The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 203 Being Chased by Ghosts

Chapter 203 Being Chased by Ghosts (Third Watch)

When Ji Yang and the members of the Li family walked out of the cemetery and were about to drive away, a big Benz stopped next to their car, the door opened, and a middle-aged man and woman and a boy aged fourteen or fifteen got out.

The middle-aged man saw Li Xinghai as soon as he got out of the car, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Mr. Li, long time no see, you also come here to sacrifice"

The middle-aged man actually knew Li Xinghai, and immediately greeted Li Xinghai warmly when he saw him.

The middle-aged man's name is Zhu Cheng, and he is the boss of a medical device production company. Li Xinghai has cooperated with him before.

It's just that when he saw Zhu Cheng, Li Xinghai frowned, not feeling any joy, but disgusted.

The disgust disappeared instantly after it appeared, but it happened to be seen by Ji Yang.

After the disgust on Li Xinghai's face disappeared, a smile crept onto his face.

Seeing Li Xinghai's face change so quickly, Ji Yang secretly gave Li Xinghai a thumbs up in his heart, saying that a woman can turn her face faster than a book, and Li Xinghai's face-changing speed is not inferior.

"That's right, those who came here to worship, never expected to meet Mr. Zhu here."

It's a good thing that he is a veteran in shopping malls. He obviously hates the other party, but he can still smile when talking to the other party. There is no trace of displeasure on his face. He is indeed a master.

"Yeah, the old man passed away for half a year, burn some paper money for the old man today."

"Mr. Li is free to visit my company, we..."

Zhu Cheng said aloud, but he was interrupted by the young man who came with him as soon as he spoke.

"Dad, can we go now? We are here to worship grandma, not to discuss business. If you don't go, I will go."

Hearing the young man interrupting his words, Zhu Cheng was obviously a little unhappy, and turned around to scold the young man.

"Mr. Zhu, Young Master Zhu is right. This is for offering sacrifices, not for business. I have something to do and I will leave first."

After Li Xinghai said something to Zhu Cheng, he turned around and walked towards Ji Yang's car. Today, the people from the Li family and Ji Yang only drove Dongfeng Warrior.

Seeing Li Xinghai leave, Zhu Cheng gave the young man a hard look: "You little bastard, he is Li Xinghai, the boss of Xinghai Pharmaceuticals. Is it easy for me to meet, and you still..."

But after hearing Zhu Cheng's words, Zhu Wei didn't pay attention to it, just took a bunch of sacrificial offerings from the car and walked into the cemetery.

Seeing Zhu Wei ignoring him, Zhu Cheng muttered something, and he also took a lot of sacrifices from the car and walked to the cemetery with his wife.

"This Mr. Zhu is very filial. He took so many sacrificial objects for sacrifice."

After Li Xing got into the car, Li Zixuan said softly.

"Fart, this kid is just not a filial son. The old man didn't care about it when he was alive. What's the point of pretending to be a dead man now? Don't mention them, let's go."

Li Xinghai cursed angrily, and told Ji Yang to drive away.

After sending the Li family members to the Li family villa, Ji Yang specifically told them to go to bed early tonight and not to leave home at night.

Although Ji Yang didn't say it very clearly, everyone in the Li family understood what was going on during the Ghost Festival, and they all nodded when they heard Ji Yang's words.

When night falls, the gate of ghosts opens, and the ghosts in the underworld come to the world in gusts of dark wind. This is the only chance in a year, and they are not scrambling for the first.

"Remember, you must return to the underworld before dawn, and you must not harass mortals in the mortal world, or you will be punished."

A bare-chested ghost with red hair and long fangs, holding a medicine bell in his hand, and a ferocious face, a bit like a yaksha ghost, shouted to the other excited ghosts.

"Understood, Ghost King."

The ghost said respectfully to the caller.

It turns out that this ghost king is one of the top ten handsome ghosts, but his word king does not represent a supreme status. His status is on the same level as that of bull head and horse face and black and white impermanence.

"Ghost King, I will leave this place to you. I, Lao Hei and Niutauma will go to other directions."

After the King of Ghosts appeared, Black and White Wuchang also walked over.

After Bai Wuchang spoke to the Ghost King, Black and White Wuchang and the bull-headed horse-face disappeared one after another.

This time a total of five ghost commanders came to the mortal world. They each led the ghost soldiers to take charge of the five directions of east, west, north, south, and middle. Desperate...

"Ma Mian, you are the first friend I met in the underworld, we finally meet today, we must drink until dawn."

Linhai happened to be within the direction that Ma Mian was in charge of, and Ji Yang knew about it in advance, and he had already prepared good wine and food for Ma Mian.

At this time, Ji Yang and Ma Mian were drinking and chatting in Ji Yang's villa.

"Although this wine is good, I can't be greedy. Today is the Ghost Festival, so I can't be negligent."

Ma Mian looked at the wine in front of him with a pair of horse eyes, and his eyes were full of longing. He actually wanted to drink until dawn, but nothing could go wrong during the Ghost Festival.

If something happened tonight, it would definitely be more responsible than Hei Wuchang for losing a ghost.

Ji Yang saw the desire in Ma Mian's eyes, and he also agreed to the other party. After the Ghost Festival, he would just send the other party ten bottles of XO. Hearing what Ji Yang said, Ma Mian kept saying that Ji Yang was particular.

"What are you doing, kid? I'm your father. Why are you pointing a knife at me? Help..."

"I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

A panicked voice suddenly came from outside the villa.

"No, something happened!"

Hearing this voice, both Ji Yang and Ma Mian secretly said sorry, and they rushed out of the villa at the same time.

As soon as Ji Yang rushed out of the villa, he saw a middle-aged man running frantically towards his villa, and a young man behind him was chasing him with a kitchen knife.

Ji Yang actually knew the people who were chasing after him. They were Zhu Cheng and Zhu Wei whom he had met at the cemetery during the day. Ji Yang didn't expect that they also lived in Linhai Misty Rain.

I don't know if it's because of the Ghost Festival, every villa in Linhai Misty Rain turned off the lights very early today, and no one came out when they heard Zhu Cheng's shouts, not even the security guards.

Zhu Cheng shouted and ran, and when he saw Ji Yang, he ran towards Ji Yang.

"Help me, save me, he's crazy, he's going to kill me..."

Zhu Cheng could only see Ji Yang, but he couldn't see the horse's face. If he saw the horse's face, let alone ask Ji Yang for help, he would probably pee in fright.

Ji Yang ignored Zhu Cheng, but looked at Zhu Wei. At this time, after Ji Yang appeared, Zhu Wei gave up chasing Zhu Cheng, turned around and ran away.

It's just that he fell to the ground as soon as he ran. It turned out that Ma Mian chased him while running and kicked him to the ground.

"get out!"

Ma faced Zhu Wei and yelled loudly, and as he yelled angrily, a ghost floated out of Zhu Wei's body.

It turned out that it was not a human being who chased Zhu Cheng, but a ghost!
 Three shifts, thanks to Su Su, Xin Xinlan, after six o’clock, Ouyang Zuohao, Liu Kang and others gave rewards, thank you for your support, I hope everyone will vote for more monthly tickets, recommend, reward and support

(End of this chapter)

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