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Chapter 2042 The Life of Winning the Hook

Chapter 2042 Winning Gou's Life

"General, Yinggou is one of the four zombie kings. Who could kill him with such a great ability?"

Ji Yang would not foolishly think that if Ying hooked and died, he committed suicide by exploding his body while he was idle.

It must have been under certain circumstances that he was forced to explode to death, or was beaten to death by explosion.

Of course, there are many people who are better than the four zombie kings. Nuwa, Fuxi, and Chi You, who belong to the same era as the four zombie kings, are only stronger than the four zombie kings.

But who made Ying Gou explode and die? Ji Yang really has never heard of the myths and legends in this regard.

Ji Yang was really curious about this matter.

Although Ji Yang usually doesn't gossip, but now his eyes are even more gossip than those gossip girls.

His mission here today is to revive Cain and Mutu.

But judging by his current expression, it seems that this matter has been thrown out of the blue and forgotten.

"It was your old acquaintance who caused Ying to explode and die."

"Old acquaintance? Who is it?"

Old acquaintance, this answer is a bit tricky.

Ji Yang's old acquaintances must be too many now.

Ji Yang has seen quite a few people in Heaven and Hell who were in the same period as Yinggou.

Nuwa, Fuxi, Chiyou, Shennong...

Ji Yang did the math, and his fingers almost snapped off.

"It's the Yellow Emperor! It was the Yellow Emperor who used the Xuanyuan Sword to destroy Yinggou's body bit by bit, until he exploded and died!"

"The Yellow Emperor back then was ruthless enough. Winning Gou is a former general in his hands..."

When the general said that the Yellow Emperor killed Yinggou, his expression was a bit chilly, and then there was a look of reminiscence on his face, and he remembered the events of the year, and began to tell about the relationship between Yinggou and the Yellow Emperor.

What the general said can be traced back to the time when the Yellow Emperor and Chi You fought.

According to what the general said, Ying Gou was a general in the hands of the general. He was very powerful and made countless contributions in the battle with Chi You.

But when people stumbled and horses stumbled, in a battle with Chiyou, because Yinggou didn't listen to Huangdi's order, he was defeated and caused a lot of losses to Huangdi's side.

This incident made the Yellow Emperor furious. The achievements made by Yinggou in the past were completely ignored at this time. In order to punish Yinggou, he was sent by the Yellow Emperor to guard Huangquan Minghai.

Although he is regarded as a god to guard Huangquan Minghai, Yinggou is very unwilling in his heart. After all, he has been born and died for the Yellow Emperor for so many years, and he ended up like this after one failure.

But although he is brave and is the general of the Yellow Emperor, he still can't fight against the Yellow Emperor. In the end, he can only listen to the Yellow Emperor's words and protect Huangquan Styx well.

During his guarding of Huangquan Styx, one of the four ancient gods, Jyu, was killed by Nuwa and Fuxi, and a ray of soul was sent to Huangquan Styx.

How about Yinggou Shouhan? It's not like he doesn't know what kind of existence Ji is. Even a wisp of remnant soul is terrifying.

But I don't know whether Yinggou is fed up with guarding Huangquan Styx and wants to die, or it is because of the tough and warlike genes in his body. When he saw the remnant soul of Yan appearing in his own territory, he took the initiative to attack him. .

After all, Yan is one of the four ancient gods, even if it is a wisp of remnant soul, it is not comparable to Yinggou. After a battle with Yan, Yinggou was still taken into the inner circle.

After Yu entered Yinggou's body, if he wanted to kill Yinggou, he could do it at any time.

But after being tortured by Yan, no matter how painful it is, Win Gou just refuses to admit defeat, and insists on resisting firmly.

J is already a remnant soul, but it was defeated by Nuwa and Fuxi, and he was very unwilling. If there is a chance for revenge, J would certainly not miss it, and Yinggou's strong energy, this attitude of not being afraid of himself , so that Ji is very fancy.

Yan began to seduce Ying Gou with all kinds of words. Although Ying Gou was unwilling to guard Huangquan Styx, he never thought of betraying the Yellow Emperor. Gou's dissatisfaction with the Yellow Emperor began to intensify, and finally accepted Ji's proposal, and Yinggou's soul merged with Ji's remnant soul.

This kind of fusion is a real strong alliance. Yinggou's strength is already strong. After fusing with Ji's remnant soul, his strength increased dramatically, and his body began to change, becoming as hard as a copper wall and an iron wall.

The divine power in his body turned into endless corpse aura, nourished by the corpse aura, Yinggou's body became harder, it can be said that the King Kong is indestructible.

As his strength became stronger, Yinggou became more and more dissatisfied with the Yellow Emperor. With such a strong strength, how could he be willing to be a little god guarding the Styx River in Huangquan? He should establish his own clan.

After this idea appeared, Yinggou, who became more and more dissatisfied, began to take revenge on the Yellow Emperor. At the same time of revenge, he began to recruit people from his clan and had more and more subordinates. The Yinggou corpse clan was established, and Yinggou became one of the four One of the zombie kings.

It's not that the Yellow Emperor didn't respond to Yinggou's constant cholera in the world, but he didn't miss his old feelings. He asked Yinggou to guard the Huangquan Styx River, but it was only a temporary punishment, and he would let Yinggou come back sooner or later.

But the plan is not as fast as the change. The appearance of the remnant soul disrupted the plan of the Yellow Emperor. Not only did he lose a general, but he also added a terrifying corpse king to the Three Realms.

Huangdi regretted his original arrangement, but it was too late, now Yinggou looked like he was going to kill him, Huangdi knew that he could no longer miss the old love, and started to fight with all his strength.

It's just that Huangdi still underestimated Yinggou, Yinggou was too strong, Huangdi and Ben were not his opponents, Yinggou led the Yinggoushi clan, and defeated Huangdi and the Xuanyuan clan.

At this time, Yinggou is already a real corpse king. He only has resentment and anger in his heart, and only the idea of ​​killing in his mind, so as long as the place he occupies is full of corpses, the people are in dire straits.

The people suffered, and the Yellow Emperor couldn't bear it, but he had tried his best to deal with Yinggou, but he couldn't even hurt the skin of Yinggou.

It wasn't until the Yellow Emperor got the Xuanyuan Sword given to him by Nuwa that he had the chance to defeat Yinggou.

Yinggou is a zombie powered by corpse energy, while Xuanyuanjian is a divine sword forged with righteousness and masculinity. In front of Xuanyuanjian, Yinggou began to become invincible. Every time the sword energy of Xuanyuanjian crosses , Yinggou will leak out his body energy, and it will be extremely painful, but Yinggou's anger makes him still insist on fighting against the Yellow Emperor's army.

"Wing Gou is brave, but he lost to Xuanyuanjian after all. Although he recovered quickly from his wounds and absorbed the corpses of the dead around him, in the end he was destroyed bit by bit by the Yellow Emperor with Xuanyuanjian, and finally exploded to death. !"

This is something the general knows, and it can also be said to be Yinggou's life.

When listening to the general minister's narration, Ji Yang felt that it was sad and hateful to win the hook. He was killed by the Yellow Emperor, and he died unjustly.

But for all of this, the Yellow Emperor also has an unshirkable responsibility. If Yinggou hadn't guarded Huangquan Styx, he wouldn't have had the chance to meet the remnant soul.

So no matter what Ji Yang thinks in his heart, he won't say it...

(End of this chapter)

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