The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1940 Bull Demon King VS Lucifer

Chapter 1940 Bull Demon King VS Lucifer (Part [-])
"It's so easy to break through my Lucifer's attack, you are really strong."

When his attack was broken, Lucifer narrowed his eyes.

When he looked at the Bull Demon King, there was a little appreciation in his eyes.

Although Lucifer was admiring himself, but Lucifer's attitude of scrutiny made the Bull Demon King very unhappy.

In the past, he was the one who judged others, when did he allow others to judge himself so proudly.

"Hmph, if this is considered strong, then you, bird man, will die today."

"Just now you attacked my old cow, now let you taste the taste of my old cow mixed with an iron rod!"

The Bull Demon King spewed out two puffs of white air from his nose, and the demonic energy from his body floated out. His body soared into the air and rushed towards Lucifer who was flying in the air.

The Bull Demon King has no wings, but he can fly, which made Lucifer slightly stunned.

But Lucifer's reaction was not slow. I saw him grasping the palm of his hand, and a blood-red long sword with a beautiful statue appeared in his hand.

"Then let my doomsday judgment meet your bastard."

Doomsday, Lucifer's weapon.

This is the magic weapon that God bestowed on Lucifer. When he was an archangel in heaven, this sword was called the Star of Morning Glory. It is the only magic weapon that can compare with God's Seven Evil Swords.

But after Lucifer became a fallen angel, the original Star of Morning Glory was no longer a soldier of heaven, and Lucifer also changed its name to Doomsday Judgment.


"Shadow Blade Slash!"

The Bull Demon King has no other characteristics except great strength.

His attack this time also relied on a brute force, and the mixed iron rod roared and smashed towards Lucifer's head.

With a wave of Doomsday Judgment in Lucifer's hand, a red sword shadow flew out and flew towards Bull Demon King's mixed iron rod.

The mixed iron rod that was originally thrown at Lucifer finally hit the sword shadow.

The sword shadow was broken by the Bull Demon King's stick, and the Bull Demon King's strength weakened slightly, but he continued to smash at Lucifer.

Lucifer's Doomsday Judgment raised it to block the Bull Demon King's mixed iron rod, his body trembled slightly, but he didn't back down in the slightest.

"What a great power, even the power of the demon lord is not enough to compete with you."

Although he blocked the attack of the Bull Demon King, Lucifer was a little surprised by the power displayed by the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King's stick looks very ordinary, and it relies entirely on strength.

But even so, when Lucifer took over, he still had a strong sense of power.

"Your strength is not small, you can catch my stick."

Lucifer admits that the Bull Demon King is powerful, and the Bull Demon King will not ignore Lucifer's power.

Looking at Lucifer's body, it seems a little slender, without any exaggerated muscles on his body.

But he was able to take over his stick, which shows that Lucifer is also very powerful.

Praising each other, Lucifer and Bull Demon King both smiled coldly.

Doomsday Judgment and an anti-shock force appeared on the iron rod at the same time, Lucifer and Bull Demon King took a step back at the same time, allowing them to distance themselves.

But just as the two stood still, they rushed towards each other again.

The whistling of the bull devil's mixed iron rod created wind, and there were bursts of explosions in the air.

Lucifer's Doomsday Judgment stabs, picks or slashes, bursts of red and black sword energy splash, and fights with the Bull Demon King's mixed iron rod, and there is no victory or defeat for each other.

"Sister-in-law, you can see that Big Brother Niu and Lucifer are evenly matched, so you don't have to worry about it."

The Bull Demon King and Lucifer fought together, but Ji Yang and Princess Iron Fan did not participate in the battle.

At this time, the Bull Demon King did not show his defeat, and it seemed that the two were just evenly divided.

Ji Yang looked at Princess Iron Fan with a smile, but Princess Iron Fan frowned.

"Xiaobai, we must not let our guard down."

"Although Lao Niu and Lucifer seem to be neck-and-neck at this moment, you and I can see that neither Lao Niu nor Lucifer has shown their full strength."

"If they really show their full strength, it's hard to say who is strong and who is weak, so you and I must be ready to take action at any time. I don't want to see my old cow get hurt."

It's not that Princess Iron Fan doesn't believe in the Bull Demon King, but it's impossible to say she's not worried.

After all, Lucifer's aura is so strong and his strength is so strong. If it is a simple opponent, the Bull Demon King will not be evenly divided now, but won already.

Hearing Princess Iron Fan's words, Ji Yang did not give any rebuttal.

Because he himself knew that the facts were just as Princess Iron Fan said, neither the Bull Demon King nor Lucifer had really shown their full strength, they all had reservations, and they had a lot of reservations.

The fight now is just foreplay.

"Is it interesting to fight like this? If you fight like this, even if you fight for three days and three nights, you and I will not be able to tell the difference. I, the Bull Demon King, don't have so much time to spend with you."

The Bull Demon King came to YN through the talisman, and his time in the mortal world is limited.

The Bull Demon King's situation is not suitable for a protracted battle, and the sooner the battle ends, the better for him.

Otherwise, when it was time for him to return to the heavenly court, but Lucifer did not solve the problem, Ji Yang would be the one who was unlucky, and his trip to the mortal world would be considered in vain.

"I also have the same intention. I haven't been serious for a long time. Today, I can meet a good opponent. Of course, I want to have a hearty battle, not this kind of child fighting style where you stick and I sword."

Lucifer didn't fully understand the meaning of the words of the Bull Demon King. He only understood from the superficial meaning that the Bull Demon King didn't want to waste time and wanted to decide the winner as soon as possible.

If Lucifer knew that the Bull Demon King had limited time in the mortal world, he might have other ideas.

"Okay, then come on, Barbarian Bull Strong Stick!"

Whether Lucifer can consume it or not, the Bull Demon King doesn't care, he can't afford it anyway.

Now that we've covered this point, the Bull Demon King won't waste any time.

The evil energy in the body circulated rapidly, the veins on both arms burst out, the strength of the Bull Demon King increased, and the iron rod in his hand vibrated with evil energy, and the stick smashed towards Lucifer's waist.

On the surface, this stick is not much different from the previous one, but in terms of strength, it is not at the same level at all.

Before the iron rod touched Lucifer, Lucifer felt the terrifying power carried by the iron rod.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes and let out a soft drink.

"Shield of the Night!"

Lucifer's voice sounded, and thick black air floated around, protecting Lucifer like a shield.

The mixed iron rod hit the black air, and the black air vibrated, but it didn't shatter directly.

At the same time, the Doomsday Judgment in Lucifer's hand has been raised, black gas surrounds the Doomsday Judgment's sword, and the sword cuts towards the head of the Bull Demon King.

Now that I no longer "play" and choose to be serious, there is no need to hold back.

All attacks are aimed at killing the opponent as quickly as possible.

But if Lucifer's sword really killed the Bull Demon King in this way, then the Bull Demon King, the great sage of peace, would be in vain.

"The Phantom of the Cow Demon!"


A dark red phantom appeared on the surface of the Bull Demon King's body, and Lucifer's sword slashed on the phantom...

(End of this chapter)

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