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Chapter 2077 No one can save the Demon Wolf King

Chapter 2077 No one can save the Demon Wolf King
It's just the black air flying down from the sky, so it's not a problem for the Demon Wolf King to dodge.

However, as the black air appeared from the ground and entangled towards the Demon Wolf King, the Demon Wolf King's dodging speed obviously began to weaken.

The black air emerging from the ground was very dense, and in the blink of an eye, the black air was like a cage, controlling the Demon Wolf King within an area of ​​30 meters square.

In the area of ​​30 meters, black air is still rising from the ground, and there is also black air falling from the sky.

Seeing that the Demon Wolf King has no way to escape, he will be entangled by these black energy.

As long as there is a black air entangled with the Demon Wolf King, there will be a second and a third.

At that time, the Demon Wolf King will be bound by darkness, putting him in a dangerous situation.


"Boom boom boom..."

After all, the Demon Wolf King is a high-level creature in the abyss of purgatory, and it is not so easy to deal with.

Seeing that he was trapped by a circle of black air, a red light flashed in the eyes of the Demon Wolf King, and he screamed several times, and every time he screamed, a black would fly out of his mouth.

The air ball flew out of the mouth of the Demon Wolf King like a cannonball, and hit the surrounding black air with bursts of roar.

The black air swayed violently under the wolf king's air mass, and then began to collapse.

Seeing the disintegration of the black air, the Demon Wolf King showed a look of joy on his face.

"Lucifer, I will remember today's hatred. The demon wolf clan and the fallen angels will become eternal enemies, and they will never die!"

The black air dissipated, and the Demon Wolf King had a chance to escape.

As it rushed towards the disintegrating black air, it looked back at Lucifer and shouted loudly.

It's just that after seeing the expression of the Demon Wolf King, Lucifer always had a sneer on his face.

"Do you think I'll let you live?"

Lucifer made a move today, so naturally he would not let the Demon Wolf King go.

Because the other party survived, he would definitely tell all the demon wolves about what happened today.

At that time, even if it will not reach the level of immortality, there will be a big gap between the demon wolf clan and the fallen angels.

This is not what Lucifer wants to see. If he hadn't considered these things, he wouldn't have brought only four seraphim fallen angels.

If he doesn't care about the consequences, he will bring a large number of fallen angels here and wipe out the demon wolves here in one fell swoop.

The wolf king's heart trembled when he heard Lucifer's words, and he ran a little faster.

Although the black air has dissipated, it still knows the horror of Lucifer.

Only by escaping quickly and meeting more demon wolves or other abyssal creatures can he survive.

But just after half of the wolf king's body passed through the disintegrated black air, the disintegrated black air suddenly condensed.

Several streaks of black air instantly entangled the demon wolf's hind legs, causing the running demon wolf king to fall directly to the ground.


"Oh wow..."

This fall hit the Demon Wolf King hard, and the Demon Wolf King cried out in pain.

It tried to break free from the black air, but the black air was far more difficult than the wolf king thought.

If he breaks free from one strand of black energy, another strand of black energy will entangle him.

And now it's not only its own hind legs, but black air is already entangled on its body.

"Demon Wolf King, why don't you keep running?"

"Lucifer, I have no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me?"

"Let me go, I will not tell others what happened today, as long as you let me go, I am willing to lead my group to surrender to the fallen angels, and let you send me, as long as you let me go."

Most of the Demon Wolf King's body was now entangled in black energy.

It can't break free from the black air, it will only struggle more and more tightly.

Unable to continue to escape, Lucifer fell from the air to the ground.

Lucifer looked at the Demon Wolf King indifferently. The Demon Wolf King lost his bravery just now, and looked at Lucifer with fear in his eyes.

The creatures of Abyssal Purgatory are ferocious and brave, and are even regarded as fearless of death.

But who can really not be afraid of death, anyway, the Demon Wolf King can't do it.

It doesn't want to die, it wants to give in to Lucifer, beg for forgiveness from Lucifer, and only hopes that it can continue to live.

"Let me send you? It's a very good suggestion. It is indeed a good thing to have hundreds of magic wolves to send."

"Yes, although my group can only be regarded as a small group among the demon wolf clan, the fighting power of hundreds of demon wolves is still very terrifying. Let me go, I am willing to sign an abyss contract with you, so that you will not be afraid of me I don't listen to you anymore, do I?"

With Lucifer's words, the Demon Wolf King felt the hope of being alive.

Signing an abyss contract is equivalent to signing a master-servant contract.

From now on, the Demon Wolf King will not be able to disobey Lucifer.

But no matter what happens in the future, at least I still have my life, which is better than death.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity."

"It's just that I have promised others to give him your heart, otherwise I really want to let you go."

"Demon Wolf King, you'd better accept your fate."

However, when the Demon Wolf King had already given up all his strength, he thought he saw the hope of being alive.

Lucifer's words made the Demon Wolf King's body tremble instantly.

It turned out that Lucifer didn't consider letting it go at all.

"Lucifer, roar..."

Seeing the Doomsday Judgment held up by Lucifer, the Demon Wolf King roared angrily and unwillingly.

"Demon Wolf King, roar..."

However, just as Lucifer's doomsday judgment was about to fall on the Demon Wolf King, a Demon Wolf guard rushed over.

The magic wolf's guard roared loudly and rushed towards Lucifer.

Four fallen angels against ten magic wolf guards, after all, there is a big gap in numbers.

Moreover, the strength of the demon wolf guards is not weak, and the four fallen angels cannot guarantee to completely trap them.

The charging demon wolf guard broke through the encirclement of the four fallen angels.

"Hmph, courting death!"


The magic wolf's guard rushed forward, Lucifer narrowed his eyes, and the doomsday swing did not stop at all, and directly slashed on the neck of the magic wolf's guard.

Blood splattered, and the head of the magic wolf's guard was chopped off.

Blood spattered Lucifer's face and Demon Wolf King's body.

Although the demon wolf guards are loyal, their strength is too weak after all.

"Demon Wolf King, no one can save you today."


"Oh wow..."

Lucifer beheaded a demon wolf guard, and a cold voice sounded from his mouth.

The Doomsday Judgment stabbed at the Demon Wolf King fiercely. The Demon Wolf King didn't even have a chance to struggle, and was pierced through the body by the Doomsday Judgment.

Strains of black air overflowed from the wound, taking the life of the Demon Wolf King.

A mournful and unwilling voice sounded from the Demon Wolf King, and the vitality in its eyes gradually disappeared.

"Demon Wolf King, oh..."

The demon wolf king's mournful cry sounded, and the demon wolf guards who were still fighting the fallen angels looked in the direction of the demon wolf king.

Looking at the body of the Demon Wolf King who gradually lost its vitality, they also looked up to the sky and screamed in mourning.

"Oh woo... oh woo... oh woo..."

"Lord Lucifer, a large number of demon wolves are coming here."

At the same time as the demon wolf guards screamed, the screams of the demon wolf approached from far away.

Hearing the sound of a large number of demon wolves, the fallen angel was startled.

Lucifer's face also sank, the voice of the Demon Wolf King alarmed the other demon wolves just now...

(End of this chapter)

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