The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2012 Opening the Gate of Purgatory

Chapter 2012 Opening the Gate of Purgatory
When they heard that they were going to find a helper for the general, everyone was very worried.

Logically speaking, the people around him already included Dracula, who was the strongest in the Dark Night Alliance, but if Dracula faced Uriel, he would end up being killed.

Only Ji Yang and the generals have the hope of defeating Uriel.

But from the looks of it, Ji Yang didn't intend to deal with Uriel himself.

So everyone was very curious about who Ji Yang was looking for, and when they learned that it was Lucifer, everyone was completely shocked.

What Lucifer represents is very clear to those who know his legend.

When Ji Yang told everyone how to open the gate of hell and let Lucifer come to the world, everyone listened very seriously.

"Master, isn't our place very suitable for the place where the evil aura you mentioned is very strong?"

If you want to open the gates of hell, you must first choose a suitable place.

And the evil breath is the most important point.

However, Dracula felt that this request was very simple, because the members of the Dark Night Alliance belonged to evil existences.

What they like most is the evil aura, which itself has a strong evil aura.

On the surface, this manor is just an ordinary manor.

But before choosing this place, it was actually checked. The reason for choosing this place is because the evil atmosphere here is relatively strong.

"This is indeed a very good place. Once there is a place, the next step will be easy."

What Ji Yang was most worried about before was the choice of place.

Now that Dracula reminded him, Ji Yang felt that he was also confused.

How could I have forgotten this point? The Dark Night Alliance and the evil breath are originally related.

"Master, besides the need for a location with a strong evil atmosphere, what other requirements do you have?"

"Blood, enough blood."

"I need you to use enough blood to draw a huge hexagram. The hexagram must cover at least [-] square meters."

In fact, opening the door of purgatory is difficult to say, but it is actually easy.

That's just two requirements, the real focus is the Lord's Stone in Ji Yang's hand.

Hearing Ji Yang's second request, Ryan frowned.

"Master, do you have any special requirements for blood?"

"Do you want human blood, or any blood?"

A hexagram covering a square of 200 meters, this hexagram is not small.

To draw such a six-pointed star, the requirement for blood volume is also very high.

If human blood is really needed, it will naturally be more troublesome.

But if any blood is fine, it would be much simpler.

"I have to ask about this, Lucifer really didn't tell me just now."

Ryan's question really caught Ji Yang's attention.

Because in Lucifer's previous WeChat, there was no detailed description.

After asking everyone to wait for a while, Ji Yang sent Lucifer a WeChat message.

"Are you ready to open the gate of purgatory?"

"Yes, don't talk about this, tell me first, is there any requirement for the blood needed?"

Ji Yang sent a WeChat message to Lucifer, but Lucifer had been waiting for Ji Yang's WeChat message, so he replied very quickly.

However, his answer was not a direct answer to the question, which made Ji Yang want to curse.

Time is urgent now, and it is almost dawn at this time.

As soon as the day dawned, there was only half a day left. If all the angels returned to the Los Angeles Cathedral and found something strange, and then dispersed, it would be troublesome to find them later.

Why didn't Lucifer know the reason of time urgency.

"Human blood is the best. If you really don't have it, you can use animal blood."

"However, if it is animal blood, you need to prepare more. Once you feel that the door of purgatory is not opening smoothly, you must pour blood into the Lord's Stone."

Lucifer's answer made Ji Yang heave a sigh of relief.

Ji Yang was really afraid that Lucifer would tell him that he needed human blood.

If this is the case, not only will it be more troublesome to collect blood, but the point is how many people are needed to collect so much blood.

At that time, I don't know how many people will die because of opening the door of purgatory.

Although Ji Yang doesn't have a good impression of the American people, he still doesn't want to see them if they really want to lose their lives.

"Get ready, I've found a place with a strong evil aura. After collecting enough blood, I will open the gate of purgatory."

"Okay, I'm ready here, waiting for you to open the door of purgatory at any time."

After telling Lucifer to get ready, Feng Xiu put away the phone.

After informing Ryan and the others of the request for blood, Ryan and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, there is a ranch in the manor, which raises a lot of pigs and cows. I will order people to slaughter and extract blood now. I believe it will be completed soon."

"Well, collect as many as possible and keep them for later use."

"Master, don't worry, I will make proper arrangements."

After Ryan left, all the others had to do was wait.

Time passed by every minute, and Ryan didn't return to the basement until it was completely bright.

"Master, the blood has been collected, now it's up to you to choose the most suitable location."

There was still some blood on Ryan's hands.

In order to collect blood as soon as possible, Ryan has personally started.

When Ji Yang and others walked from the basement to the ground and left the warehouse, Ji Yang could smell a strong smell of blood in the air.

"Master, these are the collected blood."

"so much?"

When he came to the ground, Ryan pointed to several large iron buckets not far away, which contained the collected blood.

The strong smell of blood, coupled with these large iron buckets, it seems that the number of pigs and cattle slaughtered is not normal.

But these are not important anymore, after Ji Yang exclaimed, he closed his eyes and began to sense the flow of breath around him.

The smell in the air, apart from the strong smell of blood, is evil.

Ji Yang felt it and walked forward step by step. When he came to an open space in the manor, he stopped.

"According to my perception, the evil aura here is the heaviest."

"Center here and start drawing the hexagram."

"Race, Dracula, let's draw a hexagram with blood."

Ji Yang gave the order, Ryan called Reese and Dracula, and began to draw a hexagram with blood.

Buckets of blood were poured on the ground like small rivers of blood, and the smell of blood became heavier and heavier.

When a hexagram covering more than [-] square meters is finished, just looking at the hexagram makes one's heart tremble.

This scene looked really bloody.

"You retreat outside, and leave the rest to me."

After the six-pointed star is finished, the next step is to look at Ji Yang's own.

Everyone exited the range of the six-pointed star, and Ji Yang took out the Lord's Stone.

This lord's stone was originally used by Ji Yang to summon the great demon, but now, the great demon has not been summoned, and it is used to open the gate of purgatory first.

But no matter how you use it, the meaning is the same. Anyway, it is used to summon creatures from the abyss and purgatory...

(End of this chapter)

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