The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1934 Exploding the head

Chapter 1934 Exploding the head (one more)
Although the bone spirit fire horse is not as powerful as Ji Yang thought before, it still has the strength comparable to the second and third rank immortals.

When Ji Yang looked sideways at Bull Demon King and Dalini, Bone Spirit Huoju punched Ji Yang.

Bone Spirit Huoju's fist was bigger than Ji Yang's head.

And on the fist of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, there are still hot flames.

The power of this punch is not small.

If it were someone else, just the flames on the fist of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse would be enough to drink a pot.

But Ji Yang has a fire sitting beside him, he is not afraid of the flames of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse at all.

With the use of the barrier suit, Ji Yang's body also had an extra layer of defense. He felt the sound of the bone-spirited fire horse punching the wind, and Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and punched him directly.


The two fists collided, Ji Yang's purple fire collided with the blackened flames of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, and the two flames competed evenly.

Although Ji Yang's Zihuo is quite powerful.

But the hell flame of the bone spirit fire horse is not vegetarian.

There was no winner in the contest between the two flames. After the sound of flame explosions, who was stronger and who was weaker depended on their own strength.


Relying on his own strength alone, Ji Yang has to admit that he is weaker than Bone Spirit Huoju if he doesn't want to admit it.

But with a strong force, it is different. With a loud force, the strength above Ji Yang's fist increases, and with a strong shake of his arm, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse is shaken back a few steps.

This time, in the contest, Ji Yang had the upper hand in the end.

"Hiss... Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

Although the Bone Spirit Fire Horse can move upright on two legs like a human, it cannot speak.

It can only neigh and roar like a wild animal.

Repelled by Ji Yang, Bone Spirit Huoju looked very angry and screamed loudly.

To be honest, the sound of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse is really ugly.

"It's so ugly, you better shut up for me."

Repelling the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, Ji Yang said coldly, and rushed towards the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

"The Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist!"

With his body rushing forward, Ji Yang clenched his fists tightly, and instantly punched out hundreds of punches.

The Bone Spirit Fire Horse is tall and big, so the target is naturally big.

Although not all of these hundreds of fist shadows landed on the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, fifty or sixty punches landed on the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

Although the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's defense was strong, it was impossible to withstand all of Ji Yang's dozens of punches.

After punching, Bone Spirit Huoju was knocked back 30 to [-] meters. Many bones in his body were broken, and his rotten flesh fell from the blow, but not a single drop of blood flowed out.

The Bone Spirit Fire Horse is actually similar to the Bone Horse, that is, it just has a little more skin and flesh, but it is also dead meat, with no blood at all.

"Hiss... Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

There was no blood, but there was pain.

Bone Spirit Huoju stood still, his breath became weaker, and he let out bursts of painful roars.

"Boom bang bang..."

I don't know if the Bone Spirit Fire Horse is in pain or angry, his legs kept stepping on the ground, seeing the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's appearance, the sneer on Ji Yang's face became more and more intense.

"The human figure can't beat me, and turned into a horse again? Don't you think I can't deal with you if you become a horse?"

When Ji Yang sneered, he saw the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, which was originally standing on two legs, landed on all fours again.

As the body of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse swayed, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse turned back into what it was first seen, a horse.

The body turned into the appearance of a horse, and the bone spirit Huoju stared at Ji Yang angrily.

"Hiss... roar..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Bone Spirit Huoju glared at Ji Yang, and then saw it put its hind legs on the ground, its front body stood up, its front legs kicked a few times in the air, and landed heavily on the ground.

At the same time as the forelegs landed, Bone Spirit Huoju lowered its head and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Judging by the appearance of Bone Spirit Huoju, he wanted to hit Ji Yang with his horned head.

The bone spirit fire horse rushed all the way, its strength was not small, Ji Yang felt that the ground under his feet was shaking because of the bone spirit fire horse running.

"The strength is not small, but the brain is not enough, so rampant, you still want to hit me!"

Bone Spirit Fire Horse's forward charge has a sense of power, but its skills are much worse.

Looking at the Bone Spirit Fire Horse that was getting closer and closer to him, Ji Yang jumped up, turned around in the air, and landed directly on the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's back.

Riding on Ji Yang's back, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's body shook violently, its limbs kicked wildly, trying to throw Ji Yang off.

At the very beginning, Ji Yang almost let it fall off.

But Ji Yang thought of Dalini before, imitating Dalini's appearance, clamping the abdomen of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse with his legs, which stabilized his body a lot.

But it was still not safe enough, Ji Yang wanted to grab something to make himself more secure.

But on the back of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, there was nothing else except a saddle without a handle.

There wasn't even a horse's mane on the head of the Bone Spirit Huoju, and Ji Yang couldn't grab anything for strength.

"Don't blame me, who made you look like this."

When Ji Yang saw that two bones were exposed on the neck of the Bone Spirit Huoju, his eyes flashed fiercely.

These two bones can be held in his hands to stabilize his body, but being held by the bones by himself must be very painful.

But Ji Yang would not show mercy to Bone Spirit Huoju, since both sides were enemies.


Ji Yang grasped the bones of Gu Ling Huo Ju with both hands, and when Gu Ling Huo Ju shook his body vigorously, Ji Yang pulled the bones, Gu Ling Huo Ju felt his bones being pulled, and gasped in pain.

But in order to throw Ji Yang off his back, Bone Spirit Huoju still reluctantly tried to shake Ji Yang off.

"Aren't you honest? Then let you taste the strength of my fist."

Ji Yang didn't expect that Huoju, the bone spirit, would not be honest at this time.

With anger in his eyes, he jumped forward, grabbed one horn of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, stabilized the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's head, and then punched the Bone Spirit Fire Horse's head.



Ji Yang's punch was not as polite as Gu Linghuoju's, it actually hit Gulinghuoju's head.

Bone Spirit Huoju's head was the hardest part of the body, but it was hit hard by Ji Yang's punch, and he screamed in pain.

"I know it hurts this time, but it's just the beginning, let me feed you a fist meal!"

"Boom bang bang..."

"Ho Ho Ho... Hiss..."

Bone Spirit Huoju suffered from pain, and his body twisted even more.

Ji Yang's fists also hit Bone Spirit Fire Horse's head again and again, and every time a punch landed, there was a dull sound.

Ji Yang didn't know how many punches he had punched. When he felt that the breath of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse was getting weaker and weaker, a sound of bones breaking could be heard from the skull. Ji Yang's fist didn't stop, and he punched it down again.



After this punch, some black sticky matter flowed out from the bone spirit fire horse's Tianling cover, the bone spirit fire horse's body visibly trembled, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, the Bone Spirit Fire Colt had completely lost its breath, and the Bone Spirit Fire Colt was blown off its head by Ji Yang, and died...

(End of this chapter)

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