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Chapter 2013 Opening the Gate of Purgatory

Chapter 2013 Opening the Gate of Purgatory
Ji Yang stood inside the hexagram, smelling the strong smell of blood from the hexagram, Ji Yang frowned slightly.

Creatures from the abyss purgatory just like this taste, no wonder others call them demons.

But sometimes, demons are much more reliable than so-called angels.

Ji Yang touched the Lord's Stone in his hand, then put it on the ground, and then chanted a jerky spell.

This spell is really jerky.

Whether it was Ji Yang who chanted the spell, or Dracula and others who heard him chanting the spell, they were all very strange.

Because it was the first time for Ji Yang to read it, and it was also the first time for others to hear it.

This incantation was taught to Ji Yang by Lucifer. Following Ji Yang's incantation, the blood of the six-pointed star flowed quickly as if he was stimulated by some kind.

Blood was flowing, and the Lord's Stone also emitted a faint red light.

A rather evil breath emanated from the Lord's Stone.

An evil breath appeared, and the originally calm sky began to wind up.

The strong smell of blood fluttered with the wind, and the whole manor was filled with the smell of blood.

"I feel my heart beating so fast and my blood flowing so fast."

"I also have this feeling. I feel so excited, and I really want to suck blood at this time."

"Why don't I feel this way, I feel a little cold now, this breath makes people very uncomfortable..."

This manor is the stronghold of the Dark Night Alliance.

The members of the Dark Night Alliance are very sensitive to the smell of blood, and the smell of blood at this time is different from the past, mixed with an inexplicable force.

Stimulated by this force, all members of the Night Alliance who smelled the smell of blood were very excited.

Even the general's eyes were glowing red at this moment, looking quite strange.

Only Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang belonged to the different category. They felt a little uncomfortable and even a little scary about the surrounding atmosphere.

Ji Yangshi didn't know what happened to the others because of the strong smell of blood.

At this time, he didn't have time to deal with it.

What Ji Yang has to do now is to control the lord's stone in front of him, and concentrate on opening the gate of purgatory.

"It's on, the six-pointed star is on!"

The Lord's Stone was the first to light up.

At this time, the blood in the six-pointed star was no longer just flowing, but began to emit a faint red light.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, and even now it is daytime, it looks very dazzling.

Although around the six-pointed star, only Dracula and Peng Caixuan were watching.

But in a place a little farther away, the members of the Dark Night Alliance, as long as they can come out during the day, are all watching.

Even the low-level vampires who couldn't come out were hiding in the dark place at this moment, watching everything that happened here.

Open the abyss purgatory and summon Lucifer.

What a shocking thing this is, this kind of thing is probably seen once in a lifetime, so no one wants to miss this opportunity.

When the six-pointed star lit up, some members of the Dark Night Alliance shouted excitedly.

The light of the six-pointed star is only seen by the eyes.

What really excites the people of the Dark Night Alliance is that with the light of the six-pointed star, they feel a heavy evil aura. This kind of aura is the source of strength for the members of the Dark Night Alliance to practice.

Under the influence of such a heavy evil aura, they could vaguely feel that their own strength had changed.

Some members of the Night Alliance who are about to break through the bottleneck of cultivation even feel that they are about to break through.

"What's going on? Why hasn't it been turned on yet?"

But the people around are watching the fun after all, and Ji Yang is the protagonist.

Ji Yang who opened the gate of purgatory, although he felt the obvious changes in his surroundings, he also felt the growth of evil aura.

But the result he wanted never came.

According to what Lucifer said, at this moment, there should be a black vortex appearing.

This black vortex is the gate from purgatory to the world.

But in front of me?
Except for the flowing blood, there is nothing but the glowing red light.

"Could it be that the power of the blood is not enough?"

Lucifer told Ji Yang before that human blood is the best choice to open the door of purgatory.

If the blood of livestock is used, the power will be much worse. Once it cannot be opened, then blood must be poured into the Lord's Stone.

The gate of purgatory never opened, so Ji Yang thought of this.

Glancing at the iron bucket filled with blood beside him, Ji Yang glared, lifted the iron bucket, and dumped the blood inside towards the Lord's Stone.

This bucket of blood was at least over a hundred liters.

The blood in the barrel was poured into the Lord's Stone, and the Lord's Stone seemed to have some kind of magical power. The blood was poured onto the Lord's Stone, but not a single drop was wasted, and was completely sucked in by the Lord's Stone.

Everyone who saw this scene, including Ji Yang, was stunned.

Previously, Ji Yang really did not expect that the Lord's Stone would have the ability to suck blood.

"Or not?"

"Come again!"

After pouring more than one hundred liters of blood and being completely absorbed by the Lord's Stone, although the surrounding evil aura became heavier and the Lord's Stone's light became brighter, the vortex that Ji Yang wanted to see still did not appear.

In other words, opening the gate of purgatory has not been successful.

This may be because the blood is not enough, Ji Yang brought up a bucket of blood again, and poured it on the Lord's Stone.

This time the result was the same as before.

All the blood was absorbed by the lord's stone, but the vortex still did not appear.

"Come again!"

"I'll come again!"

"If you haven't opened it yet, then come again, let me see how much blood you need..."

Bucket after bucket of blood was poured on the Lord's Stone. So far, Ji Yang has poured ten buckets of blood in a row, and the blood has exceeded a thousand liters.

The entire Lord's Stone turned blood red.

On the lord's stone, it seemed as if blood was flowing, and the light of the entire hexagram became redder and more alluring.

A layer of red mist drifted out of the hexagram.

The red mist appeared, and standing on the periphery, it was already impossible to see the situation inside the hexagram.

But with the breath, it can be felt that the bloody and evil breath at this time has reached a very heavy level.

Even members of the Night Alliance, who were accustomed to the smell of blood and evil, felt a little uncomfortable.

"Can Ji Shao succeed?"

"Nonsense, can't you see, this is obviously going to succeed, besides, when have you ever seen the boss fail!"

The members of the Dark Night Alliance were uncomfortable, and Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang were even more uncomfortable.

Mu Hang asked Peng Caixuan softly. Although Peng Caixuan had a serious expression, he still expressed his trust in Ji Yang.


"Hahaha, it's finally turned on, it's finally turned on!"

When Peng Caixuan's voice fell, an explosion sounded in the six-pointed star, and an almost crazy smell of blood and evil swept out.

Ji Yang's excited voice followed...

(End of this chapter)

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