The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 198 Free Labor

Chapter 198 Free Labor (Part Two)

Ji Yang has seen a lot of gangsters, but this is the first time Ji Yang has seen such arrogance as the Sea Shark Gang who directly smashed the sea farms without paying protection fees.

Could it be that the members of the Sea Shark Gang are so uneducated that they don't even know how to write the word low-key? Even if you want to intimidate the other party, shouldn't you be more subtle.

To smash the sea farm in front of so many people in broad daylight is definitely a certain degree of arrogance.

Huang Xiaoxin, who was beside Ji Yang, held Ji Yang's arm tightly with both hands. Recently, she was in a good state of mind. Seeing the scene in front of her, she was somewhat nervous.

Although the Huang family has a lot of importance in both black and white in Linhai, Huang Xiaoxin has never participated in these matters. It is the first time she has seen this kind of thing.

Even if Huang Xiaoxin is involved in the Huang family's affairs, the Haisha Gang in front of her can't control her. Although the Huang family is powerful, the Huang family in Linhai is not a sky, and the Huang family's power is mainly in Linhai City.

The location of this sea farm is very remote, it is already far away from the urban area, and the name of the Huang family has not been spread here.

Sensing Huang Xiaoxin's fear, Ji Yang patted her hand.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, there are only two or three clowns, and when I tell you to close your eyes, you can count to two hundred with your eyes closed, and everything will be over when you open your eyes."

Ji Yang smiled and said softly,

Although Huang Xiaoxin has Ji Yang's medicine to regulate her body, it is really not suitable to be stimulated now.

In Ji Yang's eyes, the members of the Sea Shark Gang are no longer as simple as those who come out to mess around.

People who are really gangsters have to talk about the laws of the Tao, but this sea shark gang is simply a bandit. They smashed the sea farms without paying protection fees. Is this different from robbing money without giving money?

Now Huang Xiaoxin was frightened by them again. Although she was not frightened deeply, she was still a little frightened. Would she be polite to someone who frightened her woman?

Ji Yang was going to teach Hai Sha a lesson for helping these people. The next scene might be bloody. He was afraid that Huang Xiaoxin would be scared again, so he asked her to close her eyes.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, with a confident smile on his face, Huang Xiaoxin nodded.

The sea farm also employed more than a dozen workers. After the Sea Shark Gang appeared, these workers also came to the gate of the sea farm.

These workers were all hired by Wang Ji from the surrounding villages and towns. They all knew what the Sea Shark Gang did. Seeing them like this, the workers were a little scared.

"Hmph, don't say that I, Fat Shark, don't follow rules or reason. I'll give you one more chance, a protection fee of 10 yuan. If you don't pay, I'll tear down your sea farm immediately."

Fat Shark looked at Ji Yang and the others arrogantly, and said arrogantly.

It's just that seeing him like this, except for the hired workers, Ji Yang, Wang Ji and others looked disdainful, and even Huang Xiaoxin looked calm.

"Did anyone tell you that there is a price to pay for arrogance?"

Ji Yang looked at Fat Shark, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Arrogance has to pay a price. This is a good saying. I think you are quite arrogant. I will make you pay the price now."

"Brothers, let's get rid of this kid first, and show them how powerful they are!"

Fat Sha shouted coldly, and five or six people walked towards Ji Yang.

These people looked at Ji Yang with playful and disdainful eyes.

When these people were less than five meters away from Ji Yang, Ji Yang smiled and said to Huang Xiaoxin, "Close your eyes and count."

"Well, 1, 2, 3..."

Huang Xiaoxin obediently closed her eyes and started counting, and the moment she closed her eyes, Ji Yang's face turned cold, and he rushed forward.

The members of the Sea Shark Gang didn't expect that Ji Yang would take the initiative to make a move, and the speed was quite fast. The distance of three to five meters was Ji Yang's one-step charge.

Ji Yang stepped forward, and he was in front of a member of the Sea Shark Gang in an instant. Before this person could react, Ji Yang snatched the hammer from the opponent's hand and smashed it directly on the ground. Human belly.


As soon as the hammer went down, the man lay directly on the ground, covering his stomach with his hands and crying out in pain.

"Bang bang bang, click, click..."

The hammer in Ji Yang's hand hit several people around him one after another. Every time the hammer fell, one person would fall to the ground.

Putting these people down in an instant, Ji Yang raised his head to look at Fat Sha and the others. When Ji Yang glanced at them, Fat Sha and the others thumped in their hearts.

"Damn it, why is this kid so cruel."

In the past, when Fat Shark brought people to collect protection fees, some people were unwilling to pay, but as long as his own people made a move, which one of these people would not obediently pay the money.

But today's attack by his own people not only failed to deter the opponent, but was instantly knocked down by the opponent.

After putting these guys down, Ji Yang also walked towards the Hai Sha Gang members.

This so-called Sea Shark Gang seems arrogant, but it is actually superficial.

In fact, they are just gangsters in the surrounding villages and towns. Generally, when they encounter those who are unwilling to pay protection fees, as long as they talk about demolishing the sea farm, or severely teach the other party, the other party will obediently pay the money.

But as soon as they encounter someone who is more ruthless than themselves, these guys will instantly wilt. This is a typical bullying.

Ji Yang hit someone with the hammer just now, every blow was full of force, he looked like he was going to smash him to death, none of the people lying on the ground could stand up now.

Just looking at this, the members of the Sea Shark Gang know that Ji Yang is more ruthless and fierce than them.

"Brother, I, I, I was wrong, we won't charge the protection fee, let's go now."

Fat Sha looked at Ji Yang who walked in front of him with trembling legs, and said with a smile, but his smile now looks like crying no matter how you look at it.

Ji Yang smiled coldly and shook his head, then Fat Shark felt a pain in his stomach, Ji Yang hit his stomach with a hammer, Ji Yang's hammer was not weak, Fat Shark's intestines must be To break a few.


Fat Shark screamed in pain, and he also fell to the ground, but before his body fell down, Ji Yang grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

"This hammer is for those who have been blackmailed by you. If you dare to collect protection money everywhere in the future, I will smash your head with a hammer. Do you understand?"

Fat Shark had a stomach ache and was sweating all over his body. When he heard Ji Yang's words, he wanted to speak but was so painful that he couldn't speak. He could only nod his head vigorously to show that he understood.

"Wang Ji, wait a minute, is there a batch of feed coming?"

Seeing Fat Sha nod his head, Ji Yang looked back at Wang Ji and asked.

"Yes, Young Master Ji."

"That's right, these free laborers are just used to carry feed, do you have any objections?"

Ji Yang looked at the people behind Fat Sha with a smile on his face, but Ji Yang's smile was scarier than the devil's smile in the eyes of these people.

"No opinion, no opinion, just listen to Ji Shao."

It's strange that these people dare to have opinions. It's better to move a feed than to be smashed with a hammer to break the intestines and break the bones.

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(End of this chapter)

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