The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1935 Death Coiled Corpse Explosion

Chapter 1935 Death Coiled Corpse Explosion (Part [-])
The sound of Bone Spirit Huoju's body falling to the ground was not small, and the Bull Demon King and Dalini, who were some distance away from Ji Yang, could hear it.

Hearing the strange voice from Ji Yang's side, the Bull Demon King and Dalini instinctively glanced here.

It's okay if you don't take a look, but after a look, the expressions of Bull Demon King and Dalini changed.

"Xiaobai, it's abominable that you took out your opponent before me."

Bull Demon King and Ji Yang have said before that it depends on who can finish the opponent first.

Now that Ji Yang has solved it first, the Bull Demon King is a little upset.

Compared with the Bull Demon King, Dalini was more upset at this time.

At this time, Dalini could not be explained by being unhappy, and now he can be said to be extremely angry.

"Bone Spirit Fire Horse, you actually killed my Bone Spirit Fire Horse, I will definitely kill you today, at all costs."

Mounts are very important for every knight.

Cavaliers treat their own mounts much more than any relatives.

Bone Spirit Fire Horse is Dalini's best partner, closer than his relatives.

Dalini put a lot of effort into the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

But now, the Bone Spirit Huoju was actually killed by Ji Yang, Dalini was heartbroken and extremely angry.

"Damn it, I lost to Xiaobai."

"I'm mad with anger, I'm mad with anger."

The comparison between the Bull Demon King and Ji Yang does not have any trophies, it is just a matter of face.

He went down to earth to help Ji Yang solve the trouble, but Ji Yang actually solved the Bone Spirit Fire Horse first, and the Bull Demon King felt very shameless.

He looked at Dalini with a pair of bull's eyes, and there was more anger in his eyes.

"It took me so long, my old cow is really angry, you are ready to bear my old cow's anger."

The one who died was obviously the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, Dalini's mount.

But now it seems that the Bull Demon King is more angry.

The Bull Demon King roared angrily, the demonic aura scattered from his body, and a huge pressure enveloped Dalini.

Facing the pressure of the Bull Demon King, Dalini was better. After all, he also has the strength of a first-rank immortal.

But the undead army horse he summoned couldn't take it anymore. The undead army horse, which was originally in the state of soul, instantly became illusory, and there were several painful neighing sounds from its mouth.

"Bastard, what are you afraid of, give me peace!"

Feeling the fear of the undead army horse, Dalini patted the undead army horse vigorously, and let out an angry roar.

"You killed my Bone Spirit Fire Horse, you don't even want to live today."

"Death entanglement! Corpses gather!"

The Bull Demon King was angry, and Dalini was also angry.

At this time, Dalini's breath suddenly increased a little because of his anger.

The black air in the body drifted away, covering more than a hundred meters around in an instant.

Both Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King were enveloped in this black air, and a strong breath of death was constantly eroding their bodies.

These breaths of death, like ropes, wrapped around Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King.

Sensing this entanglement force, the Bull Demon King and Ji Yang resisted luckily.

At the same time, Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King saw that all the corpses covered by this death breath stood up, including the corpse of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse.

These corpses stood up and gathered towards the Bull Demon King and Ji Yang.

These corpses were already in a state of death, but they seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and they took the Bull Demon King and Ji Yang as their targets.

"Xiaobai, be careful, there is something wrong with these corpses, the dead energy in their bodies seems to be compressed."

The Bull Demon King's senses were very sensitive. When these corpses approached, he could feel the change of the corpse's death energy.

Ji Yang also nodded when he heard what the Bull Demon King said.

These corpses are weird, Ji Yang can also see it.

Ji Yang used immortal energy to resist the entanglement of death energy, and the Bull Demon King also used demon energy to resist.

The strength of the Bull Demon King is much stronger than Ji Yang, so he broke free from the entanglement of death energy faster.

At this time, the gathered corpses were still about ten meters away from the Bull Demon King.

"To break free so quickly, this will greatly reduce the power of the corpse explosion."

"But I can't think about it that much, or I won't have a chance."

The Bull Demon King broke free from the death entanglement so quickly, Dalini seemed a little surprised and a little disappointed.

He whispered to himself, Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King didn't hear it very clearly, but they also heard the word corpse explosion.

According to the literal meaning, Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King can also understand some of the meanings.

"Brother Niu, be careful, he is going to detonate these corpses."

"Break... earth line!"

When Ji Yang exited to remind the Bull Demon King, he also got rid of the death entanglement.

As soon as he got rid of the entanglement of death, Ji Yang did not hesitate, and directly used the earth movement to drill into the ground.

When he entered the ground, Dalini's roar and continuous explosions sounded.


"Boom boom boom..."

Although Ji Yang didn't count the number of corpses just now, at least there were dozens of them.

The strength of these corpses was different before death, and the power of body explosion after death was also different.

Dozens of corpses exploded in an instant, and Ji Yang could still feel the shaking of the ground even though he got under the ground more than ten meters away.

The explosion of these corpses is quite powerful.

On the ground, deep pits of different sizes appeared one after another. The largest deep pit was more than ten meters deep.

If it was a little deeper, Ji Yang would have been blown out.

"Brother Niu, how are you doing?"

When the explosion stopped and the ground stopped shaking, Ji Yang was worried about the Bull Demon King and quickly got out of the ground.

At this moment, black smoke billowed from the ground, and black smoke blocked his sight, so Ji Yang couldn't see the situation of the Bull Demon King clearly.

"It's just a small corpse explosion, but it can't hurt my old cow. My old cow has rough skin and thick flesh."

Ji Yang's worried voice fell, followed by the voice of the Bull Demon King.

At this time, the black smoke also faded a bit, and Ji Yang could see clearly the appearance of the Bull Demon King.

Although the Bull Demon King said he was fine, the hair on the Bull Demon King's body was scorched and curled up.

And his aura has obviously weakened a bit.

It seems that the corpse explosion just now brought some troubles to the Bull Demon King.

"Cough cough cough, wow..."

When Ji Yang was talking to the Bull Demon King, there was a violent coughing sound.

Following the sound, Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King discovered that there was something wrong with Dalini's situation at this time.

The purple light in Dalini's eyes was a bit dim, and the breath on his body was also very weak. He even spat out black sticky matter from his mouth.

"He is this?"

"Xiaobai, he has been fighting with my old cow for so long, and he didn't die under my old bull's iron rod. What!"

It turned out that Dalini had already been injured in the previous battle, and he used Death Coil and Corpse Explosion just now, which undoubtedly added to the injury.

"Don't be too happy too early, even if my soul is destroyed today, I will pull you together!"

While understanding the meaning of the Bull Demon King's words, Dalini's crazy voice sounded again...

(End of this chapter)

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