonder Dalini was able to tame the bone spirit fire horse as a mount, but he couldn't tame the six demon wolves as a mount. There was a reason for this.

After feeling the true strength of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, Ji Yang was full of confidence in killing the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

Looking at the Bull Demon King who was fighting with Dalini again, the corners of Ji Yang's mouth turned up.

"Brother Niu, it seems that I have to dismantle the bone spirit fire horse first..."

(End of this chapter)

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