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Chapter 2014 Lucifer Meets Again

Chapter 2014 Lucifer Meets Again

Ji Yang's excited cry sounded, and the red mist gradually dissipated.

A black vortex gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone.

What this black vortex represents can be guessed from Ji Yang's excited cry. This should be the gate of purgatory that Ji Yang opened through the Lord's Stone.

Purgatory is the gate to the world.

A black vortex swirled in the air, and little flames appeared from the vortex, and the hot breath drifted into the air.

In normal times, the members of the Night Alliance hate the power of flames.

But this time was different, the breath of these flames made them feel very comfortable.

Because this is the flame from hell, it is an evil flame, and it has the same power as the breath of the Night Alliance.

The flames appeared, and the wind formed by the evil breath blew out from the vortex.

The black wind looks very strange, but it is impossible to ignore the power of these black winds.

The breath of the black wind made the members of the Dark Night Alliance feel very comfortable, but no one dared to touch it easily. They were all operating the breath in their bodies to resist the surrounding black wind.

The black vortex opens the door to purgatory.

When opening the gate of Purgatory, what Ji Yang wants to see is not how evil and terrifying the breath of Abyss Purgatory is, what he wants is the creatures from Abyss Purgatory.

Lucifer only told Ji Yang to open the gate of hell, but he never told Ji Yang how many creatures from the abyss can be sent to the world by this gate.

To be honest, Ji Yang hoped not too much.

Because it was tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, Ji Yang was really afraid that he would become a sinner, because he might not be able to control the situation.

Although he and Lucifer have reached a cooperative relationship, there is no guarantee that Lucifer has no intention of using Ji Yang.

Through Ji Yang, the gate of purgatory is opened, and enough abyssal purgatory creatures are released. When the situation cannot be controlled, the world will suffer.

It's not uncommon to kill a donkey without grinding.


Just as Ji Yang was thinking about what would happen after opening the gate of purgatory, a roar sounded from the black vortex.

Then I saw a big demon with horns and a height of more than two meters walking out of the black vortex.

The great demon appeared, and looked at the members of the Dark Night Alliance not far away with disdain.

The strength of the great demon is already comparable to that of a sixth-rank immortal.

Except for high-level vampires, werewolves and other members of the night alliance, the big devil will not take other members of the night alliance seriously.

However, when his eyes looked at Dracula, Jiangchen and others, his eyes changed obviously.

Especially from the body of the general, there was an aura that made the big devil's legs weak. This breath made the big devil lower his head, and he didn't dare to look at other things at all.

But when he lowered his head, he happened to catch a glimpse of Ji Yang.

Ji Yang's strength is not comparable to that of the big devil.

Especially when Ji Yang was still looking at the big devil, the big devil's expression froze and his head lowered even lower.

"Is this the legendary demon? Such a strong evil breath, such a strong strength."

Although the big devil lowered his head, Dracula still had an unconcealable excitement on his face when he saw the big devil.

Devil, this kind of existence that only exists in legends, even Dracula is seeing it for the first time.

Ryan and Reese were too excited to speak at this time.

The other members of the Dark Night Alliance had trembling legs and low strength. When they saw the big devil, they were not excited but scared.

Compared with the members of the Dark Night Alliance, General Chen, Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang are relatively calm.

Although the aura of the great demon was not weak, the general was prepared. When the gate of purgatory opened, he used his aura to protect Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang.

Regarding the big devil, although Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang were curious, they didn't have any special feelings.

After all, they don't believe in demons.

As for the generals, they just took a few more glances at the big devil, and they didn't have much interest.

In his opinion, this great demon is similar to his own blue-eyed zombie.

To kill the big devil, the general is just a matter of one shot, that is, an instant kill.

The first big demon appeared, and one after another, more than a dozen other big demons came out.

Ji Yang didn't care how other people felt when they saw the big demons. Anyway, when they saw these big demons, Ji Yang was not satisfied.

He opened the gate of purgatory, not to summon the great demon.

If he summoned a great demon, his lord's stone could summon a thousand of them.

However, after more than a dozen big demons appeared, there were no more big demons.

Then came a great demon lord, the appearance of the great demon lord, this time even Dracula couldn't bear the pressure.

Because the strength of the great demon lord has surpassed Dracula.

But for the great demon lord, Ji Yang still shook his head, this was not what he wanted to see.

Then, there are some flame demons, and the fire demon lords, the number is also more than a dozen.

In the end, two death knights rode out from the gate of purgatory.

There are already twenty or thirty abyssal purgatory creatures in front of me, and there are also high-level death knights.

But these, Ji Yang is not satisfied.

"What the hell is Lucifer doing? This is what he prepared. Why hasn't this guy come out yet?"

The gate of purgatory opened, but the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of demons that Ji Yang was worried about did not appear.

But these demons appearing in front of them are certainly not weak, but they are definitely not enough to counter the more than 200 angels led by Uriel.

Even if you add people from your own side, it may not be easy.

"Angel, it's an angel!"

"Black wings? Aren't angels white?"

"This is the gate of purgatory, it is connected to the abyss of purgatory, this is the fallen angel..."

Just when Ji Yang was restless and couldn't see the Lucifer he wanted to see, another figure appeared from the vortex.

This time, it was a fallen angel with black wings on his back.

When the fallen angel appeared, everyone who saw it became more excited, and even Ji Yang had a smile on his face.

The appearance of the fallen angel indicates that Lucifer is about to appear.

one, two, three... twenty
Twenty fallen angels appeared in a row. These fallen angels all had four and six wings on their backs.

It seems that Lucifer also knows that it will not be easy to solve the matter by looking for him this time.

Therefore, the fallen angels brought in are still capable.

Twenty fallen angels appeared with arrogant expressions.

Whether he looked at Dracula and the others, or at other abyssal creatures, he looked very arrogant.

But when looking at Ji Yang and the general, their expressions still changed. After all, Ji Yang and the general's strength is there, and it is still a bit weak to want to be crazy with them.

The fallen angels appeared and flew in two teams on both sides of the gate of purgatory, as if they were welcoming something to appear.

"Ji Yang, we meet again."

A familiar voice sounded, and Lucifer with eight wings on his back finally appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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