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Chapter 2038 The general felt the familiar atmosphere

Chapter 2038 The general felt the familiar atmosphere
The reason why they came here was that everyone guessed that Ji Yang was here to revive Cain and Mutu. That was because this was the most tightly guarded place in the entire dark fortress.

Because behind this door is the only passage to the forbidden area of ​​the dark castle.

In the forbidden area of ​​the dark castle, there are no treasures, only two corpses.

One belonged to Cain, the ancestor of the blood clan, and the other corpse belonged to Mutu, the ancestor of the werewolf.

The preservation of these two corpses is to hope that one day they can be resurrected, which is something that the Night Alliance has always wanted to do.

Linking Bai Ya's previous words with the forbidden area, everyone would think of what the purpose of Ji Yang's coming here is.

"Meet Prince Dracula."

"Greetings to Baia Wolf Emperor."

"See you..."

The vampires and werewolves who guarded the entrance of the forbidden area were shocked when they saw Dracula and others coming here.

This is a forbidden area, and there is nothing else in it except for the bodies of Cain and Mutu.

So unless special days, few people come here.

Now that so many people came all of a sudden, and they were all high-level members of the Dark Night Alliance, they were all shocked.

But the heart is shocked, the body cannot be shocked. Although they are not weak, their status in the Dark Night Alliance cannot be compared with these people in front of them, so they quickly greeted them.


After meeting everyone they knew one by one, several werewolves and vampires felt that their throats were a little dry.

Just as they continued to meet, they found that they didn't know the person in front of them at all. How could they meet?

"These are the distinguished guests of our Dark Night Alliance, this is Master Ji Yang, this is..."

"Ryan, don't waste time, get down to business."

The stranger the vampire and werewolf saw was Ji Yang.

Ryan looked at the stunned vampires and werewolves, and began to introduce Ji Yang and others.

But Ryan had just said a few words here before being interrupted by Ji Yang.

Ji Yang really felt that the people of the Dark Night Alliance were too insincere and a waste of time.

"Master, don't be angry, I'll let them open the door right now."

"You two go and open the door!"

Ji Yang was obviously a little impatient, Baia's expression changed, and he hurriedly asked a vampire and a werewolf to open the door.

The vampire and the werewolf quickly came to the two copper doors. Under Ji Yang's gaze, he saw that the vampire and the werewolf each took out a silver sword and pierced his palm.

The defenses of werewolves and vampires are very strong.

Especially after reaching the level of Duke and Wolf King, it is difficult for ordinary swords to hurt them.

Even bullets fired from guns are useless.

But silverware is their nemesis, not to mention the Duke and Wolf King, even Baia and Lucifer can hurt them with silverware.

(Why silverware can restrain werewolves and vampires, Xie Ben checked some information, and there are many opinions, but the core around it is that werewolves and vampires are unclean species, dark, not created by God.

As a mineral that is relatively easy to obtain, silver has obvious light that can represent light, and silver itself can inhibit bacteria, viruses, fungi and test toxicity, so it has the ability to restrain werewolves and vampires, because in the eyes of many people, vampires and Werewolves are formed due to body changes caused by viruses. )
"I'll go, what are they doing? Self-harm?"

Seeing vampires and werewolves hurting themselves, Ji Yang was surprised, and Peng Caixuan even yelled.

"These two copper doors are quite special, they need the blood of vampires and werewolves to open."

When Peng Caixuan said self-mutilation, everyone in the Dark Night Alliance had black lines on their foreheads.

Seeing that Ji Yang was puzzled, and Peng Caixuan and the others didn't understand the situation, Rui En hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

Hearing what Ryan said, Ji Yang just nodded.

While Ryan was explaining, the vampire and werewolf had already pressed their bloody hands on the two bronze doors respectively.

As their palms were pressed on it, the copper door began to emit black and red gas.

The black and red gas became thicker and thicker, and when the two copper doors were completely covered by the black and red gas, a vampire head completely condensed from red gas, and a werewolf head completely condensed from black gas appeared in midair.

"Crack... crunch..."

After the heads of the vampire and werewolf appeared, the two copper doors slowly opened.


The bronze door opened, and a strong wind blew out from inside. This wind carried a strong bloody and evil aura, and the black and red gas surrounding the outside was directly blown away by the strong wind.

Standing outside the door, Ji Yang could only see a very long corridor full of candlesticks, and nothing else.

In the corridor, there were strands of dark red or black gas floating.

From the looks of this corridor, it gives people a gloomy feeling.

"Master, I will lead the way!"

After the door opened, Dracula walked into the corridor first, Ji Yang nodded to the generals, Peng Caixuan and others, and then followed one by one.

"Here, I actually felt a very familiar breath."

"Familiar breath? Do you still know Cain and Mutu?"

Passing through the copper door and walking into the corridor, there was a chill in the whole corridor.

When Ji Yang was walking forward with Dracula, the general's words made him stop, and he looked at the general with a frown.

"Cain? Mutu? These two names really don't exist in my memory, and I've never been to the West before."

"But in the breath here, I really feel a very familiar breath."

The general shook his head and denied that he knew Cain and Mutu.

But his eyes were very firm, and he was sure that his feeling was right.

"Cain is the ancestor of the blood race. There are many similarities between vampires and zombies. I guess you mistaken his breath for a familiar one, right?"

There are only the corpses of Cain and Mutu here, and the general said he didn't know them, so how could they feel familiar?

Ji Yang frowned in thought, and gave the only reason he could think of.

"Is that so?"

Ji Yang's answer made the general frowned.

But at this time, he couldn't give a suitable reason, and the possibility Ji Yang mentioned was also possible.

After all, vampires and zombies both suck blood, and ordinary vampires and zombies are afraid of light. There are really many similarities.

While Ji Yang was talking with the general, everyone had already reached the end of the corridor.

I thought that at the end, I would be able to see Cain and Mutu.

But that's not the case at all. At the end of the corridor, there are steps leading underground.

Ji Yang didn't know how long the steps were and how far he had to go down, but anyway, he just followed.

"Master, here we are. The ancestors of Cain and Mutu are in the two coffins."

All the way down, when two sarcophagi carved with strange patterns appeared in front of Ji Yang, Dracula looked at Ji Yang respectfully.

No need for Dracula to tell, Ji Yang knew it was here.

The place where the sarcophagus was stored was not imagined to be of total luxury, just an open field with a few stone pillars.

But the place where the coffins are placed is not very good, but the two coffins look unusual, two extremely cold air emanating from the coffins.

It has been many years since Cain and Mutu died, and now the corpses are still well preserved, how could it be possible without the help of external forces...

(End of this chapter)

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