The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1939 The Arrival of Lucifer

Chapter 1939 The Arrival of Lucifer (Third Watch)

"All little demons, exit the Temple of the Witch God!"


Dark clouds enveloped the sky over the Witch Temple, and after the ground began to shake, Ji Yang, the Bull Demon King, and Princess Iron Fan kept staring at the statue of Lucifer.

The evil aura and the golden and black light on the statue of Lucifer became more and more intense, and a stronger and stronger aura of life also appeared around it.

As for those who were used for the blood sacrifice of thousands of people, there are less than 500 people who are still alive at this time.

These people will soon become mummies.

Those mummified corpses that had been sucked dry of blood and absorbed their souls had been piled up next to the statue of Lucifer. Tens of thousands of mummified corpses were piled up like a hill, and the statue of Lucifer was almost submerged.

Seeing that Lucifer is coming soon, no one knows what will happen after Lucifer comes.

But just looking at the movement before Lucifer's arrival, I also know that after his arrival, the entire Witch Temple may not be safe.

Even if there is no danger when it comes, the entire Wushen Temple will not be quiet when the fight breaks out.

Knowing this, Ji Yang decisively ordered all the little demons to quickly exit the Witch Temple, and at the same time took back Zhao Kuo and all the ghosts of the Yin soldiers.

The little monster brought by Ji Yang appears like a wave when it appears, and retreats like a tide when it retreats, very fast.

Although the time is limited, it is not enough for all the goblins to withdraw from the Temple of the Witch God, but it can also retreat a lot.

It's better to be able to keep one more than to wait for the fight to affect all deaths.

"What shall we do? What shall we do?"

"Run, there is a boat on the shore, go and take the boat, hurry up!"

"Don't grab it, it's my boat, my boat..."

The little demon retreated quickly, and the members of the Black Witch Council were not stupid.

They also saw that after Lucifer came, they might be unlucky and even lose their lives, so they also chose to run away.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Wushen Temple. Even if many died in the previous battles with goblins and ghosts, tens of thousands died in the blood sacrifice.

But there are hundreds of thousands of people still alive, and most of them are ordinary believers.

Tens of 10 people ran towards the wharf of the Wushen Temple at the same time, and the scene was spectacular.

These people were all scrambling to get on the boat. During the scrambling, some people fought, and even pushed their companions into the sea, or killed them directly.

"Give me all the boats, no one from the Black Witch will be spared!"

However, just when many members of the Black Witch Society who got on the boat and started the boat thought they could survive, an angry shout came from the Witch God Temple.

Although the voice came from the mouth, it was no less loud than the thunder and lightning in the sky.

"Follow Young Master Ji's orders, lift the boat!"

This roar came from Ji Yang, hearing Ji Yang's roar, the little monster in the sea started to move.

The already limited number of boats were either directly smashed or dragged into the sea under the action of the little demon, and the people who had already boarded the boat fell into the sea water one after another.

These people who fell into the sea struggled instinctively, wanting to swim to the shore.

But Ji Yang said that no one from the Black Witch Society will be spared, so these people are destined not to go ashore, because the little monster in the water has dragged them into the deep sea...

The goblins on the shore of the Witch Temple are still receding into the sea, and the goblins in the sea are continuing to overturn the boats, pulling and biting the members of the Black Witches who fell into the sea, and the members of the Black Witches who have no boats to evacuate are running around in a panic , This scene looks a bit cruel, but also very shocking.



What happened between the little demon and the members of the Black Witch Society was not what Ji Yang, the Bull Demon King, and Princess Iron Fan were most concerned about.

What they are most concerned about now is the statue of Lucifer.

As a huge thunderbolt fell from the sky, it struck the statue of Lucifer impartially. After the ground began to shake violently, a crack appeared from the top of the statue of Lucifer, and the crack spread to the feet of the statue of Lucifer.

Huge cracks appeared, and the statue of Lucifer completely shattered.

"Hahaha, I, Lucifer, finally see the light of day again!"

The statue shattered, and a figure whose whole body was enveloped in black air, with four pairs of wings flapping behind him, and his body flying in the air appeared.

This figure has long black hair that hangs vertically around the waist. With the wind that appears from the wings, the long hair flutters, revealing a handsome face.

This is Lucifer.

After falling from heaven to hell, he never left hell again.

This was the first time he returned to the world after falling into hell, so Lucifer seemed very excited.

"Who summoned me and let me return to the world, I want to give him strength."

After the excited Lucifer flew a few times in the sky, his body landed on the broken statue.

Lucifer looked around with an aloof look, and all he saw were countless corpses.

Lucifer knew that he was summoned through the blood sacrifice of ten thousand people.

But who used the blood sacrifice of ten thousand people, Lucifer didn't know.

Regarding the tens of thousands of mummified corpses in front of him, Lucifer didn't change his expression at all. He was just looking for the person who used the blood sacrifice of ten thousand people to summon him.

He just searched for a long time, but he couldn't find it.

Lucifer's haughty look and his arrogance made Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King frown.

The strength of Lucifer is really not covered.

After he was summoned, the powerful aura on his body made Ji Yang and the Bull Demon King truly feel the power of Lucifer.

"Husband, he is really strong."

Princess Iron Fan's cultivation is not as good as that of the Bull Demon King, nor Ji Yang.

The breath pressure from Lucifer's body made Princess Iron Fan look a bit uneasy.

"Ma'am, don't be afraid. With Lao Niu here, I will definitely not let him hurt you."

"Stop yelling. The death knight who summoned you has been killed by me. You don't need to give your power to anyone. You should save your own life."

After the Bull Demon King comforted Princess Iron Fan, he shouted at Lucifer who was screaming.

PS: Don't ask why the Bull Demon King can understand Lucifer's words, it's just to facilitate the development of the plot
Hearing the shout of the Bull Demon King, Lucifer looked to where the Bull Demon King was.

The Bull Demon King can feel the power of Lucifer, but the Bull Demon King himself is also very powerful.

So when Lucifer looked at the Bull Demon King, there was a slight change in his expression.

"You are very strong, but if you kill the death knight who summoned me, then I will sacrifice your soul to him!"

Although Lucifer was a little moved by the breath of the Bull Demon King, he was not afraid of the Bull Demon King.

With an indifferent voice, Lucifer flapped his wings behind and flew towards the Bull Demon King.

The body was getting closer and closer to the Bull Demon King, Lucifer pushed the palm of the void, and a black air hit towards the Bull Demon King.

As the black air floated in, the Bull Demon King also punched out, and a fist shadow blasted out, colliding with the black air.

The black air collided with the shadow of the fist, and dissipated at the same time with an ear-shattering roar...

(End of this chapter)

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