The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 197 The Sea Shark Gang Collecting Protection Fees

Chapter 197 The Sea Shark Gang Collecting Protection Fees (Part [-])
"I thought I would share a room with you tonight. Although I am willing, I am still a little scared. Ji Yang, you must be thinking about me in the same way, right?"

After Ji Yang chose a room for Huang Xiaoxin and moved all the things Huang Xiaoxin said to the room, he heard Huang Xiaoxin speak softly.

Hearing Huang Xiaoxin's words, Ji Yang felt a headache, I am your sister, yes.

I made it very clear before, just to protect Huang Xiaoxin from being harmed by the demons, so I let her live with me temporarily.

But Huang Xiaoxin just thinks that Ji Yang wants to date her and live with her.

Ji Yang really doubted whether Huang Xiaoxin really misunderstood or said this on purpose, or was left with the sequelae of wild thoughts after being controlled by the demon avatar.

Ji Yang felt a little regretful. If he had known that he would not be so hasty, even if he wanted to live with Huang Xiaoxin under the same roof to protect her, he should come to his own villa.

I can live temporarily in the Huang's villa. The Huang's villa is bigger than Ji Yang's. Don't you have a room for yourself?
But it's useless to regret, if anyone in Heaven and Earth has regret medicine to sell to Ji Yang, he will buy it even if it is worth a hundred thousand merits.

"Xiaoxin, I really have no other intentions, I..."

Ji Yang wanted to explain to Huang Xiaoxin again, but before he finished speaking, Huang Xiaoxin threw herself into his arms, and then Ji Yang felt that his mouth was blocked, and he couldn't say the following words .

"I wipe, I was kissed forcibly."

Ji Yang was actually kissed by Huang Xiaoxin. Huang Xiaoxin's kiss was very jerky and light...

"This is my first kiss. I gave you my first kiss. From now on, I will be with you, and you won't be able to shake it off."

Huang Xiaoxin leaned against Ji Yang's arms, Ji Yang was stupefied by Huang Xiaoxin's kiss just now, at this moment he could only nod his head in embarrassment.

What kind of thing is this? I was kissed forcibly like this, and somehow I got an extra woman.

It is said that there are three women in one drama, and Huang Xiaoxin, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong are all best friends. It is really hard to say whether my life will be happiness or tragedy in the future.

Although Huang Xiaoxin had already decided to follow Ji Yang, Ji Yang was not impulsive enough to directly eat him.

Early the next morning, when Ji Yang walked out of his bedroom, he found that Huang Xiaoxin had already woken up and made breakfast for him.

When Ji Yang was eating breakfast, Huang Xiaoxin watched with a happy face,

To be honest, it is really hard for Ji Yang to associate the Huang Xiaoxin in front of him with Daji. If the Huang Xiaoxin in front of him really has the same personality as Daji, even if he didn't eat him last night, the other party would definitely eat him.

But Huang Xiaoxin looks very simple, her happiness is written on her face, she will be very happy just if the person she likes eats the breakfast she made herself.

"Where are we going next?"

While Ji Yang was having breakfast, Huang Xiaoxin asked with a smile on her face.

"I'll take you to my sea farm."

Ji Yang said while eating breakfast.

When he woke up in the morning, Wang Ji called him and said that the sea cucumber seedlings from the farm had arrived and asked Ji Yang to take a look.

Huang Xiaoxin didn't know that Ji Yang had a sea farm before, and she had never seen a sea farm.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, she also nodded, looking a little excited.

Ji Yang didn't know much about sea cucumber farming, even if he went to the sea cucumber farm, he couldn't see anything.

"I don't understand this either, you two just need to figure it out."

Ji Yang took Huang Xiaoxin, accompanied by Quan Chang and Wang Ji to look around the sea cucumber seedlings, and then said directly.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Wang Ji and Quan Chang also smiled bitterly. They felt that Ji Yang was a very good shopkeeper, and he didn't care about anything other than paying money when he was short of money, and he didn't even understand it at all.

The two of them still have to learn if they don't understand, whoever made himself decide to follow Ji Yang is fate.

After Ji Yang explained some things to the two of them, he was about to take Huang Xiaoxin away.

But just as he was about to leave, he saw three vans approaching. As soon as the van stopped, more than [-] people got off from it.

"Who opened this sea farm? Why didn't you say hello to us in advance?"

"Do you know that this is the territory of our Sea Shark Gang?"

More than [-] people got out of the car, one of them was bald and had a tattoo of a shark with a big mouth open on his arm. The fat middle-aged man shouted loudly.

The right to use this sea area was bought by Tian Haisheng through legal channels. Once Tian Haisheng died, the right to use this sea area will be in the hands of Ji Yang. Ji Yang can use it as he wants, and he has to notify the so-called Hai Sha Gang what?

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Ji Yang's expression turned a little ugly.

Wang Ji and Quan Chang frowned, and Quan Chang immediately said: "Why is Hai Sha Gang not Hai Sha Gang? This sea area is the right to use that we bought with money."

"If we want to open a sea farm here, we will open a sea farm. Do we need to inform you?"

Quan Chang spoke very bluntly. As soon as his words came out, the faces of the members of the Sea Shark Gang were gloomy.

Especially the middle-aged man who spoke just now, when his face was gloomy, there was a sneer on his mouth.

"Stop talking nonsense to me. This place is my territory. I don't care where you bought the right to use the sea area. Anyway, if you open a marine farm here, you have to pay me protection fees."

"Otherwise, all the things in your sea farm will die one day, don't blame me for not reminding you today."

Going around, this so-called Sea Shark Gang is here to collect protection fees.

But Ji Yang doesn't care if he collects other people's protection fees, but there is no way he wants to collect his own protection fees.

In order to start this farm, I still owe Huang Tianxiong 1000 million. Although the other party said that there is no need to pay it back, Ji Yang has no intention of taking it for nothing.

He is already in debt, so he still dares to collect his own protection fee, besides, does Ji Yang need others to protect him?

Moreover, there was an obvious threat in the middle-aged man's words, which made Ji Yang even more unhappy.

"Where it's cool, stay where you are, bullshit sea shark gang, collect protection money from me, and I still want to ask you to collect protection money."

Ji Yang was upset, so he spoke directly.

When everyone in the Haisha Gang heard Ji Yang speak, they all looked at Ji Yang.

Seeing that Ji Yang was a young man in his twenties, the Sea Shark Gang looked at Ji Yang with contempt.

"A kid who hasn't even grown hair yet, he speaks aggressively. You don't go to the surrounding sea farms to find out who I am, Fat Shark, and you want to collect my protection money."

"See what you guys mean, I don't want to pay the protection fee today, so don't blame me, Fat Shark, for being rude."

"Smash this sea farm for me."

Fat Shark yelled at the twenty or so people behind him, and these people pulled out picks, hammers and other things from the van, and it seemed that they really wanted to smash Ji Yang's sea farm.

 Today's first update, Xieben stayed up late to code, thank you for your support, I hope you will vote for more recommendations, monthly tickets, and rewards for support
(End of this chapter)

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