The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 196 My Purpose Is Pure

Chapter 196 My Purpose Is Pure (Part [-])
Is Huang Xiaoxin the reincarnation of Daji?

When Ji Yang saw Bigan's words, he was completely stunned.

This is not a joke, how could Huang Xiaoxin be the reincarnation of Daji? Huang Xiaoxin has a kind personality, but Daji has a cruel personality.

Ji Yang really couldn't connect the two of them together, but after Bigan said this, Ji Yang also remembered something.

When Ji Yang forced the demon clone out of Huang Xiaoxin's body, the demon clone also said that he had a thousand-year enmity with Huang Xiaoxin. From this point of view, Huang Xiaoxin is really the reincarnation of Daji.

However, when a person is reincarnated, the memory of the previous life no longer exists, and their personalities are also different. Therefore, even if the current Huang Xiaoxin has a completely different personality from Daji back then, the fact that she is the reincarnation of Daji cannot be denied.

The news was too explosive, and Ji Yang felt that he could not calm down for a long time.

"Bigan, this seven-orifice exquisite heart will become a heart demon, all because of hatred for Daji and King Zhou, he will definitely come to seek revenge on Huang Xiaoxin."

"But even if Huang Xiaoxin is really the reincarnation of Daji, this matter has nothing to do with her. Qiqiao Linglongxin's doing this is totally wrong."

Ji Yang couldn't calm down, but he still told Bigan his thoughts.

When Bigan saw Ji Yang's words, he quickly replied.

"Don't talk about Huang Xiaoxin now, Daji back then was only the daughter of Hou Suhu in Jizhou, and she was possessed by the Nine-Tailed Fox to do those evil things. It was the Nine-Tailed Fox who really caused the trouble."

"It's all Zhou Wangdi Xin who insulted Nuwa Empress with obscene poems in Nuwa Palace. Nuwa Empress was furious and sent a nine-tailed fox and other goblins to overthrow Shang Zhou. Wealth and honor made the common people miserable, and they were punished and beheaded."

"But it's meaningless to say these things now. These seven-aperture exquisite hearts also know, but he still resents Daji, and the resentment has become a demon. He will definitely not give up until he takes revenge on Daji."

Ji Yang felt that Bigan's words made sense. Now Qiqiao Linglongxin has become a demon, and he has gone crazy. He believes that Daji who killed him back then will not let Daji's reincarnation Huang Xiaoxin go.

That being the case, he can only find a way to subdue Qiqiao Linglongxin, or get rid of him.

Ji Yang originally thought that Bigan would have a way to deal with Qiqiao Linglongxin. After all, Qiqiao Linglongxin used to be his heart, and now Bigan is Wenqu Xingjun, the God of Wealth.

But Bigan's answer to Ji Yang made Ji Yang very disappointed. Bigan didn't have any effective way to deal with Qiqiao Linglongxin.

"There is only one way to deal with the Seven-Apertures Exquisite Heart, and that is to let the gods with profound celestial powers completely destroy the Seven-Apertures Exquisite Heart that has become a demon."

This is Bigan's answer to Ji Yang.

But now the laws of the Three Realms are cut off, and the gods and immortals are not in the mortal world. If they could come, the matter of the Qiqiao Linglong's heart becoming a demon would have been discovered long ago.

There is no effective way to deal with Qiqiao Linglongxin. In the mortal world, Ji Yang is the only one with celestial power, but Ji Yang can't beat Qiqiao Linglongxin. What should I do?

Just when Ji Yang didn't know when, Ji Yang's phone vibrated, and a piece of talisman paper appeared in front of Ji Yang.

Seeing this piece of talisman paper, Ji Yang's heart trembled, and he shouted excitedly: "Phantom God's Fate Talisman."

It's not the first time I've seen the Illusory God Fu Ji Yang, Guan Yu also gave Ji Yang a piece last time, so he recognized it at a glance.

Excitedly looking at the phone, it was Bigan who sent Ji Yang this magic talisman.

"This is the Illusory God's Fate Talisman I refined. This Qiqiao Linglong Heart is my heart. I am also responsible for him becoming a demon. When he appears again, you can hand him over to me."

Bigan's words felt a little helpless no matter what, after saying this, Bigan didn't talk to Ji Yang anymore, and he didn't know what he was going to do.

Ji Yang doesn't care what Bigan does, but Ji Yang knows that with Bigan's Illusory Destiny Talisman, he doesn't have to be afraid when he encounters the demonic Qiqiao Linglongxin.

In the next few days, Qiqiao Linglongxin did not appear. It seems that he was seriously injured by Ji Yang's sword last time, and he is still recovering from his injuries.

Ji Yang doesn't know when Qiqiao Linglongxin will recover from his wounds, or when he will come out to seek revenge.

To be on the safe side, Ji Yang decided to bring Huang Xiaoxin with him before Qiqiao Linglongxin appeared. Who told her that she was the reincarnation of Daji? Qiqiao Linglongxin must be looking for one of Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoxin.

Therefore, Ji Yang decided that it would be safest to bring Huang Xiaoxin by his side.

Ji Yang didn't tell Huang Xiaoxin that she was Daji's reincarnation. Huang Xiaoxin had just improved mentally and physically these past few days, so Ji Yang didn't want to provoke her anymore.

But Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoxin are not lovers, he thinks he wants to bring Huang Xiaoxin by his side, not to mention whether Huang Xiaoxin will agree, the Huang family will definitely not agree.

But in the end, when he said this idea, the members of the Huang family agreed directly, and Huang Tianxiong immediately asked his servant to help Huang Xiaoxin pack up, and asked Ji Yang to take Huang Xiaoxin away immediately.

That attitude seemed to dislike Huang Xiaoxin so much, wishing that the other party would be taken away as soon as possible.

The attitude of the Huang family was completely beyond Ji Yang's expectation. When the members of the Huang family sent Huang Xiaoxin and Ji Yang away, Wu Ning cried.

Seeing Wu Ning crying, Huang Tianxiong said with a straight face.

"Why are you crying? It's a good thing."

"I know it's a good thing. I'm crying with joy."

Hearing Huang Tianxiong's words, Wu Ning stared at Huang Tianxiong and said dissatisfiedly.

"All right, all right, how can it not work? I think back when you married me, my mother-in-law cried just like you do today. You didn't understand at that time, but now you understand..."

Ji Yang was just about to get into the car at this time, when he heard the conversation between Huang Tianxiong and Wu Ning, he staggered and almost missed the car.

I let Huang Xiaoxin go to my residence for the convenience of protecting Huang Xiaoxin, and I didn't marry Huang Xiaoxin to go home and be his wife. They know a girl.

But Ji Yang didn't want to explain anything to the other party, otherwise he didn't know what the Huang family would say, it's better to leave as soon as possible, and it's better not to listen.

However, just when Ji Yang thought he could keep his ears quiet, Huang Xiaoxin's words almost prevented Ji Yang from crashing his car into a tree.

"Ji Yang, in fact, I have liked you for a long time. I envy Zixuan and Sister Mu Hong to be with you, and I really hope to be with you."

"But I didn't expect happiness to come so quickly. You actually let me live with you directly. Although this development is a bit fast, I am very happy and willing."

Huang Xiaoxin looked at Ji Yang shyly, and said in a low voice.

Listening to Huang Xiaoxin's confession, and remembering the reaction of Huang's family before, Ji Yang felt that he was wronged.

I really just want to protect Huang Xiaoxin, my purpose is very pure, and there is no other meaning.

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(End of this chapter)

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