The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1952 Will the remaining people kill or not

Chapter 1952 Will the remaining people be killed or not (one more)
"Why did you finish drinking so quickly? It's not like your character."

Ji Yang, Bull Demon King and others flew towards each other at the same time, and they met soon.

Smelling the smell of alcohol on the Bull Demon King and the others, it seemed that they had been drinking a lot.

However, they were not drunk at all. Based on Ji Yang's understanding of the Bull Demon King and the others, they should be enjoying themselves by drinking now. Why didn't they stop drinking?

"Even if we drink for another three days and three nights, we won't be able to fully enjoy ourselves."

"But it's time for my wife and I to go back to Heaven, and we can only drink this wine later. We came to you to say goodbye to you."

When the Bull Demon King heard Ji Yang's words, he looked helpless.

The Three Realms cannot communicate with each other. After coming to the mortal world, the time you can stay is limited.

Now that the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan need to return to the Heavenly Court, this wine is naturally undrinkable.

Peng Demon King and others listened to Bull Demon King's words, and they also looked dissatisfied and reluctant.

Several sworn brothers haven't seen each other for thousands of years. They just met, and they didn't even have a good drink. The Bull Demon King is going back to heaven, so depressed.

Hearing the helplessness of the Bull Demon King and seeing everyone's displeasure, Ji Yang could only sigh.

After all, the matter of the law of the three realms cannot be resolved immediately by Ji Yang.

"Brother Niu, don't worry, I will gather the top ten artifacts as soon as possible to break the laws of the three realms, and then we can drink to our heart's content, and we can drink as long as we want!"

This was the only thing Ji Yang could say at this time. Hearing what Ji Yang said, the Bull Demon King nodded, and then looked around Ji Yang.

Judging by the Bull Demon King's appearance, he seemed to be looking for something.

When the Bull Demon King saw that there was only Xiao Longnv beside Ji Yang, the Bull Demon King looked a bit disappointed.

"Brother Niu, are you looking for Lucifer?"

Ji Yang was also clever, seeing the appearance of the Bull Demon King, he guessed what the Bull Demon King was looking for.

"Well, where did he go?"

"I didn't feel his breath, did you fail to cure him, did he still die?"

Said that when Lucifer died, the bull devil's eyes were shining.

It seems that the Bull Demon King still doesn't want Lucifer to live.

"Brother Niu, Lucifer has gone back to the abyss and purgatory to recuperate, he is no longer in the mortal world."

But even if the Bull Devil wants Lucifer to die, it is useless, because Lucifer is still alive.

Ji Yang would not make up a lie to deceive the Bull Demon King.

A lie may make the Bull Demon King happy for a while, but what if he meets Lucifer again in the future?How to explain that.

So Ji Yang still told the truth, and when he heard that Lucifer had returned to the abyss and purgatory to maintain his health but did not die, the light in Bull Demon King's eyes disappeared instantly, and an unhappy expression immediately appeared on his face.

"Okay, my husband, Lucifer's life should not die, so don't worry about it."

"Lucifer is alive, and there are indeed great benefits. If you keep doing this, what should Xiaobai do?"

"We're going back to Heaven soon, so don't make trouble for everyone."

With the Bull Demon King's appearance, Ji Yang couldn't say anything, so he looked at Princess Iron Fan for help.

Princess Iron Fan understood and touched the Bull Demon King.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm just feeling a little upset, if he can really help Xiaobai in the future, then I'll forgive him."

"If he doesn't help you in the later stage, you tell me, and I will take a few brothers to break off his wings and roast them!"

After hearing Princess Iron Fan's words, the Bull Demon King's face softened a little.

In the end, he told Ji Yang that if Lucifer could not help him well, he would go down to earth to teach Lucifer a lesson.

"Brother Niu, don't worry, if he doesn't help me well, I will call you."

"Brothers, my wife and I are leaving. When the laws of the Three Realms are broken, we must drink to the brim."

A golden light descended from the sky, and the bodies of the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan became illusory.

Following the words of the Bull Demon King, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan had disappeared together with the golden light.

As soon as the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan left, Ji Yang, Jiao Demon King and others chatted briefly, and then everyone turned their eyes to the black witch who was either hiding or tremblingly looking at them from a distance. members.

From Ji Yang's attack on the Wushen Temple to now, half of the members of the Black Witch Society in the Wushen Temple have died, but there are still many people left at this time.

After seeing the terror of Ji Yang and others, they are all very scared now.

Now they are most afraid of Ji Yang and others attacking them.

Lucifer couldn't resist Ji Yang and the others, and these members of the Black Witch Society couldn't continue to summon the creatures of the abyss. If Ji Yang and the others did something, these people would surely die.

"Ji Yang, what should we do with these people, should we kill them all?"

The purpose of Ji Yang's trip is to eradicate the Black Witch Society.

Whether these people are black wizards or not, they are undoubtedly members of the Black Witch Society.

So if Ji Yang wants to kill them at this time, Demon King Peng and others will definitely not hesitate at all, and will do it directly.

"Killed? It's a pity."

"Fifth brother, are you interested in taking over the remnants of the Black Witch Society and making them respect you as master?"

There are at least tens of thousands of remaining members of the Black Witch Society.

If you want to kill them, although it will take some effort, it is still relatively easy.

But Ji Yang felt that instead of killing these people, it is better to keep them for his own use.

There are millions of believers in the Black Witch Society. Even if most of them are ordinary people, they are still quite a force.

It is even more influential than Tiandaoism in Country H.

There were too many ants killing elephants, and the macaque king controlled all the followers of the Black Witch Society. It would be much more convenient for Ji Yang to do something in YN in the future.

"Hey, don't tell me, I really mean it."

"But this depends on you. If you want to kill them, I have no objection. If you are willing to keep them, that would be even better."

The macaque king has been in seclusion in YN for thousands of years, and there are still a large number of little demons following in YN.

For YN's environment, the Macaque King still likes it very much.

Wanting to establish his own power in YN is also an idea that the Macaque King has long had, but he has never had the opportunity.

Now that the opportunity is at hand, the macaque king is of course willing.

"Since Fifth Brother is interested, of course I won't kill these people."

"Among you, is there anyone who can speak Chinese?"

Ji Yang smiled, then swept towards the members of the Black Witch Society who were closer to him, and shouted loudly.

"I, I will!"

"It's you again, I didn't ask you just now, what's your name?"

With the previous experience of questioning the macaque king, when Ji Yang asked this time, someone immediately stood up.

The person who stood up was the one who led Demon King Peng and others to drink earlier.

"The little one is called Anu!"

"Anu? This name, I am really embarrassed."

"Anu, I will give you a task now. If you complete it, you will be the elder of the Black Witch Society in the future!"

The name Anu made Ji Yang smile, and said softly...

(End of this chapter)

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