The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 204 Life and death is your own business

Chapter 204 Life and death are your own business (fourth update)
It turns out that Zhu Wei chased Zhu Cheng with a kitchen knife because Zhu Wei was possessed by a ghost.

The gates of ghosts are wide open on the Ghost Festival, and ghosts from the underworld come to the human world. The King of Hades of the Ten Temples has already ordered that ghosts must not disturb the order of the mortal world or harm mortals when they come to the mortal world.

If you disobeyed the order of Hades of the Ten Palaces, the one who committed the most serious crimes could directly beat the ghost to death.

Ghosts possessing mortal bodies and chasing mortals with knives is not a small crime. Even if the ghosts are not directly beaten to death, some ghosts will suffer when they are brought back to the underworld.

The ghost that floated out of Zhu Wei's body was an old lady aged six to seventy years old. When she floated out of Zhu Wei's body, she looked at Ma Mian in horror.

"You are so brave, you dare to disobey the order of the king of Hades, dare to go on the body of a mortal and commit murder, are you going to be sent to the [-]th hell for punishment?"

The horse face shouted coldly, and the old lady's body trembled with a pair of horse eyes.

Although the old lady was afraid, she still glanced at Zhu Cheng beside Ji Yang, and said to Ma Mian with tears in her eyes.

"My lord, I worked so hard to raise this beast, but he didn't even support me. He even brought me from the countryside to Linhai to shape his image."

"After coming to Linhai, he treated me like a servant, and asked me to do many things when I was old."

"Xiao Wei is a filial child, but unfortunately I can't see him grow up. If this beast didn't treat me badly, how could I die so early."

The more the old lady spoke, the more excited she became, and she looked at Zhu Cheng with anger, as if she wanted to swallow Zhu Cheng.

Hearing the old lady's words, both Ji Yang and Ma Mian knew the old lady's identity. It turned out that she was Zhu Cheng's mother.

Because she hated Zhu Cheng in her heart, she went to Zhu Wei's body today to kill Zhu Cheng.

"I can understand your situation, but the King of Hades' order has already been issued, you should follow me to the underworld obediently, and wait for the King of Hades' disposal."

"Of course he will be charged for the sins he has committed. Anyone who is unfilial in life and makes his parents and aunts sad and troubled will be escorted to the great hell under the control of the city king after death, where he will be handed over to the transfer after suffering a lot of pain and changing his face. The wheel king arranges to be reincarnated as an animal forever.

Ma said this to the old lady, and also gave the old lady some comfort. As long as people who have done evil things in the mortal world, there will be various hells and various tortures waiting for them after death.

"Xiaobai, I will leave this unfilial person to you. I will take her back to the underworld now."

Hearing Ma Mian talking to him, Ji Yang nodded, and then saw Ma Mian and the old lady disappear before his eyes.

Whether it was the horse face or the old lady, Zhu Cheng couldn't see it. He just hid behind Ji Yang in fear and looked at Zhu Wei who was lying on the ground.

After the old lady's ghost left Zhu Wei's body, Zhu Wei fell into a coma, but Zhu Cheng still didn't dare to approach Zhu Wei.

And after the old lady Ma Mianhe disappeared, Zhu Wei woke up leisurely, seeing Zhu Wei move, Zhu Cheng's body trembled in fright.

"Why am I here? Didn't I sleep in my room? I just dreamed about grandma?"

"Dad, what's wrong with you, you look so bad?"

When Zhu Wei saw Zhu Cheng who was hiding behind Ji Yang, his face turned pale because of fear, he frowned and asked softly.

"You still ask me what's wrong, you kid just chopped me with a kitchen knife, did you forget?"

As soon as Zhu Cheng said this, Zhu Wei was even more confused. How could he kill his father with a kitchen knife.

Seeing Zhu Wei's bewildered expression, Ji Yang looked back at Zhu Cheng, and said with cold eyes.

"Of course he doesn't remember, because it wasn't him who was going to chop you up just now, but your dead mother."

"He was possessed by a ghost just now. As a son of man, you can't fulfill the obligations that a son of man should enter. Your mother's death has a lot to do with you. She hates you. The ghost gate is open on the Ghost Festival, so she came here Seeking revenge on you."

As soon as Ji Yang's words came out, both Zhu Cheng and Zhu Wei were stunned.

"how do you know?"

Zhu Cheng looked at Ji Yang in horror.

"Hmph, I know Taoism. If you hadn't met me today, you would have died."

"But even if you are lucky enough to escape today's catastrophe, you will die next time."

What Ji Yang said was half true and half false. It was true. If Ji Yang and Ma Mian hadn't appeared, the old lady wouldn't have given up until Zhu Cheng was hacked to death today.

The truth is that since the old lady was brought back to the underworld, even if Hades read her for reasons not to punish her, then it is impossible for her to come back to the mortal world.

Ji Yang said so, he naturally has his plans.

"Daoist, save me, save me, I'll give you money, I'll give you money, as long as you save me."

Zhu Cheng was frightened and knelt down on the ground, holding Ji Yang's hand and begging.

Seeing Zhu Cheng like this, Ji Yang smiled in his heart, but his face was very indifferent.

"I can give you a solution. If you follow it, I promise you will be fine."

"This method will cost a lot of money. If you want to do it, if you don't want to, then wait for death."

"Yes, I am willing, I am willing to pay any amount."

Zhu Cheng nodded without thinking, he has money now, he is not short of money, but if he dies, then the money has nothing to do with him.

At this time, Zhu Cheng also realized that money is not everything. Compared with life, money is nothing at all.

"First of all, you have to enshrine your mother's portrait at home and beg for her forgiveness every morning, noon and evening."

"In addition, her resentment towards you is because you are not filial. Now that she is dead, you can't be filial if you want to. So you have to find a welfare home for the elderly and donate two-thirds of your assets to the welfare home for the elderly."

"If you can do these two things, I guarantee that your mother will not come to you again."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Cheng playfully.

Two-thirds of the assets, this figure far exceeded Zhu Cheng's expectations. He thought that 800 million would be enough.

Zhu Cheng's total assets are more than one billion yuan. If two-thirds of his assets are taken out, his assets will not only shrink greatly.The remaining assets may also be broken due to financial problems, and by that time he may become a pauper
in debt.

"Is there no other way?"

When Zhu Cheng thought that he might change from a billionaire to a pauper, and he might even owe a lot of debts, he also began to regret it.

If he had known that he would have such a day, he should have taken good care of his mother, not to mention more than a billion, as long as he took out 1000 million, he could find a servant to serve his mother comfortably.

It is an obligation for children to support their parents, but not only did he fail to support them, but he also treated them badly. Now that retribution has come to his door, Zhu Cheng felt bitter.

"Hmph, life and death are your own business, and whether you do what I say is also your business."

Ji Yang snorted coldly, turned around and left without paying attention to Zhu Cheng, he asked for all this.

Ji Yang didn't directly ask him to share all his assets, it was because of Zhu Wei's filial piety towards the old lady.

 Four more, I hope everyone will support, recommend, reward, and ask for monthly tickets.
(End of this chapter)

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