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Chapter 2039 Do vampires belong to China

Chapter 2039 Do vampires belong to China

"The sarcophagus is made of thousand-year-old cold jade, and it is more than 5000-year-old thousand-year cold jade!"

"Borrowing the power of the thousand-year-old cold jade to preserve the corpse can keep the corpse from decaying for ten thousand years. It's a good thing."

Ji Yang already felt the difficulty of the two sarcophagi, but he didn't know what material they were made of.

But Ji Yang didn't know him, but the general could tell at a glance.

And from the eyes of the general, Ji Yang saw a hint of envy and greed. It seemed that he was very interested in the two thousand-year-old sarcophagi made of cold jade.

The general has lived for thousands of years, but he can't guarantee that he may die one day.

No matter who it is, even if it is the Jade Emperor in the sky or the Buddha in the West, if he dies, his body will turn into dust one day without special preservation.

Everything turned into dust and disappeared in this world forever.

But if the corpse is still there, there is a chance to be reborn, just like Cain and Mutu.

They have died long ago, and under normal circumstances, they would have turned to dust long ago, serving as nourishment for the land.

If the corpses were not still there, even if they had a chance to be resurrected, they would not be able to survive.

So if possible, the general would certainly hope to have this kind of coffin himself.

"If you like it, when I revive them, I'll get one for you."

"But now, don't mess around."

The greedy look in the general's eyes became more and more serious, Ji Yang was really afraid that he would do something impulsively.

Although Jiangchen is strong, all the people from the Dark Night Alliance around him are no match for him.

But the members of the Dark Night Alliance, Ji Yang is still useful to keep, but they can't be killed by the generals.

"If you don't tell me, I really plan to grab it."

After Ji Yang's words fell, the general's answer made some cold sweat appear on his forehead, and his heart skipped a beat.

What do you mean, it means remind yourself quickly.

Fortunately, I saw the greed in the general's eyes, otherwise something would really happen.

"Dracula, opening these two coffins also requires a special method?"

The blood of werewolves and vampires is needed to open the two bronze doors.

If the coffin containing the corpse could be opened casually, Feng Xiu would not believe it.

"To report back to the master, to open the coffin, we need the tokens of the werewolves and vampires, as well as the blood of the werewolves and vampires as assistance."

Sure enough, opening the coffin was still quite troublesome.

But to open everything requires blood, Ji Yang is also drunk, he really wants to say, you have a lot of blood.

But of course he would not stop saying this, his EQ is not that low.

"In that case, let's open the coffin!"

"Good master, Baia, come on!"

Nodding to Ji Yang, Dracula looked at Baia, and then Dracula and Baia walked to a coffin respectively.

Although they are both thousand-year-old cold jade sarcophagi, they are exactly the same size, with strange patterns engraved on them.

But if you look closely, you will find that the patterns on the two sarcophagi are still different.

The sarcophagus where Bai Ya is located, besides the patterns that Ji Yang can't understand, there are also a few wolves drawn with their heads raised, facing a round object, which looks like howling.

"Wolf howling at the moon?"

This pattern reminded Fengxiu of a word, wolf roaring at the moon.

It seems that the coffin where Bai Ya is located is Mutu, the ancestor of the werewolf.

The coffin in front of Dracula has basically the same pattern as Mutu's, but instead of a wolf howling at the moon, there is a person standing under the moon.

Because the patterns on the thousand-year-old cold jade coffin were exquisitely carved, this person's facial features could also be seen clearly.

This is a man yelling at the sky.

He has a ferocious expression, two sharp teeth are exposed in his open mouth, his arms are stretched out to reveal broad chest muscles, one hand is bent into a claw, sharp nails can be seen, and a large knife is held in the other.

He gave Ji Yang the feeling that he is very angry now, and his yelling is to vent his anger and dissatisfaction.

"This is Cain, the ancestor of the blood race? Why doesn't he look like a vampire?"

"It doesn't look like a European or American, but more like a Chinese, and the clothes are also Chinese. It must look, kind of, like..."

"Fuck me, General, do you see that the person above looks a bit like you?"

Yes, Ji Yang just feels like a general.

This is not to say that he looks alike, but that he is dressed, and there is an indescribable and inexplicable feeling.

"This is not me, but the person engraved on it, although it looks clear, is still not perfect, but I also feel that I should know him."

"Remember what I told you earlier, I said that I felt a familiar atmosphere, and after arriving here, this feeling became stronger."

"And I'm sure I didn't feel wrong, because this breath is the breath of Ji, and the breath emanates from this coffin."

The general stared at the pattern on the coffin, his voice was full of doubts and solemnity.

He really felt familiar with this person's appearance, but he just couldn't remember it all at once.

He has already fused the remnant soul of J, and J's power is part of the general's power, he is sure that he has absolutely not sensed the aura emanating from the coffin, this aura is really J's.

"What did you say? J's breath, Cain is the ancestor of vampires in the West, and J is from the East. Could it be that J has come to the West? Cain became a vampire because of J? No way."

Feng Xiu's breath, the general's words really gave Fengxiu an electric shock.

I can feel J's breath here, Cain and J are related, is this really possible?
The more Ji Yang thought about it, the more unlikely it became.

"West? In my fused memory, there is no such fragment, but after J's corpse became me, I have heard some people say that J's death was not reconciled, and its resentment wandered in the Three Realms, and many people were affected. "

"Whether this resentment spread to the west and affected Cain, I don't know. The memory I fused is only from my lifetime."

"You still think I feel wrong? I may feel wrong about any breath, but the breath of Ji is definitely not wrong!"

It can be said that the general is 犼, and 犼 is the general.

He couldn't be more familiar with J's aura, because J's aura is the general's aura.

It was far away before, but because of the thousand-year-old cold jade coffin, the breath had changed and was relatively thin, so the general was not sure.

But now that it was so close, the general was sure that he didn't feel wrong.

"No, I believe you, I believe you feel right."

"What's going on, we'll know when we see Cain's body, or after he's resurrected."

"Dracula, Baia, open the coffin!"

What Ji Yang said was not to flatter the general, but to tell the truth.

Ji Yang would still question Dracula's other aura, but the general will definitely not be wrong about the aura of Ji.

What the general said made Ji Yang feel the atmosphere around him, as if he was really familiar.

If the general really knew Cain, he would definitely be able to recognize him when he saw his body.

If you don't know, then wait until Cain is resurrected and ask.

If Cain is really related to J, does that mean that vampires should belong to China, and China is the ancestor of vampires...

(End of this chapter)

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