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Chapter 2043 Resurrection of Cain and Mutu begins

Chapter 2043 Resurrection of Cain and Mutu begins
"Yinggou and I have a very good relationship. This may be related to his voluntary fusion of J's remnant soul. After all, I only appeared because of J's corpse."

"In the process of Yinggou's revenge against the Yellow Emperor, I also gave him some help, but on the day of his final battle with the Yellow Emperor, I did not participate because of other things."

"I don't know if this is my luck or Yinggou's misfortune. Although I think that together with Yinggou, I have a chance to beat the Yellow Emperor, but since Xuanyuan Sword can hurt Yinggou, it can also hurt me... "

The general is still silent in his memories.

There was a bit of remorse in his words.

Ji Yang really wanted to comfort the general, but as the general said, it was hard to say whether it was the general's luck or the misfortune of winning the hook that day.

If the general was there that day, and the one who died in the end, there might be more than one winner.

"Seeing Ying Gouyu and feeling Ji's breath, I really thought that something magical would happen, and that the one lying in the coffin was Ying Gou."

"It's a pity that my expectations were wrong. The corpses here are not the winners at all."

When the general minister's words came here, it was really finished.

Although the general's expression was a bit lonely, he felt much more comfortable.

The thought of winning the hook has been suppressed in his heart for a long time.

Speaking out today, the whole person feels much more comfortable.

"Okay, don't be emotional anymore, you are the zombie king of the general's zombie clan, if you continue to talk like this, I'm really afraid that you will cry."

"The dignified zombie king is crying, it's embarrassing to tell about it."

It doesn't matter if it is to ease the atmosphere, or it is Ji Yang to make the minister feel better.

With some teasing words out, a hint of displeasure appeared on the general's lonely face.

"Ji Yang, do you think I dare not beat you up?"

"What are you afraid of, general, but before you beat me, you have to let me resurrect Cain and Mutu first."

"This is something I promised the Dark Night Alliance, and to resurrect Cain, you can also ask Cain, where did he get this Win Gouyu?"

"Maybe he knows something else, maybe Yinggou is still alive, because you have never seen Yinggou's body."

When Ji Yang said these words, the general's expression was startled, and then he nodded heavily.

"Yes, you are right, maybe Yinggou is not dead yet."

"How could a majestic zombie king die so easily? Quickly resurrect Cain and let me ask him."

Rumors are rumors after all.

Although the general heard from others, Yinggou had been beaten to death by the Yellow Emperor.

But when the two fought against each other that day, there were still many people they saw at first.

But where the two ended up fighting, no one knows.

Anyway, the Yellow Emperor appeared alone in the end, and the Yellow Emperor himself said that Yinggou was killed by him and died violently.

But whether it is true, no one knows, and no one sees it.

But since then, it is true that I have not seen a winning hook.

"Okay, you all back away, I'm going to start resurrecting Cain and Mutu."

The general was a little excited, Ji Yang smiled and nodded.

Then he looked at Dracula and Baia, and following Ji Yang's words, no matter whether it was the general, or Dracula and Baia, they all retreated obediently to the distance.

At this time, beside the two thousand-year-old cold jade coffins, only Ji Yang was still there.

"Shen Nong Cauldron, Nu Wa Stone!"

The others all stood in the distance, Ji Yang waved his arms, and Shennong Ding and Nuwa Stone appeared in front of him one after another.

As soon as Shennong Ding and Nuwa Stone appeared, two breaths with a strong breath of life spread in the air.

These two breaths make everyone feel comfortable physically and mentally.

"This is the master's Shennong Ding and Nuwa stone, such strong energy fluctuations."

"With these two things, ancestor Mutu can definitely be resurrected."

"Yes, ancestor Cain can also be resurrected..."

Looking at the Shennong Ding and the Nuwa Stone that appeared in front of Ji Yang, it wasn't like everyone around them became greedy.

But they only dared to think about it in their hearts, but no one dared to really grab it.

Going to grab Ji Yang's things, isn't that courting death?

Even if Ji Yang couldn't control the people who robbed him during his resurrection, the general would kill those who dared to rob him.

"Nuwa stone, take it!"

"Shen Nong Cauldron, go!"

The Shennong Ding and the Nuwa Stone appeared at the same time, and Ji Yang had no intention of using the power of the Shennong Ding and the Nuwa Stone at the same time.

With a move of his arm, he took the Nuwa stone back and held it in his hand.

Then control the Shennong Ding to fly to the middle of the two coffins.

Immortal energy gushed out from the body and poured into the Shennong Ding, and the Shennong Ding began to spin rapidly, and a stream of green air with medicinal fragrance overflowed from the Shennong Ding and entered the bodies of Mutu and Dracula.

Although the thousand-year cold jade sarcophagus is good, it can keep the corpse from decaying for ten thousand years.

But after so many years, the corpses of Cain and Mutu still have some changes.

For example, the blood in their bodies has already coagulated, and the blood vessels have also shriveled or blocked.

Now Ji Yang is going to use the Shennong Ding to solve the situation of Cain and Mutu's bloodline, so that they have a certain vitality.

In this way, it will be much easier to use the Nuwa stone to resurrect.

"Boom boom boom..."

As the green air from the Shennong Ding entered the bodies of Cain and Mutu, slight explosions sounded from the bodies of Cain and Mutu.

When such a voice appeared, everyone was shocked.

Could it be that Cain and Mutu couldn't bear the power of the Shennong Ding and started violently?
"Master, the ancestor of Cain..."

"Master, the ancestor of Mutu..."

Although resurrecting Cain and Mutu is what the Night Alliance has always wanted to do.

With Cain and Mutu in charge, the strength of the Night Alliance will increase.

But the ones who most hope that the two will be resurrected must still be vampires and werewolves.And Dracula and Baia are the two most nervous people around.

When they heard a slight explosion, the two were startled and opened their mouths at the same time.

They opened their mouths because they wanted to ask Ji Yang if the resurrection was not on the way, or if there was an accident.

"You don't need to be nervous, they just died for too long, and the blood in their bodies stagnated for too long."

"These explosions are caused by the blood clogged in the body being opened, and the congestion bursting open."

There was no need for Dracula and Baia to finish speaking, Ji Yang knew what they wanted to ask.

Upon hearing Ji Yang's answer, both Dracula and Baia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boom boom boom..."

The blood vessels of Cain and Mutu burst out continuously, and Ji Yang could even hear the sound of blood flowing in the bodies of Mutu and Cain.

After feeling that the blood of Cain and Mutu was flowing smoothly, the corners of Ji Yang's mouth curled up. His preliminary work was considered complete.

"After so many years of death, not only the body has not rotted, but even the soul has not been damaged."

After the blood flowed, Ji Yang actually felt that there were still souls in the bodies of Cain and Mutu.

Although the soul seemed to be sleeping, Ji Yang really felt it.

The corpse is there, the soul is there, and I have made its blood flow normally.

Next, use Nuwa stone to revive them, there should be no problem...

(End of this chapter)

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