The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1951 Lucifer also Plays WeChat

Chapter 1951 Lucifer Also Plays Wechat ([-]rd)

"Are you satisfied with my sincerity?"

Looking at Ji Yang who got the lord's stone and the excited smile on his face was getting bigger and bigger, Lucifer smiled faintly.

With Lucifer's status in the abyss, a lord stone sealed with a thousand demons is nothing to him.

In fact, in his hands, there is something better than the Lord's Stone, something that can summon stronger abyssal creatures.

But Lucifer is also a smart person. He knew that the Lord's Stone he gave to Ji Yang was enough to meet Ji Yang's needs, so there was no need to take anything better.

For better things, it is better to wait until the relationship between the two parties is stable and there is really a cooperation.

According to different situations, send different things, so that the things sent are valuable.

"Satisfied, satisfied!"

"It seems that I risked my face with Big Brother Niu to save your life, which is a very correct choice."

What Ji Yang said were not polite words, but real psychological feelings.

Being able to form an ally with Lucifer, the more you think about it, the more benefits you will get.

Now that Lucifer sent a lord stone sealed with a thousand great demons, Ji Yang could be considered to have tasted the sweetness first.

This made Ji Yang feel more correct about his decision.

"This is just a meeting gift. It can be regarded as a meeting gift for our cooperation. It is also my thanks to you for saving my life."

"When we really start working together and the relationship gets closer, I will have a bigger gift for you."

"Aren't you going to send me a team of fallen angels?"

Ji Yang was satisfied, and Lucifer also nodded.

Hearing that Lucifer said that there would be a big gift for him in the future, Ji Yang said jokingly.

"It's just a team of fallen angels. I can really send you off, of course, not now."

"If you join forces with me to really overthrow God's rule over heaven, you can own an army of angels, not to mention a team of fallen angels."

Ji Yang was just joking.

But Lucifer's answer surprised Ji Yang.

This Lucifer really intends to send himself to the Fallen Angels team, that would be so cool.

And Lucifer's words about the legion of angels made Ji Yang's heart feel hotter, and a touch of madness appeared in his eyes.

Angel Legion, this temptation is too great.

It would be really enjoyable if even God was captured as his own subordinate, to be the vanguard of the Angel Legion.

"It seems that even if Heaven doesn't bother me, for the sake of the Angel Legion, I have to take the initiative to provoke them."

Originally, Ji Yang was only thinking about when Tiantian would trouble him, and he was dealing with Tiantang.

But after listening to Lucifer's few words, Ji Yang couldn't help but feel a strong desire and desire, and Ji Yang's desire for strength became stronger and stronger.

He thought he was strong and the Bull Demon King was strong, but after the battle with Lucifer, he found that he was still much worse.

And strength, including one's own strength, also includes one's own power.

If he really overthrows God's rule over heaven, he can have an army of angels, plus the demon team in his hands and the ghosts he controls...

"I don't even dare to think about it myself."

Thinking of the end, Ji Yang feels that the future is bright, but at the same time he still dares not imagine it.

Because everything imagined completely exceeded Ji Yang's imagination.

Ever since Ji Yang possessed the ability to contact the heavens and the underworld, Ji Yang has had many ideas about the future.

But now it seems that my previous assumptions are still too short-term.

"Although I don't know what you are thinking, there is nothing in this world that you dare not think about, because anything can happen."

"Just like me, who would have thought that I would change from an archangel in heaven to a fallen angel. How could I have thought that I was almost killed by you today, so nothing is impossible."

"If you have the ability and dare to think, what you think will become a reality."

Lucifer's breath was still so weak.

But between him and Ji Yang, there have been some changes in a short period of time.

At this time, Ji Yang and Lucifer were standing together, who would have thought that just a few hours ago, they were still fighting to the death.

Now Lucifer and Ji Yang look more like close friends who talk about everything.

"I don't believe what you say. In fact, I never thought that I would have today."

"The injuries on your body cannot heal in a short time. Are you recuperating here, or returning to the abyss of purgatory?"

"I'm a fallen angel now. It's not as fast to recover in the human world as in the abyss, so I'm planning to go back."

"When I return to the abyss of purgatory, I will tell Devil Satan about my cooperation with you. I think he will be very excited."

Today is different from the past, Lucifer is no longer an ordinary angel.

The abyss of hell is Lucifer's current home, and it is more suitable for him there. Only by returning to the abyss of purgatory and borrowing the power of the abyss of purgatory can his injuries heal as soon as possible.

"Then after you go back, if I need your help, how can I find you?"

"Send me a WeChat message!"

"You also play WeChat? Abyss Hell also has mobile phones and WeChat?"

"Of course, Abyss Purgatory is also a very trendy place. When you need help from me or Abyss Purgatory, just send me a WeChat message. I will definitely help you then."

"Similarly, if I need your help, you have to come and help me."

I thought that Lucifer would give himself a treasure with summoning power to summon Lucifer.

Unexpectedly, Lucifer actually said to use WeChat to contact.

At first, Ji Yang was a little surprised.

But think about it carefully, since Heaven and Earth have WeChat, why not Abyss Purgatory?
After Ji Yang and Lucifer added WeChat to each other, the little black energy left in Lucifer's body gushed out.

Black air gushed out, and Lucifer chanted a spell.

As the spell sounded, a black vortex appeared behind Lucifer.

"Ji Yang, I hope we can fight side by side as soon as possible to overthrow God's rule over heaven."

"Well, I also hope that day will come sooner."

Lucifer's body was sucked into the black vortex, and he didn't forget to say one last thing to Ji Yang about overthrowing God's rule of heaven.

When Ji Yang spoke, the black vortex had disappeared, and it was unknown if Lucifer heard what he said.

But it doesn't matter if you hear it or not.

Anyway, when that day really comes, Ji Yang will definitely call Lucifer.

"Brother Niu and the others don't know what's going on, and they don't know if Brother Niu is still angry or not?"

Lucifer disappeared, and Ji Yang thought of the Bull Demon King and others.

Immortal Qi gushed out of his body, and Ji Yang soon discovered where the Bull Demon King and the others were.

"Little Dragon Girl, let's go find Brother Niu and the others."

While speaking, Ji Yang flew towards the location where the Bull Demon King and the others were aura, followed by the little dragon girl.

Only Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv flew more than ten meters away, but they saw the Bull Demon King and others flying towards their place...

(End of this chapter)

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